A short message about ancient Greece attractions. The main attractions of Greece. Rivers and lakes of Greece

Arriving in this hospitable, bright, beautiful and such different country you see - Greece really has everything! This country is rich in attractions, always welcomes guests and is ready to offer a lot of interesting things.

When going to Greece, think about the purpose of your trip. If you just sunbathe on the beach, you can pack your suitcase starting in May. The holiday season in subtropical Greece lasts until October. However, during this period it is too hot in the country, and there are a lot of tourists. So, for exploring historical sights and cultural recreation, it is best to choose April or October, when the number of tourists decreases and the temperature is set at the most comfortable level for walking around the city.

First of all, many tourists go to Athens to see the famous Acropolis, local museums and other interesting places. The island of Crete is also rich in attractions, with many legends and myths associated with it. This island allows you to combine beach holiday culturally, which is why it is especially popular among travelers.

What else is worth doing in Greece? Of course, try the local cuisine, rich in meat and seafood, appreciate the taste of Greek fruits and wine, taste coffee and sweets. You can't miss these Famous places, like Mount Olympus and Athos, the ancient palace of Knossos, picturesque island Rhodes and the Temple of Poseidon. In fact, it is simply impossible to see everything that Greece is rich in during one trip, so we will try to briefly talk about the most famous sights of this country.

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What to see in Greece?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photographs and brief descriptions.

In ancient times, this city was the center of the country's social and religious life, and even today its ruins make a strong impression. All you can do is walk around and marvel at how skillful the ancient Greek builders were in creating such beauty, which also lasted for several millennia!

Previously, this port city was home to one of the seven wonders of the world - the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes. And now tourists come here to see the Rhodes Fortress, which in the Middle Ages served as a safe haven for the Knights Hospitaller. The fortress is perfectly preserved and looks very impressive and powerful. You can also see the ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite, windmills and a number of other interesting objects.

This beach, 25 kilometers from Corfu town, is famous not only clean water and soft sand, but also rock caves, which every tourist is advised to visit. The bays in this area are incredibly picturesque, and the infrastructure is well developed, so the beach will become good place For family vacation.

This palace-castle has 205 halls and rooms, each interesting in its own way. Tourists are advised to see the internal mosaic courtyard, the Hall of Music, Dance and Waiting, the Reception Hall, and the Hall of Byzantine Icons. Particularly impressive is the rich interior decoration of the rooms, among the decorations of which there are many antique vases, Greek amphorae and statues.

This hill in Athens is a must-see for every tourist. Indeed, how can you miss one of the most famous buildings of antiquity! The main objects of the acropolis are the Parthenon, the Erechtheion and the Temple of Nike, however, it will take more than one day to explore all the historical monuments of this place without exception.

Very nice and cozy place. During Venetian rule, a harbor was built in the old town of Chania, which today is replete with cafes and fish taverns. Here you can ride a horse along the cobblestone sidewalks or go on a boat trip. However, just admire the beautiful view and historical buildings won't hurt either.

Do you want to feel like a god, Zeus the Thunderer? Then be sure to go to Mount Olympus to look down on the whole world. The ascent will require some physical effort, although there are campsites and rest areas for tired tourists along the way. You can make the climb easier by taking a taxi for the first part of the journey.

This island is rightfully considered the most beautiful in the world! Indeed, it is difficult to imagine something more beautiful than its snow-white houses, descending to the sea of ​​an incredibly pure azure color! The flow of tourists arrives on the island of Santorini as early as March and does not dry up until November. The island is considered an excellent place for a romantic wedding and family vacation.

This is the largest gorge in Europe, which has become a national park. A visit to the Samaria Gorge is possible only as part of a tourist group, walking route is designed to take at least four hours and will require significant effort. However, beauty untouched nature This place will be a worthy reward for travelers.

You have definitely seen this ancient structure, if not in photographs, then in the guise of numerous buildings that have become its copies. These slender columns cannot be confused with anything! The Parthenon, of course, now cannot boast of its former greatness, however, it still looks like a striking example of ancient architecture. Work on its reconstruction continues.

Built as an amphitheater around the main fortress old City Mystra really does look like the "Wonder of the Seas." Today it represents picturesque ruins, which are surrounded by equally beautiful nature. This museum is under open air is under UNESCO protection. The Palaiologan Festival takes place here every year.

Amazing a nice place. Imagine a mirror-clear surface of the water, picturesque rocks on the sides and the bright sun that breaks into the cave thanks to the dome destroyed by the earthquake. Boat rides and swimming in the Melissani cave lake will definitely be one of the highlights of your trip to Greece.

Myrtom Beach has earned a reputation as the best in Greece. Its purest, snow-white sand evokes a strong desire to drop everything and just relax, basking in the sun and listening to the sound of the surf. The beach has a crescent forum and is located in picturesque bay, so the waves here are small. Tourists are offered various services, in particular, rental of umbrellas and sun loungers.

Looking at these monasteries, which by some miracle “climbed” the inaccessible rocks, you begin to believe in higher powers. The Meteora monasteries have been in operation since the tenth century and have never been closed. Now on cliffs up to 600 meters high there are six operating Orthodox monasteries, male and female, for which certain days and hours are set for visiting.

A place where thousands of pilgrims flock from all over the world. Holy Mount Athos is a self-governing community of 20 Orthodox monasteries. Athos is revered as the earthly Destiny of the Mother of God. By the way, women are strictly prohibited from entering here! Violators even face criminal sentences. Men should observe strict dress code and follow established rules.

In that small town On the island of Rhodes is the second most important acropolis in Greece after Athens. The Acropolis of Lindos is famous for its unique petroglyph, on which an ancient Greek warship is carved. In addition, here you can see the remains of the temple of Athena Lindia and the residence of the Knights Hospitaller.

Not big Island ok in the Aegean Sea is known as perfect place for relax. On the island of Mykonos coastline about 89 kilometers, there are both cosmopolitan beaches and those intended for family holidays. The most popular of them are Paranga and Agios Ioannis, from where you can see beautiful view to the island of Delos.

Navagio Beach is often depicted on advertising brochures of tourist operators - the place is incredibly beautiful and attractive. It is often called the “shipwreck beach” because the wrecked ship Panayiotis, which belonged to smugglers, still lies here. It is noteworthy that it is impossible to get to Navagio Beach, surrounded on all sides by inaccessible cliffs, by land.

This cape in the south of Attica is mentioned in Homer's Odyssey. People have long lived here, attracted by the favorable location of Sounion. On the cape there are remains of the sanctuary of Poseidon, near which an interesting archaeological exhibition has been created. In addition, the cape will delight tourists with its amazing views of the sea and nearby islands.

If you want to see Athens as it was many centuries ago, be sure to visit Plaka, the oldest district of the city. Walking along its winding streets with snow-white steps, you can see houses, some of which stand on the foundations of ancient buildings. Plaka is interesting for its taverns, wine cellars and souvenir shops.

This one is practically desert island in the Aegean Sea is mentioned in many myths and legends. On Delos there are ruins of the temples of Artemis and Apollo, as well as other traces of ancient civilizations. In addition, of interest are the Dolphin House, the Lions' Terrace, the preserved market Square, as well as the Doric temple of Isis.

This lake has become popular recently tourist place, despite the fact that it is located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level. Lake Plastira not only serves as a source of fresh water for those around settlements, but also decorates this area. The clear blue water surrounded by green shores looks especially attractive.

Built at the end of the 19th century, the palace is located near the city of Corfu and attracts tourists with many interesting works of art. Here you can see fancy furniture, as well as many statues of Achilles and paintings of him. The Achilleion Palace is surrounded by a beautiful park, which descends in steps to the sea.

People come to this amazing country from all over the world in order to see various, almost collapsed antiquities, delve into the history of the cradle of civilization and feel like a part of it, find harmony and peace in their souls. Greece is a place where opposites collide and through this fusion, something new and incredible emerges. Nature, meeting man, creates masterpieces that continue to amaze even after millennia. Cultures colliding with each other form new symbiosis, interesting and colorful. Faith encounters sacred places and allows a person to create entire complexes that can illuminate the darkest path.


The amazing island located in the Aegean Sea. Tourists should visit this place for some of the most wonderful scenery in Greece and to see the island's landmarks. The island itself has volcanic origin. For those who are interested in culture, the archaeological museum and the museum of prehistoric Thera will be a pleasant discovery. Their exhibitions present a rich collection of Ferian vessels that saw the light of day in the sixth century BC, many interesting sculptures and portraits that belong to figures of different eras and many finds from excavations that were carried out in Akrotia.


Gulf of Corinth

It is not yet so famous among tourists, so there will be fewer people there. Impressive with its location, it combines Rocky Mountains and amazing sea ​​coast. This island is also rich in wonderful beaches and excellent cuisine, which consists of the inhabitants depths of the sea. Local restaurants Always hospitable to guests and are ready to provide best dishes Mediterranean. The Gulf of Corinth should begin exploring the Peloponnese, which is huge historical center. You can visit several ancient cities at once, such as Mycenae, Tiryns, Kalamata, Corinth, Argus, Sparta, Xylokastro.

Gulf of Corinth


It is the largest island in Greece and the birthplace of the Minoan civilization. Due to its location, the island is popular among those looking for answers to historical mysteries, active recreation or stunning scenery. Those who love more prestigious holiday, luxury hotels and bustling cities await, for relaxing holiday Crete provides excellent beaches and beautiful mountain landscapes. For an excursion you can go to the ruins of the Knossos labyrinth. If you believe the legends, it was here that the Minotaur lived - a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man. He appeared from Minos' wife, Pasiphae, when she cheated on her husband with a bull. The labyrinth was built so that no one could see the monster. Subsequently, when Minos lost his son, he ordered fourteen young men and women to be sent to the island every nine years. None of them returned, having died from the labyrinth or the Minotaur. The horses of the terrible tradition were laid down by Theseus, who was able to kill the monster and return home.

Panathinaikos Stadium

One of the most significant attractions of the Panathinaikos Stadium is a majestic structure built entirely of white marble. Previously, the Panathenaic games were held there, but now they were restored in the nineties of the nineteenth century and continue to be used for sports games to this day.

Panathinaikos Stadium


It is the highest point of Athens, where the most important architectural structures of the city are concentrated. For many, Greece is a place of interest, the description of which comes down to this complex. The most significant of these structures is the Parthenon, built in honor of the goddess of wisdom, Athena. Its construction was carried out by Pericles, who spent a huge amount of money on this temple. He explained his extravagance by saying that the building, which the ancestors would be proud of for centuries, was worth the expense. The great architect turned out to be right - the Parthenon delights and excites the imagination of guests of Athens from all over the world and, first of all, the Greeks themselves to this day. In addition to this building, the Acropolis contains a huge number of structures and statues that cannot be ignored by any guest of this wonderful country.


Vikos Gorge

It is listed in the book of records as the deepest gorge in the world. Its depth is almost fifty meters and its length is two tens of kilometers. This natural attraction is located in the Pindus Mountains and belongs to the Vikos-Aoos National Park. The gorge is rich in the rarest and most valuable representatives of the fauna. It is best to come to see this attraction in the warm season - summer and early autumn. It is during this period that the rivers are the least deep and will not interfere with walks.

Vikos Gorge


The Island of Knights is one of the most populated places in Greece. Located incredibly close to Turkish border, thanks to which it was often conquered by the Turks. Now they are popular among tourists all over the world due to the abundance of medieval buildings and wonderful beaches. It is an ideal choice for those who love noisy beaches with developed infrastructure.


One of the districts of Athens. Of particular interest are its neoclassical architecture and abundance archaeological excavations. In addition, you can visit the many Plaka museums, which contain the results of excavations. This area is located in close proximity to the Acropolis. A must visit is Adriana Street. She, according to locals, is the most old street Athens. Most of the buildings were erected in the 17th century. However, they were built on the foundations of buildings that were erected in ancient times.

Diru Cave

Another natural attraction of Greece is the Diru Cave. It is located a quarter of a hundred kilometers from Areopoli. In fact, this cave unites a whole network of various underground corridors and canals. In addition, there is an underground river running through the cave, which allows for excursions by boat. Previously, temples were organized in these places, as they were considered the entrance to the underworld.

Diru Cave


They represent one of the most significant places for the Orthodox world. In total, the complex includes twenty-four monasteries, which were built directly on sandstone pillars. Literally translated, the name of this complex means “middle of the sky.” In fact, this is so - the monasteries are located at a considerable height and will definitely amaze even the most sophisticated guest with the views.

Delphic Theater

Located in the ancient city of Delphi, named after the son of Apollo. Scientists date its appearance to the second century BC. Today, the impressive building is only partially preserved. Previously, it was used to host the Pythian Games, established, according to legend, by Apollo himself. Now the theater accommodates several thousand spectators who come to it for the classical drama festival.

Delphic Theater

Achilleion Palace

Located on the island of Corfu. Built by order of Elizabeth of Bavaria, who considered this location ideal place for your residence. The design features were carried out by the architect Raphael Caritto; the authorship of most of the sculptures belongs to Ernst Geter. When the First unfolded World War, the residence housed a hospital, and during the second world war, the building was occupied by the Nazis for their headquarters. Today, Achilleion is used as a museum and is open to visitors.

Achilleion Palace

Samaria Gorge

This creation of nature is one of the most beautiful places on the entire island of Crete. Currently, hikes are being organized along the gorge, during which travelers will be able to find themselves in a cypress forest, feel all the charm of a pine forest, and meet many mountain springs and go to the shores of the Libyan Sea. The entire journey takes about a day, so during your entire vacation you can set aside this day for stunning nature. You can observe rare species of birds and plants, in addition, in this place, in the center national park Crete, home to a Turkish goat called the kri-kri. The most remarkable part of the gorge is the narrow part called “The Gate”. It is in this part that the walls are three hundred meters high, and there is only a passage of a few meters between them. Such natural structures make you think.

Samaria Gorge

Melissani Cave

For those who think that Greece is only photos of attractions, Melissani Cave will be a pleasant surprise. This natural formation appeared about two tens of thousands of years ago. Presumably, humanity owes the formation of this cave to the dissolution of rocks. When the water from the Ionian Sea made passages for itself. Thanks to the ingenuity of water, underground cave a lake appeared. Then an earthquake occurred, thanks to which the upper part collapsed. Now and to this day it’s wonderful underground lake illuminated by a delightful depression through which the sunlight penetrates and, playing on the surface of the water, illuminates the cave with many different colors. The name of this beautiful place appeared thanks to a legend. People believe that the nymph Melissini used to live in this place; she was unrequitedly in love with Pan, so the nymph lost the meaning of life and drowned herself.

Melissani Cave

Lake Plastira

This reservoir is the creation of human hands. It receives water from the Tavropos River. The lake owes its appearance to the Greek general Nikolai Plastiras. Now this lake is famous as one of the highest in Europe. Tourists come to this reservoir for active rest: cycling, swimming, horse riding.

Lake Plastira

Mount Athos

It is a peninsula-mountain. Only men will be able to enter it; women are not allowed to enter its land. There are twenty monasteries on the peninsula, including large and important ones. In addition, they store priceless Christian relics: icons, manuscripts, relics. In addition to monasteries, you can find a theological school on Mount Athos. There is also a Russian monastery. It was founded at the beginning of the eleventh century. At least, this is what the first written evidence suggests. And in the seventies of the nineteenth century, the St. Panteleimon Monastery was recognized as Russian.

Mount Athos

Acropolis of Lindos

Located on the island of Rhodes. The Acropolis is located on a high point and offers travelers magnificent views. This happens when nature itself meets human imagination. A place appears that is not affected by time. Millennia will pass, and descendants will admire this amazing building.

Acropolis of Lindos

Mount Olympus

Recognized as the most high point Greece. Now there is a nature reserve on it, and before, according to legends, gods lived on it. Visit this amazing place It’s worth it if only for the unforgettable view that opens from the nearly three-kilometer-high peak. At this distance from the surface of the water there are glaciers that will cool down travelers who have risen from the summer. In addition, from the peaks of the mountain you can take in the whole of Pierria.

Mount Olympus


In ancient times, this place was the main place for potters of Athens. It was convenient for its location - very close to the sea itself washed up the richest deposits of clay. There is also a huge cemetery here, which dates back several dozen centuries. For curious travelers, there is a museum that displays collections of funerary urns, jewelry and sculptures.


Odeon of Herodes Atticus

This stone theater is located south of the Acropolis. It was erected in the year one hundred and sixty-one by order of Herodes Atticus. The tycoon dedicated this building to his wife, Regilla. The structure is an amphitheater with a three-story wooden roof. The theater could accommodate several thousand visitors who came to it to enjoy wonderful music. The theater still hosts various thematic events to this day.

I travel regularly. About three trips a year for 10-15 days and many 2 and 3 day hikes.

The heart of Greece in every sense is the capital, the city of Athens. The city's name comes from the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena. A city whose title as the cradle of Western civilization is undeniable.

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Sights of Greece. The most interesting and main attractions of cities and regions of Greece: photos and descriptions, location and helpful information for the tourist. What you can see in Greece on the mainland and islands.

Heart, and main attraction of Greece in every sense - the capital, the city Athens. The city's name comes from the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena. A city whose title as the cradle of Western civilization is undeniable. During a visit to Athens is the main point of the inspection program main attractions of Greece. The structure of the city is unique in that all the main attractions are concentrated in one place - the area of ​​​​the Acropolis of Athens. With this historical place Great Greeks such as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Euripides, Sophocles and Aeschylus are associated.

The Acropolis is located at an altitude of 156 meters on a rocky hill. In its immediate vicinity are the Theater of Dionysus, the National Archaeological Museum, the Temple of Zeus and many others.

Much north of the Greek capital is the ancient city of Delphi, which houses the magnificent Temple of Apollo, famous as the site of the Pythian Games. The temple is located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus and was a place of pilgrimage for many Greeks. Also located here are the Temple of Athena, the Stone of Sibyl and the “Navel of the Earth”.

The second largest city in Greece is also the capital of northern Macedonia. Thessaloniki is the most Old city Europe. The city has a lot of greenery, squares and wonderful cozy streets. The center of the city is Platia Aristotelous and Platia Eleftherias squares, which are always filled with crowds of people. Also take a walk along the embankment, where there are many restaurants and cafes.

A peninsula whose name is heard every time it is mentioned interesting places in Greece. Famous place peninsula - the ruins of Olympia, where the Olympic Games were held. Here are the remains of the world's oldest stadium, where the world's first sporting competition was held in 776 BC. In the area adjacent to the stadium is the Olympic Village, which includes the Temple of Hera, a gymnasium and baths. In the northeastern part of the peninsula is the city of Epidaurus, famous for its ancient theater, the construction of which dates back to the 3rd century BC. The theater has been perfectly preserved and even today has excellent acoustics.


At a distance of 90 km in the direction of the southwest, Mycenae is located - one of the most important centers of ancient Greek culture. According to legend, the builder of the city was Perseus. This city was sung by the great Homer as “a kingdom drowning in gold and wealth.” Main attractions of Mycenae: Tomb of Agamemnon, royal palace and “Lion Gate”.

The main attractions of Greece - video


Olympus is located 100 kilometers from Thessaloniki - the most high mountain in Greece. From mythology we know that for the Greeks this mountain was the “House of the Gods,” namely the dozens of main gods whom they worshiped. Geologically, Olympus is a mountain range consisting of 52 peaks, the highest of which is Mount Olympus (2,917 meters).

On the slopes of the mountain there is a magnificent National Park with beautiful plants.


The largest island located in Greek territorial waters. Known largely due to ancient myths. It was the center of the Minoan civilization, the oldest in Europe. One of the most important mythological moments in the history of the island is the myth of the Minotaur (man-bull) and the brave Theseus, who defeated him. The myth of Daedalus and Icarus is also directly related to the island of Crete.

Interesting places to visit in Greece are the island Santorini, famous for the eruption of the volcano of the same name and the beautiful lagoon formed on the site of the crater, and the island Rhodes, according to legend, turned by knights into a fortress in order to protect Christians from the aggression of pagans advancing from the east.

This was a short story about top tourist attractions in Greece. If you want to know more, go and see everything with your own eyes.

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Greece is a country where there is everything! Luxurious beaches, clear waters Mediterranean Sea, many amazing architectural monuments, excellent cuisine and cozy hotels... “The Cradle of Civilization,” as Greece is also called, is located in the south of Europe - on part of the Balkan Peninsula and on more than 1,400 islands.


To travel to Greece you will need. The requirements for a foreign passport are standard - it must be valid for 3 months from the date of completion of the trip, and the document itself must have 2 pages free of marks.


The currency in Greece is the euro. Until 2000, the Greek drachma was in use. There are many in the country exchange offices and ATMs, at major resorts You can pay with a bank card without any problems. However, if you are going on holiday to the remote islands of Greece, it is better to stock up on cash.


Navajo Beach. Zakynthos, Greece

It is best to go to Greece in the warm season - from May to September. The sea swimming season on the island opens at the end of April and ends in October. At other resorts the sea warms up a little later - towards the end of May. In Greece it is almost always warm and sunny; you can come on excursions at any time of the year.


Chania, Crete island, Greece

The most popular resorts Greece - islands and. Here you can easily find suitable option tour - a wide variety of beaches and hotels, enough inexpensive prices, there are good hotels for families with children. If you are going to Greece for the first time, then it is better to choose these resorts. Crete is associated with ancient Greek myths and the homeland of the minotaur. Rhodes is famous for the fact that it was here that one of the wonders of the world was located - the Colossus of Rhodes.

Round-trip flights to Greece

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.


Parthenon. Athens, Greece

In terms of the number of attractions, Greece confidently holds its place in the top ten countries in the world. Ancient ruins, picturesque islands, magnificent beaches, amazing excursions, hospitable taverns... There are perhaps even more attractions in Greece than residents and tourists combined!

Many famous attractions are located on the Greek mainland. Athens is a museum capital where you literally cannot take a step without discovering traces of history. Ruins located in central Greece ancient city Delphi. Tourists also go to Greece on pilgrimage tours to monasteries.

On the islands, vacationers are interested in ancient ruins, architectural monuments and stunning landscapes. The most famous attractions of island Greece are located on and.


IN national cuisine In Greece, kebabs souvlaki and moussaka take pride of place - they will be on the menu of any restaurant. In Greece, the famous Greek salad is called “horiatiki”, that is, “country”. For a quick snack, pita is a good option - a flatbread stuffed with meat and vegetables.

Portions in Greece are very generous, so take this into account when ordering. Before serving the main courses, the café offers free freshly baked bread and olive oil.

You should definitely try snails (escargot), sartsa (beef with tomatoes, garlic and special sheep cheese ladotiri), pastitsia (lasagna with a Greek accent) or swordfish kebab (xifias souvlaki), white eggplant with grilled octopus.

Greeks love to drink coffee - both hot and cold, with ice. For a large dinner or lunch, people often order retsina (white wine), ouzo (aniseed vodka) or Greek Mythos beer. If you're there, be sure to try kumquat liqueurs, and wine from the Asyrtiko variety.

What to bring

The main Greek souvenir is olives. Butter, soap, pate - what only the Greeks do not make from the fruits of the nurse olive. Olive oil costs about 10 euros per liter.

Sweets take second place in the ranking of Greek souvenirs. Nougat and Turkish delight (2-5 euros per box) here are not at all the same as in. Local honey is especially interesting - a small jar will cost 8-10 euros. Many people bring alcohol from Greece - ouzo, metaxa, rakia, kumquat liqueur.

The famous handmade Greek leather sandals will cost 30-60 euros per pair. You can take measurements and have shoes made exactly to fit your feet for 120-200 euros. In addition to them, you can look for linen clothes with a national pattern - a meander.

Another souvenir from Orthodox Greece is an icon. The faces of saints, made on a cypress board and consecrated in one of the country’s monasteries, will be a wonderful gift for yourself or your believing loved ones.

Prices for souvenirs in Greece depend on the resort and the distance of the retail outlet from the center - the further from the beaten tourist path, the cheaper.

Good to know

  • The flight from Moscow to Athens takes 3.5-4 hours. Flight time to Crete or Rhodes is 3-3.5 hours.
  • In winter, time in Greece lags behind Moscow by one hour; in summer there is no time difference.
  • Restaurants and taverns in Greece are open from 12:00 to 16:00 and from 20:00 to midnight, and some of them serve guests until 2:00 am.
  • Greek hotels are not assigned “stars”, but categories: deluxe (5*), A (4*), B (3*) and C (2*).
  • In Greece, it is customary to leave a tip of 10-20% of the bill. In places popular with tourists, the surcharge is already included in the bill.
  • Museums throughout Greece are free to visit on all Sundays between November 1st and March 31st. On major holidays (both secular and religious), admission to museums is also free.
  • Greece has an excellent bus service. Tickets are sold at newsstands or small shops near stops. On the islands you can negotiate and buy a ticket from the driver - but it will cost more. “Vote” - otherwise the bus will not stop.
  • Taxis in Greece are not very expensive. The color of the cars is different: in Athens they are yellow, in Thessaloniki they are blue or white, and in Rhodes they are black.
  • Only men are allowed to enter Athos. There are no exceptions, even female animals are not allowed on Mount Athos - for more than a thousand years. To get there, men need to apply for a special visa and written permission - diamontirion.

This amazing country has a huge number of historical, cultural, architectural and natural attractions. Tourists from all over the world come to Greece not just to relax on the beaches. Here you can expand your knowledge of how modern Europe was born and formed, a huge part of which belongs to the classical era of Hellenism and pre-Hellenic history and culture.

TOP 20 attractions in Greece

The sights of Greece will tell you about the birth of the European democratic tradition, the golden era in mythology, literature, sculpture, architecture, theater, sports, etc. In this beautiful country there live hospitable people who love Russia, they are always friendly to Russian tourists. Don’t forget the well-known phrase from Russian cinema: “Greece has everything!”

1. The ancient Greek city of Delphi

This city in ancient times was a religious center for the worship of the god Apollo. According to legend, it is named after his son Delphi. In addition, the city is known for hosting the famous Pythian Games for many centuries. Delphi is included in the UNESCO list. This is a world-class historical and cultural attraction.

Delphi arose approximately 1.6 thousand years BC. and at first Mother Earth was worshiped there. And later the myths of classical Ancient Greece arose, associated with Zeus and the pantheon of gods. During excavations in the second half of the 20th century, here, on the slope of Mount Parnassus, a temple of Apollo, an ancient theater, a stadium, treasuries, etc. were discovered.

2. Medieval city of Rhodes

And this famous Greek landmark dates back to the era of Antiquity and the Middle Ages with its crusading knights. Also this is famous beach resort. The most interesting thing you can see here is the Rhodes Fortress, which was built by the Knights Hospitaller in the 13th century on the site of an ancient acropolis.

Behind the powerful walls of this fortress is the Palace of the Grand Masters, built on the site of the ancient Temple of Helios. In the old town of Rhodes, you can wander along the Street of Knights and plunge into the Middle Ages. There are ancient forts and ports that played a significant role in the history of Rhodes, and much more.

3. Palace of the Grand Masters

It is worth talking separately about such a historical and cultural landmark of the Rhodes Fortress as this Palace. It is also on the UNESCO list, as part of the Rhodes Fortress. This is a very impressive structure, built according to all the rules of medieval fortification.

For many centuries, the Palace of the Grand Masters served as the residence of the leader of the Hospitaller Order, which once controlled the entire Mediterranean. Today the Palace of the Grand Masters has become huge museum, whose exhibits tell visitors about the history of the island and the city of Rhodes from Antiquity to the present day.

4. Paleokastritsa Beach

This is a world famous beach and a Greek landmark. It is located on the island of Corfu in the north of the Ionian Sea at the resort of the same name. Tourists can fully enjoy the clearest turquoise water, bright but not burning sun, as well as beautiful olive, lemon and orange groves around.

On Paleokastritsa beach you can have a great rest, it is one of the ten best European beaches, and at the same time get acquainted with cultural and historical beaches, of which there are extremely many here since ancient times.

The Acropolis is business card modern Greek capital. The first thing you should see in this city is Acropolis of Athens. From here begins an acquaintance with classical Ancient Greece, with its myths and legends, gods and heroes, scientists and philosophers.

It should be noted that on the hill where today you can see the Acropolis of Athens, there was a royal palace back in the Mycenaean era. In the 7th century BC. e. The construction of the most famous temple, the Parthenon, began in the acropolis, and a century later the temple of Athena was erected, of which only the foundation remains today.

During the time when Greece was under the Ottoman yoke, the Acropolis of Athens was a mosque. Later it became an arsenal. At one time, the pasha’s harem was located in one of its temples. The Acropolis of Athens was repeatedly attacked by barbarians and vandals. Today it is magnificent museum open air.

Many tourists strive to visit Cape Sounion to see this ancient temple. Once upon a time, the ancient Greek Poseidon, the god of the sea, patronized fishermen and sea travelers who lived in Attica and all of Hellas. They brought gifts and sacrifices to their god, and he gave them good luck.

The Temple of Poseidon was built in 400 BC. Among scientists there is a version that it was erected by the Atlanteans - the inhabitants of the legendary Atlantis. Today, only the ruins of the temple and 12 columns remain. Archaeologists near the temple discovered a huge statue of a man, possibly Poseidon, and several smaller statues.

Olympus is the highest mountain in the country, located on the coast Aegean Sea. But this is not what made her famous. As you know, it was this mountain that the gods of Ancient Greece chose as their place of residence, which is why Olympus acquired a sacred status. The area around mountain range today it is a national reserve.

What mere mortal does not dream of visiting the home of the gods? That is why this mythological landmark of Greece is a favorite among travelers from all over the world. Fortunately, there is also an excellent tourist infrastructure there, incl. ski resort.

8. Santorini Island

This island is considered by many to be the best tourist destination on earth. It is ideal for a family holiday. It's beautifully clean here sandy beaches from white to black, the houses look like something out of a fairy tale. In Santorini, wedding ceremonies are often held between couples who dream of a family life like in a fairy tale.

There are a huge number of attractions on such a tiny island. First of all, these are Catholic and orthodox churches, there are about three hundred of them. There are also many ancient ruins of the Minoan era of Greek civilization. Stay in local hotels, sunbathe on the beaches - you will have unforgettable memories.

9. Samaria Gorge

This is a famous natural attraction of the island of Crete. The Samaria Gorge is the largest in Europe, it is named after the ancient village located nearby. This is an incredibly beautiful place, visiting which you can take many unique, beautiful photographs.

It’s worth going on a tourist excursion to this gorge to once again appreciate the great Greek past, see the ancient Cretan civilization, be amazed by the beauty of the nature of Crete, its flora and fauna, and get acquainted with the ancient way of life, way of life, customs and traditions of the islanders.