Megaliths of Altai. Small Bashelak. Places of power Arkaim and dolmens. FSC Dolmens of the Altai Territory

Several thousand dolmens are known on our territory. They are stretched in a narrow strip along the Caucasus ridge from Anapa to Achamchiri in Abkhazia. The first stone tombs appeared on the mountain slopes about 4.5 thousand years ago, at the dawn of the Bronze Age. Nowadays, dolmens must be looked for in a dense forest, but in ancient times the border of mountain forests ran much higher. Consequently, the megaliths stood on exposed slopes, creating a majestic picture, and this made a strong impression on the neighboring tribes. In the mythological consciousness of ancient people, a thing and the master who made it were not separated. Therefore, any people tried to have a tangible symbol of their power; most often, such a symbol became temples or tombs of their ancestors, on the construction of which no labor was spared. The dolmen could be used for a single burial or serve as a family tomb, in which members of the same family were buried for many years.

Dolmens were built from separate large slabs, made from blocks, and partially or completely carved into the rock. The most common are dolmens, which are composed of four slabs placed on edge, covered with a fifth slab. The entrance hole was blocked with a heavy stone plug. The sizes of the structures ranged from relatively small “houses” to giants 3.5 m high. The construction of these structures required the efforts of many people, because only the dolmen lid near the village of Verkhnyaya Eshera weighs about 20 tons. At the same time, the huge stone slabs have the correct shape and are neatly hewn. In ancient times, most dolmens were completely or partially covered with earthen embankments, without which it was simply impossible to install a multi-ton cover. At the same time, the embankment protected the tomb from natural destruction and robbers. To save the graves from desecration, the builders used different ways, sometimes they even imitated the entrance by cutting out a fake plug, while the real hole was behind, covered with stones. But this did not help much, and many burials were plundered in ancient times.

However, dolmens were not simple tombs, but served as places of worship and special religious rites associated with the cult of the dead. It is no coincidence that the entrance of many of them is located on the sunny side - south or east. Even in dark gorges, the facades of dolmens face a well-lit mountain or rock. The Psynako mound near the city of Tuapse is especially famous. It was amazing building. The ancient builders placed a dolmen inside a round stone building with a dome, then they covered the whole thing with a clay embankment, and on top they piled a stone hill 5 meters high. At the same time, a long underground passage (dromos) led to the entrance to the dolmen from the edge of the mound, along which one could get into the tomb. Until recently, at the top of the mound there was a round platform, from which stone ribs-rays extended downwards. All this allowed us to assume that Psynako is not just a burial place, but a kind of temple, a place of worship of a great ancestor. Moreover, some scientists believe that with the help of specially placed stones, priests could observe the starry sky and draw up a calendar.

Nikolai Fedorovich Shevchenko
Head of the field research department of the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve named after. E.D. Felitsyna

Places of power- these are special places in which an unusual energetic effect occurs on humans and all living things. As a rule, places of “power” are located above tectonic faults surrounded by ancient volcanoes. In such places, all kinds of temples and other sacred structures, such as dolmens, were built. Healing springs and rivers often flow on the territory of these structures or next to them. Their healing properties and dynamic compatibility with people are time-tested and accepted by the people. Staying in these places promotes harmonization of the body and a positive attitude. Various things often happen in places of power. anomalous phenomena associated with the release of energy from the earth. They are divided into natural-spatial ones, in which the energy impact is determined by the terrain and unusual natural factors, and sacred, associated with cult practices and ritual worship.

Places of power have been known since ancient times. Usually they are given special significance; most of the shrines and temples that are especially popular are located in such places. These places attract people. There you can escape from everyday life, feel harmony with nature, feel and feel that it is alluring and unknown to consciousness. Mystery attracts!
According to the legends of the ancient Aryans, the energies coming from the Creator to the water have the ability to cleanse the subtle bodies of people. Apparently this explains the pilgrimage of sick people to such places and numerous cases of healing.

Unlike plant and other natural forms, exposure to “places of power” promotes spiritual growth. Many come to such places for health, but they recover (even from incurable diseases) only when they realize that as a result of envy, anarchy, lawlessness, pride, self-will, exaggeration of their own importance, and the overthrow of authorities have grown.

FSCs from 1st to 8th mainly contain information on various herbal preparations. The new FSCs contain the strongest energy-informational components collected from various so-called “places of power”.

All selected “places of power” work only for people who have made their choice towards Good.
Due to the fact that the topic is becoming more and more popular, the question arises of how to help those who have not been to places of power to feel and perceive those flows and vibrations, and, more importantly, the information that is present there. This is the most important thing, so to speak - the substrate of influence, in those places that we habitually call “places of power”!
Each of these places has its own information spectrum of influence on biological organisms in general, and on humans in particular. The impact of a particular place is made up of a whole sum of components, which, in addition to biochemical impacts, also includes an energy-informational picture this place. Each of the so-called “places of power” has its own special spectrum of frequencies and acts in a very specific way, like homeopathy.

The simplest and most effective way to transfer information about the settings of consciousness from places of power is to fix it in the form of wave characteristics of liquid crystalline water in a specific place of power, followed by its transfer to water carriers inside a biological object. In essence, these are the “FSC – Places of Power” plates. All samples for replication were prepared either by direct sampling of water from appropriate sources, or by exposure to radiation in “places of power” on test water samples.

One of the most interesting “places of power” is the ancient settlement of ARKAIM in the South Ural steppe. The discovery of the “Country of Cities” in the south of the Urals became the biggest archaeological and cultural sensation on the threshold of the 21st century. Scientists believe that the age of Arkaim older than age Egyptian pyramids and that the people who lived here were the first representatives of Indo-European culture. Judging by archaeological excavations, this unusual settlement was at the same time a temple, a fortress, a craft center and a precise astronomical observatory. Archaeologists have found evidence of highly developed metallurgy and metalworking. It is interesting that even in those days Arkaim was a completely environmentally friendly city with a water filtration system and other treatment facilities. No dirty waste flowed into the rivers. Scientists believe that the ancient population had effective ways to process and reuse waste. It lived in harmony with nature.

Fortunately, spiritual power-energy has not completely disappeared; it has been preserved in the ancient centers of the birth of world cultures, where many of us are drawn like a magnet. Why?
Traveling to such places, a person intuitively strives to come into contact with a special form of subtle energy, in which the ancient knowledge, capabilities and settings of our ancestors of all previous civilizations are felt. By communicating with this force, accumulating the pure energy of your ancestors, you are able to attract any positive events to yourself, change your destiny, restore your health, and gain mental and physical well-being.

In ancient times, people existed at a very high level of consciousness, which made it possible to achieve an understanding of the divine essence of the World and the spiritual and energetic nature of Man himself, his personal inner strength.
It has already been proven that internal and external spiritual power is much more important for the development and survival of humanity than air, water, food and other material goods.

In the preface to the book by V.P. Putenikhin’s “Place of Power - the city of Arkaim. In Search of the Lost Paradise” it is said that long before the beginning of the existence of Sumer and Babylon, long before the pyramids were built in Egypt, long before the heyday of the Indus Valley and everything that is commonly called civilization, on In the Southern Urals, the Spirit already inhabited human bodies, representing an action of the highest culture. And although representatives of this culture lived in clay and wood structures, dressed in animal skins and ate simple food, the main thing is that they existed at such a high level of consciousness that we now cannot even imagine.
As a result of what events began the fall of humanity from the high spiritual level at which it was until it reached the modern state, is an incredible mystery. In fact, how did man turn from a solar being who transforms the physical world into the World of pure light into a stupid and rather aggressive being who opposes his intellect to the Divine nature and thinks only about satisfying material and carnal needs? Where is the moment of truth? Why is there so much unexplained in ancient history? Where and how do civilizations disappear without leaving any traces?

Having lost the unity of the Power of Spirit and the Way of Life, humanity began to turn into biorobots, processing products, and began to serve completely different purposes... not the purposes for which it was originally sent to Earth.

More precisely, in the trinity of Man there have been changes in priorities. In the structure in which the Spirit controlled both the Physical body and the Soul, everything was subject to the principles of harmony. And when the Spirit and Soul swapped places, the cult of the Physical body began - to dress, feed, please, etc., and, as a result, put it in a grave. As a result, we became mortal.
At the moment, 70% of our lives for most people are under the strict control of the external information field created by habits, stereotypes, traditions, current knowledge, i.e. everything that is defined in one word - EGO. It is the EGO, as a product of the disharmonious consciousness of a civilized person, that does not allow and prevents us from returning to the harmonious consciousness of the inner trinity. But this is precisely what is a necessary and obligatory condition for the Quantum Transition, of which we are all participants.

Places of Power are located next to us, sometimes very close, they are filled with the spirit of ancient times, their riddles and secrets.

And so let's return to Arkaim. S.P. Maltseva has been coming to Arkaim for 20 years and is considered a “conductor” through whom all the universal energy of Arkaim passed. In the preface to the trilogy about Arkaim, she writes: “We, people living on Earth, look to the Sky with our heads held high. But there are places on Earth where we can see the sky only by bending it low. One of these places is Arkaim. The Arch is the Sky, Them is the Earth. Arkaim is a door, by opening which a person who lives or strives to live according to Conscience finds himself in a world of harmony and miracles. Because Arkaim is a place where Heaven touches Earth, and many people who have been here do not immediately understand where earthly reality ends and heavenly reality begins. But their Faith is already unshakable: Arkaim is the path to the Truth."

Various instrumental methods have confirmed the natural energy anomaly in this place. Therefore, representatives of various faiths and all kinds of healers make pilgrimages to these places.

Further S.P. Maltseva notes that the Aryans (who inhabited Arkaim) did not get sick, but were treated only when the arrows of the nomads suddenly overtook them. For a long time, age-related changes in the bones and tissues of the body were not observed, so the age of people whose remains were found in burial grounds is determined by the standards of our time at 30 - 35 years (they simply did not age!)
Let's take a closer look at the places on Arkaim from which information is recorded on our Places of Power plates.

The main attraction of Arkaim is Bald Mountain (Shamanka, Shamanikha) - the remnant of a once formidable paleovolcano that operated in this place more than 300 million years ago. Volcanoes are located on faults in the earth's crust, being anomalous zones planets. It’s not for nothing that many ancient temples were built in such places, which created a certain aura in them that had a beneficial effect on people.

In the ancient Sumerian language “Sha” is the Sun, “Man” is a person, that is, a servant of the Sun. This mountain on Arkaim is of paramount importance; more than others, it is shrouded in legends, beliefs and secrets. People come to this mountain for knowledge that will help transform and improve the world, and also give impetus to people in their development and preservation of the Earth. According to N. Vagipov, on June 21, on the day of the summer solstice, at sunrise on Mount Shamanikha, a surge of energy is noted on Arkaim through the ray swastika located on Mount Reason. At this time, a grandiose cleansing of man takes place. In another way, the Shaman is called the mountain of fulfillment of desires and cleansing of negative energies. At the top of this mountain there is a man-made spiral, it is also called the “Spiral of Life”. This information is registered on the FSC “SUCCESS”.

Mountain of Love (Anael) on the topographic map this mountain is designated as Rook Hill, and in fact, a huge number of rooks live in the birch grove near Mount Love. It is believed that the ancient inhabitants of these places met the sunrise every day on the Mountain of Love. They knew that its first rays carried only light, only pure energy, which created joy and love. They absorbed these rays into their hearts as a gift from God Ra-God of the Sun (where the word joy comes from) And indeed, everyone who was lucky enough to meet the sunrise on the Mountain of Love (and in other places in Arkaim)
never cease to be amazed at this mystical phenomenon, these energies that fill them with quiet joy and a powerful flow of Love and Light, bringing peace and balance not only for the whole day. The Mountain of Love, like the Shaman, is an extinct Volcano. A stream of pure energy flows on it, which is called the energy of Love.

It is also lined with two man-made spirals. The large spiral of the Mountain of Love is located at an inclination of 35-40 degrees. As you walk along it, you must forgive everyone who has offended or abandoned you, and you yourself must ask for forgiveness from everyone you remember and whom you cannot remember. Cleanse your heart, make room for new Love.

On the small spiral of the Mountain of Love, which is collected in the shape of a heart, lovers come to unite their feelings forever or lonely ones to meet their one and only. The ability to love, to love impeccably is the most important condition on the path to achieving harmony and integrity, which our ancestors mastered perfectly.

According to legend, after the wedding, the ancient Aryans left the newlyweds alone on the Mountain of Love. And every day someone brought food for them. As soon as a woman became pregnant, they went down and prepared their home to meet the birthing miracle called Man. Therefore, childless couples often come to the Mountain of Love and subsequently become happy parents.

The Mountain of Reason is a unique mountain formation located in the Arkaim valley, on the slopes of which in some places there are well-preserved dilapidated images of swastikas (a sign of moving energy, a symbol of Arkaim, a symbol of people living in the mind), laid out by the Aryans many centuries ago, they write in their book “Arkaim- The Motherland of Zarathustro" V. Tsarevsky and S. Tsarevskaya. It is believed that this mountain gives clarity of mind and enlightenment of memory, self-confidence, self-confidence, initiates into the Mind, which is the basis of human life on Earth, says the same book of the Tsarevskys. This mountain emits powerful streams, the strongest bursts are observed during the summer Solstice (June 21-22). Three water samples (two hemispheres of the brain and their harmonization) were obtained at dawn on the day of the summer solstice from June 21 to 22. It was this information that was prescribed by S.V. Koltsov. at FSC SUCCESS.

The most important place on Arkaim is the ancient Settlement, where the ancient Aryans lived. On June 20-24, 1987, during the summer Solstice, when the divine power of the Sun is manifested at its maximum, two teenagers unexpectedly discovered two large concentric ring-shafts on the earth. It was in the southern Urals, Chelyabinsk region, not far from the village of Aleksandrovka, where a dam was being built, with the help of which, upon completion of construction, these places were supposed to be flooded. The children reported the discovery to archaeologists and the scientists, looking at the earthworks and foundations, realized that this was a city. The settlement was at the same time the dwelling of the ancient Aryans, a craft workshop, a ground observatory and a Temple. In the very middle of the Settlement there is a pyramidal stone and a circular frame with flat stones. It was in this place that the Temple of the ancient Aryans was located and, as the guides say, it was in this place that many millennia ago the ancient Shamans performed their prayers and this energy has remained there until our times. It is from this place that the information on FSC LOVE is written.

Also, the FSC SUCCESS contains information obtained by direct selection of water from the Bolshaya Karaganka River, which helps cleanse negative energies and rejuvenate.

Another unique place of power Mountain Altai. This region is a source of powerful potential for positive energy. Located at the junction of four states (Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan), the territory of Altai has become a kind of crossroads of worlds, a crossroads of cultures. Here people seeking some kind of perfection, unity with themselves and with nature find relief from all anxiety, melancholy and depression. A person, like a tiny particle of a huge planet, is fed with the energy and wisdom of the Earth. A bunch of sacred places preserves the Altai land. Even in ancient times, people found in the Altai land something more than rivers, forests and mountains. This is explained by the abundance of mound complexes from different eras.

The most energetically powerful object in the Altai Mountains is Mount Belukha - highest peak Siberia, 4506 m above sea level. She is a majestic monument of nature, a shrine Altai mountains. Its aura is so attractive that it has been attracting travelers and scientists from all over the world for centuries. Here a person can rise, soar above worldly worries, leave behind all worries and worries, lift the veil of the mystery of existence. An understanding of something greater, higher than the everyday life comes, the truth of our existence is revealed.

Mount Belukha is located exactly in the center of four oceans - the Indian, Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans are at the same distance from it. Many places of power are located on the Katunsky ridge, the highest point of which is Belukha: the Katunsky glacier, where the Katun River originates. And information from these places is also recorded on our new FSCs.

Now let’s talk about the “places of power” that attract many tourists to Crimea. These are Dolmens!

DOLMENS translated from the Breton language means “stone table” and is considered by modern archeology as funerary, and some as places of worship. Their age is estimated from 3 to 10 thousand years BC, all of them are oriented to the cardinal points and built in non-random places. One thing is certain: the radiation from them restructures water environments and, just like Arkaim, carries a spiritual load. The dolmen has a shape that, like a lens, focuses scattered radiation from the Earth into a beam of force that connects the bygone consciousness with modernity. Those who practice meditative techniques claim that dolmens were made to help humanity restore lost knowledge or gain new knowledge. The FSC “Places of Power” contains more than ten samples of water that were exposed to radiation from dolmens in the vicinity of the city of Gelendzhik. Their names, as a rule, directly indicate their functional purpose.

Translated from early Celtic, the name Tall men literally means “stone pillar”. It is believed that these mysterious structures appeared on Earth at the same time, and maybe even a little earlier than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. Nobody knows where the people who built these structures came from. Nobody knows where they suddenly disappeared. But what they left behind defies any description!!! Time flows differently near these blocks, and with their help you can control the weather. For many people, illnesses disappear without a trace, unusual abilities are discovered and their lives change.
There are few varieties of dolmens, but the geography of their distribution is very extensive: England, Italy, France, Israel, Lebanon, North Africa, the Middle East, China, Karelia, the Carpathians, Crimea, Moldova, North Caucasus. Despite such a huge scatter, all dolmens are surprisingly similar to each other! It remains a mystery how people who erected dolmens at approximately the same time, but in different corners world, were able to build such identical structures (and not only externally, but, apparently, also in purpose)? And why were these colossal structures even built?

There are many hypotheses on this score, both in the scientific and pseudo-scientific environment. The original scientific theory was put forward by archaeologists. According to it, it was assumed that dolmens were funerary burials. Indeed, human remains were discovered near some of the dolmens. Their research showed that the aging processes of people who lived near dolmens slowed down several times, and the person remained young much longer! But several contradictory points have been identified in this theory. Firstly, in the found burials there were no belongings of the deceased, which was unusual for the funeral customs of that time, and secondly, the age of the dolmen, as a rule, significantly exceeded the age of the burial itself, which suggests a different original purpose of the dolmen. Another hypothesis, which claims that dolmens had cult-religious significance, also does not fully explain and reveal their purpose, although stone flooring was discovered near many dolmens - a space man-made paved with stone (and this is typical for many ritual structures of antiquity). A vertical slab of a dolmen with a hole could serve as a symbolic gateway to the otherworldly or underworld. It is not without reason that gates are carved on similar slabs of many dolmens, and they often have a convex appearance. To achieve this, it was necessary to do incredibly hard work - to remove the stone layer from the slab. But, despite this, no objects for processing stone, objects of worship, or sacrificial objects were found near the dolmens.

Of course, it is possible that over different periods of time, dolmens were both graves and objects of cult worship, but is this their original function? What meaning did the ancient architects put into these mysterious buildings?
There are other hypotheses that try to unravel the mystery of dolmens. The origin and purpose of dolmens really does not fit into generally accepted scientific dogmas, but alternative theories can help to understand and understand the origin and purpose of these stone giants. Gradually, the study of famous dolmens, in particular in the Caucasus region, bore fruit: when they were tied to the area and plotted on maps, various rather interesting patterns in their location became clear. But the most interesting thing happened in the process of marking dolmens using GPS devices: sudden anomalous malfunctions were observed in the operation of previously serviceable and proven equipment. People who have visited dolmens note changes in themselves, feel some kind of invisible influence that they cannot explain.
Researchers who conducted research in the Gelendzhik region put forward one interesting and unusual theory. In their opinion, the dolmen is most similar to the model of an “absolute black body” - an ideal information transmitter. And what brought them to this idea was the material from which a huge number of dolmens in this region were created - quartz sandstone. The fact is that this is not a completely ordinary mineral. It has become widespread in radio engineering due to the fact that, under the influence of compression, it produces the so-called “piezoelectric effect”: it becomes capable of generating electric current, as well as stabilizing the frequency, maintaining constant oscillations. Experiments have shown that using such an installation it is possible to change weather, for example - to make it rain! In addition, under mechanical stress, quartz can emit radio waves. (schematic? Drawing?) This means that dolmens, most of which are located in seismically active zones of faults in the earth’s crust, capable at a certain moment of performing the function of waveguides, can become receivers and transmitters. Well, if a person is near such an activated dolmen, then the dolmen is able to catch the radiation emanating from it and convert it into vibrations, and then transmit them along waveguide faults to other dolmens. And if there is a person next to another dolmen tuned to the same wave, he will be able to receive the transmitted information. Thus, the dolmen system could well represent a global information system of the ancients, a kind of prototype of the modern Internet, only much more perfect, because the transfer of information occurred instantly at the subconscious level, and instead of digital packages and files, mental and visual images were transmitted! In addition, according to supporters of this theory, dolmens could also serve as a “database” in which the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients was accumulated and stored.

The energies of the Dolmens fit well into a prepared consciousness with high vibrations, and then a person’s creative potential is revealed and health is restored. The consciousness of modern children is the most well prepared for the energies of the Dolmens. These are the so-called “crystal” children, whose consciousness works in tune with the constant π = 3.14 Our consciousness, dear adults, is tuned to 3 π. But among the Indigo children there are both destructive and creative consciousnesses, and they react to the energies of the Dolmens accordingly. Actually, from all that has been said, one of the main purposes of the “Healthy Generation” plate follows – to protect the high vibrational consciousness of children from the “lagging” consciousness of adults.

It’s hard to believe that Neolithic people, who used stone and later bronze tools, could build such an incredibly complex system, fantastic even for our digital age! In this case, perhaps the civilization that erected information portals around the world was much older and more highly developed than we think? After all, if you believe some sources, individual dolmens were created approximately 10,000 BC, that is, approximately during the period when the collapse of the mythical Atlantis occurred.

There is one legend that can be found in some sources. It says that humanity has gone through several stages and races in its development, during which various principles of our consciousness were formed and developed. Our race belongs to the Aryan group, and its task is to learn to analyze, think, trace patterns, in order to ultimately develop the mental principle of consciousness. The Atlantean race that existed before us developed the principle of perception and feeling, that is, astral consciousness. For the people of Atlantis, the world was alive and united, a kind of huge repository of universal knowledge that they could receive from it. Modern man is not able to receive knowledge directly, as his distant ancestors could do - he sees the world from disparate fragments, which he logically tries to connect together. Perhaps, with the help of dolmens, the descendants of the people of Atlantis tried to preserve their knowledge? This theory becomes especially relevant if we take into account the hypothesis that claims that now, at the turn of the Age of Aquarius, a new category of people has already formed - “indigo”. As a rule, these are very gifted, precocious people who have their own vision of the world, a deep understanding of the essence of phenomena and the foundations of existence. From a young age, they talk about the fate of the world, display unique talents and phenomena, differ from others in their unusual behavior, and have unique leadership qualities. It is believed that this new race should embody the principle of synthesis of the analytical mind of our race with the unified perception of the world by our Atlantean ancestors. However, indigo people are just a stage in the development of human consciousness within the framework of the quantum transition. The next stage, a higher level of consciousness development, is our today's babies or “crystal” children.
Perhaps the dolmens were built precisely for this purpose - to convey ancient knowledge and skills to us?

What else could dolmens be used for? A number of researchers of Caucasian dolmens note the astronomical significance of their direction, based on the rising, setting and culmination of the sun and, possibly, the moon and stars on the days of the solstices and equinoxes. And although the orientation of dolmens on the ground is different, as a rule, it fits into the arc of sunrise-sunset and the culmination of the heavenly bodies: northeast - south - northwest. Only single monuments are directed to the north. Observations at individual monuments, such as the Psynako I complex, the Wolf Gate group, and the dolmen with the Mamedova Gap visor, showed that they mark the points of sunrise and sunset on the days of the solstices and equinoxes. Mythology, as well as the study of primitive tribes carried out by ethnographers, shows that almost all preliterate societies worshiped the Moon and the Sun as supernatural beings. Not only the builders of megaliths, but also other peoples of antiquity were able to record and calculate the movement of the Sun, creating observation platforms for this, the simplicity and genius of which amaze modern people.
Dolmens also have another characteristic interesting feature: almost all of them are nearby coastline or near water sources. In most mythologies, water is the medium, agent and principle of universal conception and generation, associated with the motives of birth and death (living and dead water) and often representing both the feminine and masculine principles. Among different peoples, rituals associated with water are the same, have the same meaning and general direction, despite some local features and variations. We have already mentioned that stones and stone structures, which include not only dolmens, but also menhirs, are believed to have the supernatural fruitful power of a rain cloud and are capable of causing rain. The zigzag pattern often found on dolmens seems to mean water in most cases. But this is exactly how water was graphically depicted in many ancient cultures.

Everything is correct. Water is a unique compound in its physical and chemical properties, and it is through it that energy and information are transmitted into biological objects, and it is also a kind of memory carrier. Thanks to structural changes in water, all 12 energy strands of the human DNA molecule were activated and “silent” codons were unlocked (not yet for everyone). Water is directly involved in expanding human consciousness under the control of the endocrine system. And, of course, the simplest and most effective way to transfer information about the settings of consciousness from places of power is to fix it in the form of wave characteristics of liquid crystalline water in a specific place of power, followed by its transfer to water carriers inside a biological object. By the way, it is water that transmits information through the structures of the “Flower of Life”. “Flower of Life” is a graphic display of the MATRIX OF LIFE of planet Earth and everything that is on it.
Speaking about the theory of race change and ancient dolmens, you can also turn to the archaeological research of academician Yuri Shilov, who studied ancient megaliths located over vast territories from the foothills of the Caucasus to the banks of the Dniester. In encrypted form they store ancient Vedic knowledge of a single perception of the world. The people of this culture worshiped Vedic deities, in particular Gandaharva, who maintained the connection between the divine world and the people who worshiped him. Every year, to perform a complex ritual, the best, wisest, most experienced person was chosen from the tribe, who underwent a long initiation ceremony, which included being in a dolmen. Perhaps dolmens were intended specifically for such ritual and mystical ceremonies. The hole in the slab symbolized the gate to another world (often the gate is carved on the slab), thus, the wisest man of the tribe went into the dolmen, after which it was closed with a stone stopper. certain time. While in the dolmen, he received Vedic knowledge, and the dolmen itself absorbed the knowledge of his tribe and clan. Thus, it was believed that as long as the dolmen with which a certain tribe communicates is intact, nothing threatens the clan. Even now, when many people approach dolmens, they feel the “warmth of the stone”; the stone seems “alive” to them.

There are also other studies conducted in the vicinity of Stonehenge and other megaliths in Europe. Thus, in the book “24 Lessons of Merlin,” published by researcher of Druid knowledge Douglas Monroe, the so-called “threshold ritual” is mentioned, a portal that opens gates to other worlds and dimensions. These portals, in his opinion, were various megaliths of Europe, including the famous Stonehenge. To carry out the ritual that opened the gates to other dimensions, a U-shaped structure made of stone blocks was used; this is the sign in the form of a convex gate that can be found on the facade of dolmens in the Caucasus. How could one achieve the state of transition to other worlds? The techniques of dream travel used by the ancient “seers” are well described, for example, in the books of Carlos Castaneda. With the help of certain techniques, a person’s consciousness could leave his body and travel to other worlds. The journey itself could take a long time, and the closed chamber of the dolmen, protected from the elements, was perfectly suited to the role of storing the body. Moreover, it can be assumed that, while in the dolmen, the “seer” could concentrate and properly tune in to such a journey thanks to some specific energy created by these structures. Remembering the theory of torsion fields, the presence of such a field around dolmens does not seem unrealistic. In addition, the energy of dolmens could be influenced by the energies of many hundreds of generations of practicing and worshiping people, who constantly turned to dolmens for various religious and mystical needs. By absorbing and storing this energy, dolmens became powerful emitters, allowing people to “tune in” to certain energy waves. Here we can draw an analogy between a dolmen capable of generating ultrasonic vibrations and modern meditation devices that modulate low-frequency sound vibrations within the range of 4-12 Hz, that is, close to the theta and alpha rhythms of the brain. The location of dolmens in places of tectonic faults allowed the dolmen to produce the required frequencies using a combination of vibrations of the earth's crust and the magnetic component of the Earth's field.

Everything that is available in the literature about Dolmens is presented on the previous pages. These are real facts, hypotheses, and theories. From all of the above it follows that the Dolmens contain very ancient, very important and extremely necessary information for modern people. And it is in demand right now, when the longest cycle in our Universe ends - 870,000 years. Information from places of power is intended so that a person can adjust his consciousness, first of all, but also his physical body, for the transition from three-dimensional space to multidimensional space with other physical fields and other physical constants. These are vital important settings Today we are given all the places of power on planet Earth or 7-La: pyramids, dolmens, Holy springs, etc. The following is significant - all these places of power are located on the planet in the nodes of the restored crystal lattice of the consciousness of Humanity. And this only means that all places of power are located at pre-fixed points on the surface of the planet. Central point, around which places of power appeared, was Great Pyramid in Atlantis, which is now at the bottom Atlantic Ocean. It was established 200 years before the fall of Atlantis, and the entire process of fixing places of power on the surface of the Earth took approximately 13,000 years.
Much of what has been happening on Earth in recent years is inexplicable to the human Mind. We have gone beyond the usual rhythms of life. The mind, which has always answered questions related to the phenomena of Nature occurring around us, is not able to understand, much less adequately analyze what we see and feel. The human psyche is an instrument that subtly reacts to everything around it. Today she is very tense, her control is weakened. Many cannot figure out what is happening to them and around them, and, as a result, the Mind triggers “defensive” reactions of fear and depression in the psyche, and inexplicable natural phenomena are seen as "aggressive".
Large-scale current changes in all existing orders of life on our Planet - economic, social, political - take a person out of his usual conditions and orders. As a result, everyone was faced with a choice - either they had to change themselves, or close themselves off from everything incomprehensible, including themselves. Before making a choice, it is necessary to clearly understand that today the Human Mind, finishing the old DNA program, must create a new one under the control of a modified activated DNA strand.
Only in this way can we erase the wall between consciousness and subconscious, and as a result, ordinary vision in three-dimensional space will be replaced by volumetric holographic vision of the 4th and 5th levels. Our protein brain is not quite ready for such changes. Cosmic rays are already bringing us “new” information about the settings of consciousness, which humanity has very well “forgotten”, and these settings will put in order absolutely all the accumulated information of human consciousness - “remember everything”. In this regard, let's remember just one example: on January 11, 2010, information came through the Communication Channel that at Epiphany the water would take on the power of awakening, and S.V. Koltsov, returning from near Kaluga immediately after January 19, 2010, reported that at 8 portions Epiphany water there was information only for brain structures.
However, awareness of the received information flows and energies and adaptation to them must occur very quickly, since the rhythm of Time has changed. Unfortunately, Humanity has another relic of the past, namely, one-dimensional linear thinking (the good news is that not everyone has it). Those who cannot cope with the ever-accelerating flow of linear information are forced to escape reality into their own special world, where everything is easy, simple and understandable. Actually, this is the reason for bad habits such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and gambling addiction. And yet, let us remind you once again that in order for us to be able to use our potential of consciousness of the Mind, today it is vitally necessary for us to process such a volume of information that goes beyond the physical three-dimensional space.
So, we mentioned that the rhythm of Time has changed. In fact, Time is a living substance that can change itself - expand or contract. The new rhythm of Time, in time with the rhythm of Space, changes all its components, bending mutually existing fields. Space and Time today create new states and new forms of coexistence. If our Universe is Space, then everything that happens on it is the Flow of Time. If we consider our Earth as Space, then human life, or rather the state of human consciousness, is concentrated Time.
It is simply necessary to understand and accept these truths. Without them, a person will not be able to exist in the “here and now” state, i.e. in a state of SPIRIT.
And therefore, plates with FSC “Places of Power” consciousness settings appeared very timely. Information from the Mountain of the Mind of Arkaim will allow you to adjust the settings of consciousness for the full use of the potential of the consciousness of the Mind in physical three-dimensionality with a subsequent transition to multidimensional space. Needless to say, the consciousness of every potential user of the “place of power” plate must be prepared.
The new plates also contain information from the “place of power”, which is called the Lena Pillars (Yakutia). The polarization of water from these stones has a beneficial effect on the human psyche and health. In essence, this is a statement of basic information for the existence of life on Earth, including the main characteristics of the cosmic background and the geomagnetic field of the Planet. In other words, the Lena Pillars pump vital force or QI energy (CHI), known from Eastern traditions, into the human body.
Now let's look at the word INFORMATION a little differently from the point of view of its constituent parts: IN - FORM - QI - YA. IN (Yin) is the feminine principle and at the same time the preposition "in" (English). FORM is form. Qi is vital energy and I is our trinity. Thus, information is the vital energy of our trinity, enclosed in some parameters of Space. Therefore, information and life energy are essentially the same thing. Someone will want to argue about this topic. But first, take a look at the following facts: a person cannot live more than 48 days without food, and more than 2 days without water, because... then the body becomes irreversibly dehydrated. Without air, the average statistical person lives no more than 2 minutes, and then acute hypoxia or oxygen starvation develops. But without information, a person can live only 0.001388( seconds. Isn’t this proof!
The water of Holy springs, written on the plates of the “place of power” also carries unique information for humans. For example, the source “Holy Handle” carries the healing energies of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God and John the Baptist; it is named so because the water from it flows over a stone resembling a handle and it is believed that the Mother of God herself gives her Blessing to everyone who comes to it. The source of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, in addition to healing energies, fulfills wishes, and for a month. The main condition is that these desires do not harm any person. The source of St. Sergius of Radonezh has the most powerful cleansing energy - it removes almost all<черноту>per person. You just need to remember that the “vacated space” must be immediately filled with the energies of creation and positivity.
In places of "power" it was noticed that the vegetation in the radiation zone is more active. However, it should be noted that what seems beneficial during short-term exposure can have a depressing effect in its strength during long-term continuous contact. Excess energy is acceptable for vegetation with its slow homeostasis, but can be tiring for humans.
Therefore, you need to use the FSC “Places of Power” in doses, gradually accustoming yourself to new energies, listening to your feelings.

All samples are concentrated into four themes.

1. "Healthy Generation"
- children's amulet "Radinets"
- dolmen “Maya” (love)
- dolmen “Tenderness” (female polarization (f))
- dolmen “Blessing (or heart) of the mother” (w)
- dolmen “Uterus” (w)
- dolmen “Womb” (w)
- dolmen “Rock of Health” (male polarization (m))
- dolmen “Love of life, purpose” (m)

2. "Love"
- large spiral of the Mountain of Love (Arkaim)
- small spiral of the Mountain of Love (Arkaim)
- dolmen “Maya” (love)
- rejuvenation ledge on Mount Shamanka (Arkaim)
- prayer stone from the center of the Settlement (Arkaim)
- polarization of stones from the Lena Pillars

3. "Success"
- the center of the spiral on Mount Shamanka (Arkaim) (cleansing of negative energies and fulfillment of desires)
- Bolshaya Karaganka River (Arkaim) (cleansing of negative energies and rejuvenation)
- Mountain of Reason (Arkaim) (synchronization and optimization of the cerebral hemispheres)

- dolmen “Love of life, purpose”
- dolmen “Tor” (fulfillment of planned plans)
- polarization of stones from the Lena Pillars

4. Men's and women's amulets
- two Logoisk springs, Republic of Belarus
- spring from the monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Kirov
- two springs from Lake Olkhon Island. Baikal
- spring "Holy Hand" Krasnodar region
- spring of St. Feodosia of the Caucasus Krasnodar region
- spring of the “Holy Spirit” near Mount Sukhaya Khakassia
- dark spring Mount Belukha, Altai
- light spring Mount Belukha, Altai
- dolmen “Khan of Health”
- dolmen “Healer”
- polarization of stones from the Lena Pillars
- polarization from the place of power Kiseli, northern Yakutia
- spring near the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh

4.1- additional male themes
- spring Novogrudok (m) Republic of Belarus
- dolmen “Men’s health” (m)
- dolmen “Male amulet” (m)
- dolmen “Ra” (m)
4.2- additional women's themes
- spring Novogrudok (f) Republic of Belarus
- dolmen “Women’s health” (w)
- dolmen “Women’s amulet” (w)
- Makoshi dolmen (w)

The Center Region company wishes you health and prosperity!
We create the best for you!
For the common good!

Places of power are zones of the Earth endowed with special energy. They acquire unusual properties for various reasons: natural features of the area (for example, geotectonic faults), important religious or historical events that occurred in this territory leave their mark.

Such zones may have pronounced positive or negative energy. In the first case, visiting places of power can heal a person on both the physical and spiritual levels. In the second, on the contrary, to take away part of the vital energy.

In one article it is impossible to talk about all such places located within our state. We collected 11 famous objects, possessing the most powerful positive energy and surrounded by many legends.

Mount Belukha in Altai

Esotericists call it a sacred place, believing that here our planet is charged with universal energy; ufologists believe that the Yarlu Gorge is a “parking lot” for UFOs. Mystics say that here is the entrance to the mysterious Shambhala - a mythical country inside a mountain, accessible only to a select few.

Since time immemorial, people have been coming here to find peace and quiet. Belukha does not leave the sick and unfortunate in trouble, as well as punishes those who are overwhelmed by pride. Roerich noted this place for its strong energy.

Chardon archipelago in Karelia

Layers of granite with quartzite create a unique rock pattern on the islets of the Chardon archipelago. Wild beauty These places attract everyone without exception. People come here to listen to the silence, admire the sunsets, fish and, of course, restore their strength.

The energy center of the archipelago is called a relatively small area on which trees of unusual shape grow - their trunks are twisted in an intricate way and burned by lightning.

Here people feel a surge of vigor; some say that if you put your palm forward, you can feel a slight tingling sensation.

Olkhon Island on Lake Baikal

Olkhon is surrounded by the waters of Lake Baikal. This is one of the most beautiful places in Russia, surrounded by many mysterious legends. The island is called the sacred center of the northern shamanic world. The ancients believed that the spirits of Baikal settled here.

Not far from the island, at the source of the Angara, there is the Shaman Stone - the habitat of Ama Sagan Noyon - the owner of the river. Two stone peaks, protruding from the water, resemble a shaman’s headdress.

Important ceremonies were held here and justice was administered. The convicted criminal was left on the stone overnight. If a person was not taken by Baikal or did not go crazy, he was acquitted.

Cape Burhan is considered one of the 9 shrines of Asia. Here in the Shamanka rock there is a through cave, where they used to make sacrifices, and now there is a statue of Buddha. For a long time, the road to the rock was open only to the strongest sorcerers of the world: and in our time, they come here every year for their tailagan.

Mount Demerdzhi in Crimea

Mount Demerdzhi is a rocky place of power, shrouded in a mystical aura. There are many eyewitness accounts that talk about humanoid creatures that are found here as well as in Arkaim, the city of ghosts. There is a belief that if a traveler gets caught in the fog on the slopes of Demerdzhi, he risks never returning - the mountains will not let him go. IN good weather the place gives strength and helps you make the right decisions in silence.

Sanctuary of Pegrema in Karelia

Pegrema - an abandoned village on the coast Lake Onega- ranked among the most mysterious places Russia. Visitors are greeted by a graveyard of peasant houses with facades facing the lake, and a crypt made of wood from the monastery of Valaam Khutynsky.

The “Glade of Idols” brought fame to the place. Here the ancestors of the Karelian-Finns worshiped the gods, performed rituals, paying respects to family totems and seeing off their compatriots on their last journey.

Among the idols one can easily recognize a duck - the foremother of the earth in Karelian-Finnish mythology, a frog, a turtle and other representatives of the fauna created by someone in stone.

Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The second name of the reservoir is “Russian Atlantis”. The still waters of the lake, according to legend, hide the magnificent city of Kitezh from view. This is notified by the occasional light ripple running across the mirror-like surface.

Those standing on the shore of Svetloyar see lights in the depths of the lake, hear drawn-out singing and bell ringing. The water of a reservoir is considered holy because it can be stored indefinitely in a vessel without losing its qualities.

Dolmens in the Krasnodar region

Dolmens are stone megalithic buildings. They were erected several thousand years ago by unknown craftsmen. Dolmens are scattered throughout the Caucasus. Most of them are near Gelendzhik: on Mount Nexis, in populated areas Revival, Pshada and on the way to them.

Scientists put forward several versions of their purpose. Dolmens are called ancient observatories, original energy cannons, ancient tombs. One thing was found out for sure - all the buildings were erected in geoactive places (where geological faults and springs are indicated on the map). People believe that wishes come true here and answers to important questions are found.

Ukok plateau in Altai region

The Ukok plateau is located not far from Gorno-Altaisk, and, like many places of power, is surrounded by an aura of mystery. It is forbidden to shout here, since it is believed that a loud sound is a sign of sacrilege and an insult to the spirits “living” here.

In the Ukok pastures, from a great height you can see geoglyphs - giant drawings similar in scale to those found in the Nazca desert.

Ufologists believe that this is a marking for the messengers of heaven.

Champ Island in the Arkhangelsk region

One of the many atolls of the Franz Josef Land archipelago is attractive with its mysterious orbs. At first glance, it looks like the spheres were created by nature from very hard rock, but in fact their structure is quite loose. Tourists compare it to very tightly compressed sand.

Spherulites seem to “grow” from the ground

Valley of Geysers on the Kamchatka Peninsula

A rare and majestic natural manifestation in the form of swirling steam, incessant roar and water splashes on the only geyser field in Eurasia.

Travelers feel here as if on another planet. The play of colors gives the landscape a special beauty: the green of the flora is interspersed with yellow, purple and red shades of rocks covered with thermal algae and moss. The names of the geysers also match them, one of which is “The Gates of Hell”.

Everyone who has managed to visit here falls under the charm of this region.

Tekie dervishes in Evpatoria (Crimea)

The only Islamic monastery on the peninsula is a refuge for supporters of Sufism (a mystical movement in Islam). Mystery lies in the dances of the dervishes, representing a performance-ritual of worship of Allah.

Here Sufis at their meetings shared knowledge with each other and immersed themselves in meditation, organized celebrations with chants and dances, after which they fell into mystical ecstasy.
The editors of the site believe that the world is full of secrets, many of which have yet to be solved by man. Scientists have already found explanations for some amazing phenomena. We invite you to get acquainted with natural illusions that look like a miracle.

There are places on Earth where people can feel an extraordinary surge of strength and energy. It can be natural monuments, unique landscape, etc. (mountains, lakes, caves...), places associated with important historical events or religious activities of people (places of pilgrimage) and much more. Such places are called"places of strength"

. When a person finds himself in a place of power, he feels a strong impact, which can manifest itself both on the physical and emotional levels. The nature of such impact can be both positive and negative.

It is difficult to say what forces are operating in these areas, the energy interaction of fields or magnetic attraction, but anomalous phenomena associated with the release of the Earth's energy, for example, tectonic faults, often occur here. There is a theory that places of power represent nodes in the energy structure of the planet. In this case, it is believed that this structure is in some movement, i.e. Some places of power may lose their energy, while others, on the contrary, may strengthen. For example, the famous Stonehenge, located in England, used to be a powerful place of power, but now, due to changes in the energy structure of the Earth, it has lost this status. Accordingly, new places of power constantly appear on the surface of the planet. The ancients associated these places with the possibility of communication with higher powers, with the gods. It was in such places that religious buildings were erected - - monasteries, churches, temples, and they were called holy or sacred. Moreover, there were special devices that made it possible to enhance their beneficial effects on humans and environment dolmens, menhirs, stone circles , in later times - stupas, pagodas

and psychoenergetic devices, perhaps the most famous of which is Tibetan mantra wheel. Unfortunately, most of these sacred buildings were destroyed, which negatively affects the fate of humanity: the environment is deteriorating, material interests prevail over spiritual ones, etc. Among the most famous places of power on the planet: Mount Kailash (Tibet), Mount Belukha (Altai Mountains), Mount Shasta (California), Table Mountain ( South Africa ), Dolmen on the Pshada River (North Caucasus), Mount Arunachala (India), Okunevo ( Western Siberia

There are positive energy (contact with the upper worlds) and negative energy (exit to the lower worlds). Accordingly, people sought to support places of power of the first type, and to block the second. The impact of a place of power on each person is purely individual. For example, if a person is filled with negativity, then visiting positive places of power can cause a severe emotional and physical reaction in him. This is not bad, as it indicates a cleansing process, but you need to be prepared for this in advance.

It is important to carefully prepare for your visit; it is advisable to have an experienced guide. It is important to realize that this is not a pleasure stroll, but serious spiritual work involving contacts with the subtle world and its various manifestations. Unfortunately, today humanity has lost ancient knowledge about the energy structure of the planet, the role of places of power and their impact on the Earth and humanity. Some enthusiasts are searching in in this direction, but it is not yet possible to objectively assess how much their efforts have brought us closer to the truth.

The use of various sacred practices in places of power, provided that everything is done correctly, can have a huge impact on a person, pushing him to move to a new stage of spiritual growth.

Places of power in Russia

Arkaim - the elder brother of the Pyramids

Arkaim is located in the Chelyabinsk region on the territory of a nature reserve and attracts people from all over Russia. Arkaim called " place of power"," the "ancestral home" of the Slavs, "Aryans" or Indo-Europeans, "the cradle of human civilization."

According to some sources, the name of the city is associated with the name Yima, as a result of which the settlement is declared nothing less than the homeland Zarathushtra.

Scientists believe that age Arkaim older than Egyptian age pyramids and that the people who lived here were the first representatives of Indo-European culture. Judging by archaeological excavations, this unusual settlement was at the same time a temple, a fortress, a craft center and a precise astronomical observatory.

The city was clearly oriented by the stars and, despite the fact that thousands of people yearning for enlightenment come here, it is considered a geopathogenic zone.

The natural energy anomaly in this place was confirmed by instrumental methods. Therefore, representatives of various faiths and all kinds of healers make pilgrimages to these places.

Bakshay - a sensational find

Sensationalism archaeological find The fact is that the Bakshai sanctuary, according to scientists, is a thousand years older than the famous settlement of Arkaim, which again overturns historical ideas about the time of the birth of scientific knowledge and civilization on planet Earth.

For five years now, Associate Professor of the Department of History of the Eastern Economics and Humanities Academy, archaeologist of the Republic of Bashkortostan Vitaly Fedorov has been leading archaeological excavations ancient sanctuary of Bakshai. According to archaeologists, today we can speak with firm confidence about the ritual and astrological purpose of the sanctuary.

Vitaly Fedorov has no doubt that the sanctuary has the shape of a circular channel with a diameter of 100 meters, a depth of about one meter and a width of 60 to 70 centimeters, and “torn” on four sides relative to the magnetic grid of the planet. The nearby mountains are unique landmarks.

This is a kind of synthesis of an observatory and a temple under open air. Here the ancient Aryans performed rituals and, with the help of landmarks and the movements of the luminaries, determined the dates that were significant for them in the year. The most important were solar dates, equinoxes and solstices.

Archaeologists and historians admit that it is in this unique place - in the spurs legendary mountain Iremel and such ancient Vedic books as the Avesta and Rigveda were created, the prophet Zarathustra himself preached here, one of the first world religions, Mithraism, arose, and the ancient Aryans worshiped the God of the invincible Sun and justice - Mithra.

Altai - the crossroads of worlds

Altai rich in places of power. Mount Belukha, highest point Altai is considered one of the energy centers of the universe.

Stay close Belukha has a very strong impact on humans, so local residents do not recommend climbing it unless absolutely necessary. According to one legend, this is where the ancient Fenugreek- the invisible country of the gods.

The Altai mountain site is also sacred to Altai, Tuvan, Mongolian and Chinese Buddhists Tavan-Bogdo-Ula which is on a plateau Ukok in the southern part Altai. "Tavan-Bogdo-Ula" translated means "five divine mountains."

Locals claim that the culprits of the devastating 2003 earthquake in Altai are archaeologists who removed a sacred body from the ground. Yes, to some extent Ukok- the crossroads of worlds: ancient and present, moreover, it is located on the border of four states: Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia.

Dolmens - wish fulfillment

Dolmens are made of large stones or stone slabs structures of a certain shape.

Caucasian dolmens were created during the Early and Middle Bronze Age from the 3rd-2nd millennium BC and were used until the 1st millennium BC. e. during the dolmen culture.

Observations on dolmens may be an indirect confirmation of the assumption that the dolmen builders were sun worshipers, and also suggest that they could record and calculate movement Sun.

Solar orientation dolmens disputed by many scientists, but nevertheless, it is an object of study by archaeologists, as well as worship and pilgrimage of modern lovers of esotericism. They say that next to these stone blocks, many people’s wishes come true and questions are answered.

Olkhon - the sacred ancestral home of the Buryats

The main place of power in the Baikal region is on the sacred island Olkhon- heart Baikal, one of the wonders of the world in Russia.

Olkhon Island- the main sanctuary, a cult center of general Mongolian and Central Asian significance, personifying the sacred ancestral home of the Buryats.

Associated with it is a poetic legend about the origin of the Buryat people, according to which here the hunter Khoridoy married a heavenly swan maiden, and they had eleven sons, who later became the ancestors of eleven Khorin clans.

For the Buryat people the island Olkhon- this is the geographical center of the ethnic territory of the Buryats, the sacred center of general Buryat significance.

Olkhon Island, protected from uninvited guests by icy waters Baikal, preserved the traditional Buryat worldview and many customs of Buryat antiquity longer than other places. Here, according to legend, the first person received a shamanic gift.

Places of power Buryat shaman

attract people. There you can escape from everyday life, feel harmony with nature, and open your consciousness to the unified field of the Universe.
Rules for visiting places of power * Closely monitor your condition - both physically and emotionally.
*Let go of vain thoughts, tune in to communicate with a place of power.
*Do not talk unless necessary, as talking is distracting and wastes energy.
*Follow the signs.
*Respect the place of power. *Comply with everything accepted rules
and rituals.

*And, of course, do not drink alcoholic beverages, do not litter, etc.

Ayodhya - sacred place of India Ayodhya - one of the oldest cities in India, sacred place of power . This is where I was born- the famous hero of myths, the incarnation of the god Vishnu. And today, thousands of pilgrims come here every year to worship this place and perform rituals in numerous temples.

Ayodhya - sacred place of India Ayodhya is mentioned in ancient sources such as the Ramayana, Brahmana Purana, Athara Veda, the latter characterizing the city as “built by the gods and prospering like a paradise.”

located on the Ghagra River in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Over its centuries-old history, the city has changed many names - Saketa, Oudh, Kaushaldesa, but today it again bears its ancient name, which translated from Sanskrit means “that which cannot be fought against.” The founder of Ayodhya-Manu is the first of people, and the land where Ayodhya was built was given to him by the god Vishnu himself. According to another version, the city was founded by King Aidyukha, one of the ancestors of Rama, and the name of the city comes from his name. Ayodhya - sacred place of India It should be noted that attracts not only Hindus, but also followers of other religions common in India. It is known that the first Jain saint, Sri Rishabha Deva, who founded Janiyaism, was born here. Spent a lot of time in Ayodhya and Buddha Shakyamuni. Today at holy city

You can visit sacred places and monuments of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Islam. But real glory and fame was brought to the city by the divine King Rama, who was born here, grew up and left his mortal body. Ayodhya - sacred place of India IN

Annual crowded festivals are held in honor of Rama - Ramnavami, which falls on the month of Chaitra (March-April according to the European calendar). The venue is located on a hill in the western part of the city and is called Ramkot. Other festival events include Shravan Jhula Mela (July-August), Parikrama Mela (October-November), Ram Vivah (November). Ayodhya - sacred place of India Get to