Resort city of Sudak: All about Sudak in Crimea. City of Sudak, Crimea Summer holidays in Crimea Sudak

In Crimea, in every corner there is something to see and where to relax for your own pleasure, but many people like the city of Sudak the most. The impressions of a holiday there remain the most vivid! City of Sudak is a real pearl of the southeast coast.

This small town full of sights and wonders. This is a resort with a rich history, developed infrastructure, it will definitely be of interest to everyone, regardless of hobbies, age or gender. For family lovers beach holiday there is not only a gorgeous embankment with free beaches and a water park.

And the lovers active rest can try to climb Cape Alchak or make walking around the area to admire the picturesque natural scenery. Gourmets can taste the most exquisite wines from Massandra here.

The most striking attraction of Sudak is the Genoese fortress, a historical monument of the 11th-14th centuries. The fortress is clearly visible from the city and from the embankment; on a cool day you can go there on an excursion. When planning their vacation, many choose a vacation at the Sudak recreation center, flattered by the fact that this complex overlooks the Sudak embankment, which means it’s very close to the beach.

The beaches in Sudak are sandy and pebble, and the mild and arid climate of this region means that almost every day in spring, summer and autumn is a beach day, and the sea is always clean and gentle.

More than a decade ago, it was chosen by middle-income people for recreation - after all, prices here are lower than in Yalta, and it still remains attractive to many. Sidagios, Sugdeya, Soldaya, Surozh and finally – Sudak. Once upon a time this ancient city inhabited for the most part by traders, artisans and merchants from different countries, today it is one of the most popular Crimean resorts.

Geographical position

Sudak is located in the southeast of Crimea, between Alushta and Feodosia, it occupies the coastal mountainous part of the peninsula. The resort is notable for its unique landscapes, which at the same time differ from the reliefs, for example, the same Big Yalta: the mountains are not distinguished by special differences in height, there is no such lush and impressive variety of tropical vegetation. The climate at the resort is quite hot, and the air is sometimes even arid.

Transport connection

Getting here is easy - from Simferopol, right from railway station(bus station "Kurortnaya"), as well as from Central bus station Minibuses and buses run regularly. Now, from the airport, basically everyone goes by taxi, ordering it in advance or taking it locally (today, a new and modern airport is being built in Simferopol). You can also get to the peninsula via ferry, which will soon be completed Crimean Bridge. In Sudak itself, the main means of transportation are minibuses.

Our advice: do it in advance!

Sudak beach

Sudak Bay is protected on both sides by capes (Alchak and Mount Fortress), as a result of which it is rarely windy here, so the water is clear and clean, and the shallow sea is well warmed by the sun. The beaches can be called healing - the quartz sand that covers them has bactericidal properties and, when heated by the sun, has a beneficial effect on vascular microcirculation and metabolism.

The beaches are mostly free, but those that belong to boarding houses are usually prohibited for outsiders. On the outskirts there are also wild, poorly equipped, rocky beaches.

Tourist infrastructure

The most striking impression of the city is the Genoese fortress, striking with its majestic beauty and color. By the way, for its rather “middle-aged” age (about six centuries), the citadel is quite well preserved, much better than other Genoese fortresses in Crimea.

Sudak as a resort

Walking around the city, you can see architectural monuments. One of the earliest monuments of the Russian period in the history of Crimea is the Holy Intercession Church. The surrounding area is famous for its colorful views - those who enjoy the views of beautiful rocks and fertile valleys will like it here:

The city of Sudak is small and quite calm resort However, during the season its population increases several times. Among the vacationers are mainly parents with children, as well as young people and older people who prefer to relax in a not very noisy and picturesque place. Young people will have a place to have fun - right in the city center, not far from the embankment, there are nightclubs where guests can enjoy discos, cocktail bars, and restaurants.

Basic moments

From the west, urban development is limited by Mount Fortress, on the top of which rises the famous fortress. Towers and walls ancient fort- one of the oldest buildings preserved in Sudak. From the north, the city is closed by Mount Taraktash or “Stone Ridge”, and its eastern part abuts the protected Cape Alchak. Many people come to this cape for the wonderful seaside landscapes and interesting natural monument– through the grotto of Aeolian Harp.

In the center of Sudak you can see the Church of the Intercession, built in the first half of the 19th century. Another popular tourist attraction is the famous Sudak water park, which is located in the southern resort part of the city.

Travelers come to Sudak for the wonderful mild climate, excellent beach holidays and warm sea. Along coastline stretched several good beaches, covered with quartz sand. The swimming season lasts 138-140 days, and the number of sunny hours is 2550 per year - this is more than in Yalta (2220).

The city has a well-developed tourism infrastructure. Many hotels, boarding houses and guest houses have been built here, so there are no problems with accommodation. Proposals from the private sector are especially popular. Holidays in Sudak apartments, rooms and cottages are cheaper than in large cities South Bank Crimea.

Sudak has entertainment centers, museums, historical and natural attractions. The seaside town is small, so transport is not needed to get from one end to the other. In the vicinity of Sudak you can also travel walking. In addition, local travel agencies offer everyone a lot of interesting excursions with visits to the most famous attractions Crimean peninsula.

History of Sudak

A coastal settlement near a river flowing into the sea was founded by the Sughds in 212. This name was given to one of the tribes of the Adyghe group of peoples. In the Middle Ages, the Crimean city was called differently: the Italians called it “Soldaia”, and the Greeks called it “Sugdea”. The city expanded and grew due to the merchants who came here from Italy and Greece, as well as artisans who came to earn money.

In the 6th century, the Byzantine emperor Justinian I the Great decided to build fortifications on the Crimean coast. The city reached its greatest prosperity in the 12th-13th centuries, when the routes of the Great Silk Road passed by it. In the middle of the 14th century, Soldaya was captured by the Genoese, and in 1475 by the army. Ottoman Empire. The period of Turkish rule had an unfavorable effect on the city. It fell into disrepair, and the number of people living here became smaller from year to year.

In 1783 Sudak, like others Crimean cities, became part Russian Empire. During the Great Patriotic War this part of Crimea was subject to German-Romanian occupation, and when peace came, Sudak began to develop as a health resort and winemaking center.

Medieval fort and museum

The Genoese fortress is located in the western part of the city, not far from sea ​​coast, at the top of Fortress Mountain. The fortifications rise noticeably above the city blocks and are therefore visible from afar - both from Sudak itself and from the sea.

The exact time of construction of the fortress is not known. Some historians believe that it appeared in Sudak in the 6th century by order of the ruler of the Byzantine Empire, Justinian I the Great. After the Byzantines, Crimea was taken over by the Genoese, who significantly rebuilt and strengthened the defensive structures.

These days, the majestic medieval fortress has become a popular tourist attraction. It covers an area of ​​30 hectares and is open to visitors every day: from May to September - from 8.00 to 19.00, and from October to April - from 9.00 to 17.00. Entrance to the territory is paid. You can explore the ancient fort on your own or with a guide.

The Genoese fortress has two lines of defense - external and internal. The outer line stretched along northern slopes Fortress Mountain and consists of 14 towers and the Main Gate. The towers in this area of ​​defense are up to 15 m high, and the walls between them are 6-8 m, with a thickness of up to 2 meters. The internal line of defense includes 4 towers. At the very top of the Fortress Mountain stands the Watchtower, which is also called the Maiden Tower.

The ancient fortress houses a massive stone building known as the “arcade temple.” This religious building has interesting story. In the 13th century, the Seljuk Turks built the Padishah-Jami mosque in the Sudak fortress. When Turkish rule ended, the Muslim temple was converted into a Greek Orthodox church, and the Genoese who came to power used it as a temple for Catholic services.

In the 15th century, the Ottoman Turks settled on the peninsula, and they turned the religious building into a mosque. Time passed, Crimea became part of the Russian Empire, and an Orthodox church was again created here, consecrating it in honor of the Apostle Matthew. Approximately 600 years after its construction, in 1817 this church was closed due to disrepair. However, the story of the ancient temple did not end there. In the 80s of the 19th century it was restored and began to be used as an Armenian Catholic church.

Divine services here were interrupted in 1924, by decision of the city authorities. Two years later, a museum was opened in an ancient stone building, telling about the history of the city of Sudak and Genoese fortress. This museum is located in former temple and in our days.

For several years now, in the middle of summer, a large-scale festival has been held in the ancient Genoese fortress - the colorful festival “Genoese Helmet”. Club members take part in it historical reconstruction, fencers, as well as city residents and tourists who came to Sudak. During the festival, exciting knightly tournaments and a spectacular assault on the fortress take place. Master classes are held for guests, where you can learn pottery and blacksmithing, as well as try on knightly armor.

Astagvere Tower (Port) and the ancient Temple of the Twelve Apostles

The Tower of Astagvere and the Temple of the Twelve Apostles are located on a rocky hill to the west of the Genoese fort, 150 meters north of the seashore. Previously, a section of the fortress wall adjoined the Astagvera tower, which connected it with Corner tower main fortification. The fortification was built in 1386 to protect the city port. The place was chosen well - between two rocky peaks. The tower was named after the commandant of Soldaya, Federico Astagwer.

On the masonry of the tower you can see many bas-relief slabs, on which crosses of different sizes are carved. Researchers believe that these are tombstones that the builders brought from a nearby cemetery. All walls, except the north one, are plastered. The three-story tower, closed on all sides, stands on a massive square foundation and has four tiers. Each wall has loopholes so that defenders can fire in any direction. In addition, at the very top of the tower there were battlements that provided protection for archers.

The ancient builders thought through everything to the smallest detail and made sure that the people defending the tower could stay in it long time. On both sides of the fortification, large containers were knocked out in the rocky ground and filled with water from a small mountain river, so medieval warriors were always provided with a sufficient supply of drinking water.

Near the tower of Astagvere, on a rocky hill stands ancient temple Twelve Apostles. Soldaya was a trading city and grew from the coastal part. Near the city port there were houses of residents, merchant shops, craft workshops and outbuildings. When conducting archaeological excavations Coins and ceramics of the 3rd-4th centuries were found in this part of Sudak.

In the 10th-12th centuries, a small stone basilica was built for the harbor residents. From the hewn stone slabs They made one pentagonal apse in the church and consecrated the temple in honor of the prophet Elijah.

The coastline looked different in those days. Over the past centuries, the water level in the Black Sea has increased by 3-4 m, rising sea ​​water swallowed up the coastline, and the old harbor is now located at the bottom of the sea. However, an ancient basilica with a gable roof was erected on a hill and remains to this day next to the majestic Port Tower.

It is known that before the Second World War, inside the temple one could see a wall image of Jesus Christ and his closest disciples gathered for the Last Supper - that is why ancient church a new name was adopted. It began to be called the Temple of the Twelve Apostles. It was restored in 2009, and now it is a functioning Orthodox church.

Temples in Sudak

The Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary rises in the center of Sudak, 0.65 km southeast of the bus station, on the street. Lenina, 27. This temple was founded in 1819 and began to be built with donations from townspeople. However, the money raised was not enough, construction dragged on and was completed only in the 1840s. The church, consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, is interesting as a place where members of the Russian imperial family visited several times.

Services in the temple took place until 1936, then, during the period of active anti-religious campaign, it was closed to believers, and the bell tower was destroyed. During the Nazi occupation, the church was reopened to parishioners. It received residents of Sudak until 1962, when the temple was closed again by decision of the authorities. The Palace of Pioneers began to operate inside the iconic building, and after it, repair shops. In the early 1990s, the old church was restored.

The cross-domed church has entrances on three sides. According to the architectural traditions of the mid-19th century, they are decorated with columns and triangular pediments. To the left and right of the doorway you can see beautiful mosaics depicting saints. Nowadays, the temple is operational and open as a courtyard of the Kiziltash monastery.

Another, more ancient temple - the Church of St. Paraskeva is located on the western outskirts of Sudak, on Primorskaya Street, 13. It is located in the center of modern resort village Cozy, under the walls of the Genoese fortress.

Historians believe that the small church was built in the 10th-12th centuries. This is a one-story stone building with a gable roof covered with tiles. In former times there was a large cemetery around it, but today only two gravestones have survived from the old churchyard. One slab stands on the grave where members of the family of the scientist Christian Steven are buried, the same one thanks to whom the famous Nikitsky was founded Botanical Garden. The second tombstone covers the grave of the St. Petersburg artist Kondaraki.

Nowadays, the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Church has been well restored, and services are regularly held there. Near Orthodox church you can see the one-story building of the Lutheran church. It appeared in Sudak in late XIX century for members German colony, whose members began to settle under the Genoese fortress in 1805.

Museum "Funk's Dacha"

To the east of the Genoese fortress, in a beautiful two-story house that appeared in Sudak at the beginning of the 20th century, there is an interesting historical Museum(Ushakova street, 1). It got its name from the surname of the owner of the house - Fedor Fedorovich Funk, manager of the estate of K. A. Gorchakov.

Museum exhibits occupy four halls. In the first of them are exhibited archaeological finds, dating back to Paleolithic times. At Funk's Dacha you can see objects from a Tauri settlement, a Gothic sanctuary, an Alan burial ground and an ancient Greek fort. The second and third halls of the museum are dedicated to the history of Sudak during the reign of the Byzantines, Khazars and Venetians. The last hall of the museum exhibition tells about the periods of the Principality of Theodoro and the Ottoman Empire. “Funk’s Dacha” is open to visitors every day, except Mondays, from 9.00 to 18.00.

Excursion to Cape Alchak-kaya

Cape Alchak-kaya limits the urban development of Sudak on the eastern side. Nowadays, this is a protected area, and for travelers there is an entrance fee. A hill located on the seashore is all that remains of an ancient coral reef. Alchak-kaya received the status of a natural monument in 1988, and today it is protected by local forestry.

At the foot of the cape, where the small river Suuk-su flows into the Black Sea, archaeologists found a Bronze Age site, as well as coins minted in the 3rd century, when the Bosporan kingdom existed. Walking trip It takes about an hour and a half along the picturesque cape. Hiking trail surrounded by thickets of pistachio trees, barberry and prickly rose bushes.

From the top point of Alchak-kaya (152 m) a beautiful panorama of the sea coast opens. From here you can clearly see the Genoese fortress and the resort part of Sudak. On the slope facing the city there is a through grotto of the Aeolian Harp, which was formed in the rock as a result of centuries of erosion.

Water entertainment center

The Sudak water park, known to all Crimeans, is located in the southern part of the city, at the foot of Mount Alchak-Kaya, at the address: st. Gagarina, 79. Its territory is adjacent to the city embankment and is only a hundred meters away from the sea. The water park in Sudak is open during the summer tourist season, every day from 10.00 to 18.00.

For visitors, there are 6 swimming pools and 9 attraction slides, the height of which ranges from 10 to 14 m. The spacious pool has a three-level depth, fountains, a jacuzzi and a river with a counter-flow.

For young visitors to the water park, a separate pool with a three-level depth has been created, safe for swimming children from 2 years old. The children's pool has three slides, fountains and an entertainment sports complex in the form of a ship. It is very important that the children's pool is equipped with autonomous water purification and disinfection systems.

Restaurants and cafes

Public catering is developed in Sudak, so there are many restaurants, cafes, canteens, snack bars and bars open in the city. In most of them the prices are approximately the same, only the establishments on the embankment sell at a noticeable markup.

During the summer tourist season, on the beaches of Sudak they sell boiled corn, waffle sticks with condensed milk, baklava, chak-chak, fresh raspberries, mulberries and peaches, smoked perch, manti, pilaf, as well as mashed potatoes with cutlets and salad.

There is a lot of fast food on Cypress Alley. Here travelers can buy chicken rolls, aromatic chir-chir pastries - the local analogue of cheburek - and triangular pies - samsa baked in a tandoor.

While relaxing in Sudak, you should try Crimean cuisine. Local culinary traditions have been formed for many centuries. Despite the fact that the peninsula is inhabited by representatives of more than 80 nationalities, the dishes of the Crimean Tatars give the local cuisine its original flavor. These are, first of all, meat treats: “kubete” - a pie filled with lamb, potatoes and onions; “Yufakhash” – small dumplings with lamb, which are usually eaten with the broth in which they were boiled; sarma – meat “stuffed cabbage rolls” wrapped in grape leaves, and, of course, Crimean lagman – a hearty, rich lamb soup with vegetables and special noodles.

No less tasty and varied are the dishes of traditional Karaite cuisine: “buber dolmasy” - peppers stuffed with vegetables, duck under dough, Karaite pies, meatballs with nuts and raisins, turkey with quince, as well as melon jam with dogwood.

In Sudak, it is worth trying fried Black Sea fish - red mullet, as well as dishes from flounder and mullet. Some restaurants in the city serve perfectly prepared mussels and rapana juliennes.

Taste Crimean holiday would be incomplete without aromatic jam made from rose petals, dogwood or quince. Sudak also sells excellent Crimean wines. Massandra wines are famous for their excellent quality and aroma. It is advisable to consume them chilled to +16 ºС. And tea lovers will certainly appreciate fragrant Crimean teas with mountain herbs.

Special offers on Sudak hotels

How to get there

The nearest airport to Sudak is located 107 km from the city, in Simferopol. It accepts flights from Moscow and other major cities Russia. There are direct and passing routes from the Simferopol bus station to Sudak several times a day Shuttle Buses. During the holiday season they start running from 5.30 and end at 20.30. Buses go frequently, every 20 minutes. The road to Sudak takes about two hours. In addition, if you wish, you can take a taxi to the coast.

During the high season people come to Sudak by " Single ticket"provided by Russian Railways. To do this, they get to Krasnodar or Anapa by train, and then get to Sudak by bus through ferry crossing"Port Kavkaz" - "Port Crimea".

From Sudak there are regular bus services to Feodosia, Sevastopol and New World. In addition, many buses run daily from the city bus station, connecting Sudak with the nearest resort suburbs.

In the south-eastern part of the Crimean peninsula, 100 km from Simferopol, there is a cozy resort town of Sudak, which annually attracts tourists with its stunning landscapes, clean and transparent sea, mild climate, abundance of attractions and, of course, developed tourist infrastructure. To the north of the resort there are mountains covered with dense forest vegetation, the Kapsel Valley stretches to the east, and the western Mediterranean landscapes are already familiar to Russian tourists.

The population of Sudak is more than 16,500 people, but during the holiday season this number increases significantly, and the guests of the resort are both family vacationers and groups of young people who value high-quality, rich and interesting vacation. It is worth noting that Sudak is favorite place among vacationers with average incomes, because prices here are much lower, for example, in Yalta, but the beaches and entertainment here are no worse, and can easily compete with each other. Creative people who write poetry, draw, and maybe look for their muse quite often come to Sudak hotels; historians and geologists also come to the resort during archaeological excavations, because the city has rich history and is of great interest to them.

Pike perch attracts with its stunningly beautiful landscapes, always gentle sun and warm sea, it is worth noting that this is where the longest swimming season is observed. At the resort, sandy beaches coexist with forests and groves, a walk through which on a hot summer day will give you moments of coolness and peace. Do not forget that on the territory of Sudak grows a large number of gardens and vineyards. Guests of the city will receive a lot of positive emotions from walking around its surroundings, because Sudak has preserved a large number of ancient buildings of great historical value. The main attraction of the city is the Genoese fortress, which everyone who stays in Sudak should definitely see.

On the territory of the Sudak resort area there are several resort villages, each of which is attractive in its own way:

If we talk about the beaches of Sudak, they stretch from Fortress Mountain to Cape Alchak for 2.5 km. Due to the presence of breakwaters and the location of the resort surrounded by mountains, there are no high waves here; it is also worth noting that the descent into the water is gentle and the depth is shallow, which is why the resort’s beaches are the optimal place for families with small children. They are pebble and equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay - sun loungers and umbrellas, changing cabins, showers and toilets, equipment rentals and, of course, a cafe where you can order ice cream, fresh beer and other drinks and light snacks.

People come to hotels in the center of Sudak not only to relax and see local attractions, but also to improve their health. The main specialization of the local boarding houses and sanatoriums is the treatment of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and the main resource is unique climate resort.

Holiday season in Sudak

Pike perch is excellent place for family recreation and recreation. The prices here are reasonable compared to other resorts, the climate is favorable, and... tourist season lasts from May to October. We will consider holidays in Sudak at all times of the year, so that you can choose the optimal period for your trip.

Holidays in Sudak in summer

The period of high tourist activity lasts from the end of June to the end of August. At this time, vacationers swim in the Black Sea and sunbathe, and also attend various festivals. Accommodation prices at this time are the highest, however, they are much lower than at the resorts of Greater Yalta, which is good news. The markets, beaches and streets of the resort become crowded, but if you don’t mind the large number of tourists, welcome to Sudak at the height of the holiday season!

Sudak is the sunniest city on the Crimean peninsula, with about 2,550 hours of sunshine per year. Summer at the resort is hot, the air temperature rises to +30°C and this is not the limit. Fresh breezes blowing from the sea help withstand the sweltering heat. As for the water temperature in the Black Sea, at the beginning of June it is +20°C, but by the end of the month it rises to +24-+25°C, and later even increases to +26°C.

Velvet season in Sudak

The beginning of autumn is the ideal time for a calm and measured holiday. During this period, you can enjoy cool weather and deserted beaches, because there are significantly fewer vacationers. Another advantage of holidays in the Velvet season are prices that drop by about 25-30% compared to the summer, for example, in the fall you can stay in a 4-star hotel for the price of a 2- or 3-star, and there is no longer a rush to purchase tickets. If we talk about the weather, the Black Sea temperature in September is +21-+23°C, the air temperature is +23-+25°C.

Holidays in Sudak in spring and autumn

Spring in Sudak is a very beautiful time, but at the very beginning of this season the vagaries of the weather cannot be avoided, fogs often fall, it can rain, and so on. Towards mid-April, the weather becomes stable, the sun shines almost every day, trees and shrubs bloom, and the sea air emits the aromas of flowers and herbs. Crocuses and irises bloom in the juniper valleys in spring, making it an ideal time for walks and recovery. Autumn is no less attractive in this regard, and it is much warmer than spring. Noticeable cooling occurs only towards the end of October, when the thermometer drops to +14°C. Autumn Sudak is very beautiful and romantic, bright leaves fall from the trees, and stunning landscapes appear.

Holidays in Sudak in winter

Winter Sudak is characterized by cool and windy weather. Snow, on the contrary, falls extremely rarely; it rains much more often and the sea is stormy. The air temperature on a winter day varies from +3 to +8°C; abnormal frosts are extremely rare. If we talk about the water temperature in the Black Sea, it varies from 0 to +5°C.

10 things to do in Sudak:

  • Visit the pride of the entire Crimean peninsula - the Genoese fortress in Sudak.
  • Go fishing on the open sea.
  • Visit the famous New World champagne factory.
  • Visit the most interesting show at the dolphinarium.
  • Take the whole family to a water park.
  • See the Sudak party from the top of the Ferris wheel.
  • Enjoy natural beauties on a horse ride.
  • Play volleyball or table tennis.
  • Spend the evening in one of the resort's cozy restaurants.
  • Have a good rest and get a charge of positive emotions for the whole coming year.

Where to stay - hotels in Sudak

The greatest demand is for hotels located near the sea - in the area of ​​​​Cypress Alley, the water park and the Sudak shopping center. There are a large number of 3-star hotels, as well as boarding houses and mini-hotels. The cost of living varies widely and depends, first of all, on the category of the chosen accommodation facility and the range of services provided. If you prefer quiet areas, pay attention to hotels on the second and third coastlines. The road to the beach will take 15-20 minutes, and as a bonus you will receive much more pleasant prices and tranquility, which is sometimes so lacking for residents of big cities. Many hotels in Sudak offer their guests equipped kitchens and cots for little guests. To select the number that best suits all criteria, use

A cozy small city that surprisingly combines the stormy resort life with silence, comfort and cleanliness surrounding nature.
Sudak is located on the shore of the bay of the same name. The walls and towers of the famous fortress rise above the city. The fortress mountain dominates the area and falls steeply into the sea. This is perhaps the main tourist attraction in this region. The walls are in some places intact, in others dilapidated, inside the Consul's house and the mosque, which houses the archaeological museum, have been restored.
The fortress is incredibly picturesque and photogenic. Many films have been shot here, and magnificent landscapes of the Sudak Valley can be seen from its walls. - the best preserved structure among its kind in Crimea. From the east the bay is limited by Cape Alchak. Between the fortress rock and the cape there is a long strip sandy beach. Some beaches are paid, some are free. The equipment of the beaches is quite up to standard - sun loungers, umbrellas, rental of all kinds of equipment, scooters, banana rides, etc. Those wishing to retire go to Cape Alchak.
Along the beaches there is a wide embankment and a coastal park, where there are many 24-hour cafes, restaurants, entertainment venues, there are no questions about eating and having fun. This is where the agents are located. travel companies, you can book any excursion, find an instructor for scuba diving, buy in the stalls everything you need for relaxation, souvenirs, fruits.
, vacation in Crimea
The city, in general, is small; you can walk through it from end to end in no more than half an hour. It is built up with both private houses and multi-storey ones. Some houses remain from Germans evicted from their colony at the beginning of World War II; some belong to Tatars returning to Crimea after deportation. Some houses, especially in the area of ​​the beach and the fortress, have been converted into family restaurants, often serving national cuisine.
In summer, famous artists often tour in Sudak. Some concerts, for example Kirkorov's, are held at night on the territory of the fortress; fireworks displays are often held, in which local specialists have achieved an enviable skill.
If we can talk about the feeling of Crimea, then it is connected with Sudak,” wrote Professor Pavel Novitsky in the twenties. “This is a place full of wild grandeur and picturesque romance. And indeed, you never cease to be amazed at the authenticity and sharpness of sensations that Sudak and its immediate surroundings give.
To this day, the Genoese fortress captivates with its formidable magnificence, which has preserved the memory of the Great Silk Road, the sparkling clash of West and East.
The bays of the New World, which have preserved their ancient pristineness, are delightful, the sea spray of which is surprisingly reminiscent of the famous Novy Svet champagne - the brainchild of the winemaking genius Lev Golitsyn.
The history of Sudak is so rich in events that it could decorate the biography of anyone. large city, although, frankly speaking, many pages of this story evoke sympathy. On this tiny piece of land, West and East, European civilization and the Islamic world, the Roman Catholic Church and Byzantine Orthodoxy, Kievan Rus and the Horde, the Russian Empire and Ottoman Turkey met.
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The city of Sudak in Crimea, founded by the Sughds in 212, knew periods of prosperity and decline, it was captured by the Khazars, Greeks, Genoese, Turks and Russians. The city occupied a convenient position, ship caravans gathered here, trade flourished, and residents were engaged in agriculture. The Greeks called it Sugdeya, the Russians - Surozh, the Genoese - Soldaya, the Turks - Sudak. With the annexation of the peninsula to the Russian Empire, Sudak in Crimea became Russian. The town itself and the surrounding lands were taken into possession by Potemkin, according to his will local residents They began to plant grapes, fig, mulberry, almond and fig trees. IN Soviet time Sudak in Crimea developed as a resort and winemaking center. This is exactly how he remains today.

What to see

The most famous medieval monument in Sudak in Crimea - Genoese fortress. The year of its construction can no longer be determined. It is believed that the Byzantine emperor built it in the 6th century, and the Genoese who came in the 14th century rebuilt and strengthened it.

The fortress has a massive stone building, which over the centuries has served as both a Turkish mosque and a Greek one. Orthodox Church, the Genoese made it a Catholic church, and after the arrival of the Russians the building again became an Orthodox church. Now there is a museum of the history of the Genoese fortress and the city of Sudak in Crimea. Nowadays, the “Genoese Helmet” festival is held on the territory of the fortress. Fencers and members of historical reconstruction clubs participate in knightly tournaments, and residents of Sudak in Crimea and guests of the resort can take part in master classes of potters and blacksmiths.

Not far from the fortress is the Astagvera Tower, built in the 14th century to protect the port. The Genoese captured Sudak in the Crimea forever, so they built the tower so that the defenders could hold out in it as long as possible - large containers were knocked out of the rock to collect water, and the battlements at the top of the tower protected the archers.

The city of Sudak in Crimea also has its own historical museum, this is the so-called Funk's Dacha. The finds collected in the halls belong to different times: objects from Tauri settlements, Gothic sanctuaries, and a Greek fort. Another exhibition tells about Sudak in Crimea during the times of the Khazars, the heyday of the Principality of Theodoro and the rule of the Ottomans.

If you are interested in the history of Sudak in Crimea in even more ancient times, then during an excursion to Cape Alchak-Kaya you will be shown an ancient Bronze Age site. But the cape itself is also interesting. On its slope there is a through grotto, the Aeolian Harp, and from the top it opens beautiful view to the fortress and the city.

The surroundings of Sudak in Crimea are no less interesting:

  • Cape Meganom is considered the driest point in Crimea. The sea near it is very clean, this place is especially loved by divers;
  • Mount Ai-Georgiy is convenient for climbing. Wildlife lovers will see relict juniper, Crimean oak, and from the top of the mountain there is a beautiful view of Sudak in Crimea;
  • Mount Perchem is strewn with the remains of destroyed ancient monasteries and temples;
  • Just west of Sudak in Crimea is the village of Novy Svet. There you can visit Chaliapin’s grotto, walk the Golitsin trail, and swim in Tsarskaya Bay.

A modern attraction is a water park. Six swimming pools, 9 slides, a section for children with fountains and small slides will bring pleasure to the whole family.

Where to stay

Sudak (Crimea) is a small town with a well-developed infrastructure for tourism. By public transport you can very quickly get to anywhere in the city and neighboring villages. Renting a house in Sudak in Crimea is quite simple. There is everything here: sanatoriums, boarding houses, private housing, guest houses, hotels:

  • Hotels in Sudak in Crimea there are different: budget and expensive. Rooms in expensive hotels and apartments are available even during peak season, they are comfortable, beautiful, and the food is restaurant style. Inexpensive hotels are located in lines 2 and 3; you will have to walk to the beach, usually it takes 15-20 minutes;
  • Guest houses They do not organize meals, but always provide a kitchen with the necessary utensils. Most often there is a swimming pool and parking, and the rooms have TV, air conditioning, internet;
  • Private housinggreat option, if you are looking for cheaper accommodation. Find suitable option Accommodation can be done directly on the spot or in advance using booking sites. Housing in the private sector has many advantages: privacy, the opportunity to enjoy the territory, cozy atmosphere, atmosphere of the present summer resort. In Sudak, you can find housing in the private sector right on the seashore - an ideal solution for families with children.

Who is suitable for a holiday in Sudak in Crimea?

It is considered the most environmentally friendly, because there are no industries nearby except wineries. The beaches in Sudak in Crimea are sandy, stretch along the entire coast of the bay, and the swimming season is perhaps the longest on the peninsula. Along the entire coast, the entrance to the sea is very convenient - there are no stones, it is gentle, waves are very rare.

Of course, in terms of entertainment, Sudak in Crimea cannot be compared with Alushta or Yalta, but relaxing in a small town has its advantages:

  • There is no noisy public, crowds, queues;
  • Vacations are much cheaper than in famous resort capitals Crimea.

Holidays in Sudak in Crimea will appeal to families with children, student groups, young couples and all those people who care not about the big name of the resort, but about the sea and sun, new experiences, and the stunning beauty of Crimea.