Inexpensive vacation on the islands in summer. Offers and prices for tours to the islands. The best Greek islands for a beach holiday with children or couples

Every year, TripAdvisor ranks the best islands in the world. This year was no exception. Moreover, it is worth noting that this rating is not based on the traditional “expert” assessments of the editorial staff, but on the recommendations and reviews of visitors to this interesting portal.

This year, the ranking was topped by the island of Providenciales in the Caribbean, and only two representatives of past laureates remained in the top ten - the Thai Tau and the famous Bora Bora. And this fact should not surprise anyone, since the tourism market is difficult to predict and it is simply impossible to predict which destination will become popular this year.

Coral Paradise - Providenciales Island

This largest island of the Caribbean archipelago is part of such a little-known state as Turks and Caicos. The state is an extension Bahamas, so it is not surprising that its islands share the same features for a luxury holiday - white sandy beaches, a mild climate that allows you to relax all year round, turquoise water surface and magnificent nature, creating beautiful scenery for walks.

However, the main reason for the island’s frequent inclusion in various ratings is not the usual, familiar to everyone. snow-white beaches, but a variety of recreation. Vacationers can have great fun with yachting, windsurfing and snorkeling. And the main and most popular entertainment here is diving. This is facilitated by both warm sea waters and picturesque coral reefs, which can be easily reached from the shore.

Maui Island in Hawaii

Hawaiian Islands have been canons for a long time have a nice rest. And if previously the most popular among the islands were Hawaii and Oahu, now the island of Maui, which is more accessible to tourists, is taking the leading position.

First of all, when people talk about holidays in Hawaii, they immediately think of surfing and windsurfing. After all, the Hawaiian Islands are a mecca for those who like to swim on a board. In addition, Maui, with its sparse population, is where you can fully enjoy nature. Haleakao National Park's raging waterfalls and stunning bamboo forest, not to mention its traditional warm sandy beaches, attract many tourists. Therefore, the island rightfully occupies second place in the ranking.

Roatan - Paradise in the Caribbean

How often do we hear the words “The wrong country was called Honduras” in a negative sense, expressed in relation to one’s own country. However, if you look closely at the latter, Honduras is a good comparison. Especially if you look at holidays on the island of Roatan, which belongs to Honduras.

The island is surrounded by coral reefs and covered in stunning beaches, making it an easy ideal place relaxation, both for regular beach activities and for all lovers of scuba diving. An ideal place has been created here for lovers of ecotourism (the Carambola botanical garden is famous for its tropical park of exotic birds) and for various types of entertainment - from sea fishing to... aquatic species sports

Calm and romance in Santorini

The Cyclades islands amaze everyone with their amazing natural beauty. The most mysterious and beautiful in this Archipelago is Santorini, which owes its birth to volcanic lava.

This island is often called romantic, but unlike most “paradise” ocean islands who received their title thanks to wildlife and snow-white beaches, Santorini received this title thanks to the houses carved into the rocks, which with their snow-white facades and bright blue roofs attract tourists from all over the world.

Unlike most of the islands on the list, people don’t come to Santorini for diving or extreme entertainment, but to ignite a real fire in loving hearts. And most of the tourists are newlyweds, whom the island pleases with its unforgettable romance and positivity.

Vibrant diving on Koh Tao Island in Thailand

The waters of the Gulf of Thailand sheltered a cozy palm tree-lined Koh Tao Island or "Turtle Island". The island got its name thanks to the numerous colonies of sea turtles that have chosen its snow-white sandy beaches. Once upon a time the island was uninhabited and only turtles were its only inhabitants. White sand and azure clear water around the island cannot but delight tourists, who, just like the majestic reptiles many centuries ago, have now chosen these beaches.

However, this resort island is famous not only for its snow-white sandy hills and 300 sunny days a year, allowing you to lazily sunbathe on the beach. However, the island attracts most tourists with its underwater beauty.

Diving on Koh Tao is the most popular view active rest. Coral reefs rich in marine life, more than 30 dive sites various categories complexities including shipwrecks and short distances to dive sites make Koh Tao the "Diving Mecca" of Southeast Asia.

A safe haven for travelers – Madeira Island

For many centuries, the Portuguese island of Madeira has served as a haven for all travelers who rushed to conquer the Atlantic. This paradise in the middle Atlantic Ocean For six centuries now, thanks to its mild and temperate climate, it has served as a vacation spot not only for sailors, but also for the wealthy European elite.

At the same time, most tourists come here not to bask on the beaches, since there are simply none here, but for an active pastime. The island is a real haven for lovers of hunting and fishing, diving and windsurfing, and green tourism. The main attractions of the island are national reserve Madeira and his Botanical gardens. It is here that you can see all the worldwide diversity of flora that the Portuguese collected during the three centuries of their rule at sea.

“Island of the Gods” – Bali

In Indonesia, between the two largest islands of Lombok and Java, there is a cozy picturesque corner that attracts tourists with its majestic volcanoes Gunung Angung and Kintamini, pristine tropical forests and blue lagoons.

The shores of the island hide amazing temple complexes and the sacred monkey forest, where mischievous primates will give tourists a little boost of energy in exchange for small sweets for them. In addition, Bali is a kind of Indian enclave in the middle of Muslim Indonesia, and this is where you can relax peacefully on the coast, strengthening your spirit with yoga classes.

Although the main attraction of the island is its white sandy beaches along with the surrounding coral landscapes that attract divers from all over the world, there are several other must-see spots on the island of Bali. One of them is spread over 20,000 hectares National Park Barat. It is there that you can see, without bars or enclosures, all sorts of combinations of flora and fauna in the pristine wild world.

The sandy paradise of mesmerizing Mauritius

Mauritius has long been one of the most beautiful holiday destinations. This tropical paradise, which is sometimes called the “key to the Indian Ocean”, despite its modest size, has more than a hundred kilometers of snow-white beaches.

It was the bright combination of the turquoise waters of the lagoon, coral reefs and bizarre mountains that became the reason why holidays on the island were ranked as top-notch. And on local beaches You can often see famous artists and billionaires who are attracted here by the high level of comfort and individual relaxation of the highest level. Local authorities are trying to make the resort not just an ordinary place of mass pilgrimage. That's why you don't often see an ordinary person on the island. budget tourist, and once you get here you will be completely sure that you will have a rest upper class according to the luxury category.

Mauritius is almost completely surrounded by reefs, making it an ideal place for diving and fishing. It is here that you can see and catch the very fish that every fisherman dreams of getting in his trophies - different kinds marlins, sailfish and colorful representatives of the shark family.

Bora Bora - the island of romantic lovers

Bora Bora is the largest island among 118 islands French Polynesia. It has the status of the unofficial capital of romantics and newlyweds and is considered a romantic and exotic place on the planet. The island, like most of its neighbors, was formed by a chain of volcanic eruptions and is now a mountain range with three peaks piercing the sky above a dazzling blue lagoon.

Despite its miniature size (you can get around it in an hour by car), nature has so generously endowed the island with its beauty that it rightfully proudly bears the title of “an emerald in a turquoise frame with a necklace of pearls - that’s how you can describe it by looking at it above.
Bora Bora offers a variety of activities, from expeditions to " coral garden"and visits majestic mountains to extreme snorkeling and diving. And one of the most interesting entertainment is hand feeding of local stingrays and sharks.

Paradise holiday on the beaches of Fernando de Noronha

Fernando de Noronha is the name of an archipelago located near Brazil, consisting of more than twenty islands. However, the most inhabited and, accordingly, the most popular of this cohort is the most big Island, which attracts all lovers beach holiday. In addition, this archipelago has been on the list for fifteen years now Cultural heritage UNESCO because it is in its waters that large populations of dolphins, sea turtles and cetaceans live.

This is where the Baia do Sancho beach is located, which has become a real mecca for all lovers sea ​​holiday and is firmly included in the list of the best beaches in the world. This famous beach in the shape of a crescent, it is surrounded on all sides by rocks and in order to get to it you need to go down seventy-meter stairs. However, it's worth it - the cove around the beach is real natural treasure. The bay is a natural pool surrounded by hardened lava, in which the water is always crystal clear.

The islands are a vivid example of the uniqueness and beauty of our planet. There are many amazing locations on Earth, including countries, cities and others settlements. There are seas and oceans, amazing animal world. Plants deserve special attention. When talking about vacation, we try to choose a place that has the best climatic conditions and natural landscapes. Everyone strives to spend their free time from work in a clean and beautiful place. Therefore, we look at the best island holidays in the world for 2019. If you are not a supporter of the purest nature, you prefer infrastructure or just an alternative, check out the best places for tourists in the world.

The best islands for an unforgettable holiday


Bali Island - personification picturesque landscapes and clean ecology. A unique place with a unique culture. The island attracts tourists from all over the world due to its climate and the simplicity of the local people. Speaking about the latter, it is worth noting that all tourists here are always treated favorably and responsively. Great atmosphere for a family holiday. Many comfortable hotels and developed infrastructure will make your vacation unique for any traveler. The fiery dances and festivals that are held in Bali every week deserve special attention.

Barocay Island is one of the best regions Philippines, which combines beautiful natural places and attractions. The recreational area is distinguished by a mass of locations that will remain in the memories of travelers unforgettable experience. The culture and attitude of local residents towards recreation deserves special attention. You can go on adventures through horseback riding or bicycles. Mountaineering, windsurfing and water skiing also flourish.

The island of Bora Bora is one of the best islands for relaxation due to its historical value and ecology. Clean air, warm climate and many unique locations will give you an unforgettable experience when traveling to Bora Bora. Speaking about history, it must be said that during the Japanese War, soldiers from America lived on this island. For them, Bora Bora was a military base. Currently, the island is one of the most picturesque places on the planet. Holidays on the island are very expensive pleasure, many celebrities come to Bora Bora every year and consider it the best place to vacation!

The second largest island in Hawaii is Maui. By no means, this is not the only factor determining popularity this place. It is worth noting that the climate here is pleasant, warm and mild. A clean beach stretches across the rainbow horizon of the ocean. The only thing more beautiful than such a location is its picturesqueness. flora Maui. This area is home to many animals that attract with their exclusivity. Some species of dolphins are listed in the Red Book.

Anguilla is one of the best islands for travelers to relax in 2019! A small territory, but a rich fauna - this is how you can characterize a pleasant island, which also attracts with its historical value. It extends across the Caribbean region. Attracts with clean air and attractive vegetation. There are many delicious and rare fruits growing on the island.

The island of Jamaica is that rare place that not many have seen, but is heard by everyone. This trend is due to the presence of unique tropical landscapes and the pleasant, mild climate of the island. At the same time, Jamaica encourages tourists from different countries world by the availability of comfortable living conditions in local hotels. The hotel business here is at a good level. You can meet local customs, culture and history thanks to the work of good and friendly guides. Jamaica always has excellent weather, a pleasant climate that creates a unique atmosphere for active recreation!

There's no doubt that Seychelles are one of the best holiday destinations for foreigners. Or rather, a group of small islands located in the Indian Ocean. The uniqueness of these places is that they seem untouched by man. People really come here to relax. And it’s extremely easy to do this on the white sands. Holidays in the Seychelles are a pleasure for wealthy people who are accustomed to receiving only the best and exclusive, unfortunately the prices there are such that not everyone can boast of having been there.

The island of Hvar is truly unique place, attractive with history and beaches. It is located in the Adriatic Sea in the south of Croatia. Tourists from different countries come to the islands not only to have a good time, but to gain new knowledge. Delicious food, a unique atmosphere and wonderful conditions are just a small list of the advantages of a holiday on the island of Hvar. There are many medieval towns nearby, and in June the lavender blooms and the air becomes simply incredible. In the heart of the island, life never stops, day or night! This is not an island for loneliness and tranquility, here you want to live life to the fullest and have fun in the company of friends!

The former leader on the list is the Galapagos Islands. There are many amazing animals in these places. Vegetation also attracts the attention of any tourist. Actually, for this reason, many places are protected by law and are protected. While enjoying your holiday in this area, it is important to follow the law and honor the traditions of the local residents. In this case, you will be guaranteed a wonderful and serene vacation in nature, which delights the minds of many travelers around the world!

Most large island of this archipelago is Isabela, and the holiday here is not what you might think! People spend most of their time here getting to know the various animals that live here, namely: colorful iguanas, penguins, as well as a huge colony of giant turtles! The nature here is simply incredible, there are many species of plants that cannot be found anywhere else! So if you want to touch one of the most incredible islands in the world, then come here!

The best island for a holiday for 2019 - Aruba. Located off the coast of Venezuela. Besides Cote d'Azur and clean beaches, there is a great atmosphere and positive people. Speaking about positivity, we mean goodwill, responsiveness and friendliness. People are constantly greeting and enjoying life. There is a feeling of peace. Against the backdrop of beautiful landscapes and climate, this feeling is more suitable than ever for a pleasant pastime.

People of all ages come here and consider the island one of the best in the Caribbean! The parties here almost never stop, there are many educational excursions around the corners of the island, and of course shopping! All this, of course, cannot be cheap, so Aruba remains a small dream for many travelers!

Often, during the height of the working day, we dream of being on the seashore, feeling the warm sea air, and soaking up the velvet sand. But all these dreams can turn into reality once the holidays arrive. Where will he go? Where to gain strength? For those who cannot live without the sea, we will tell you about ten islands that can transport you into a fairy tale. So.

An exotic island in Indonesia attracts a lot of tourists with its unique culture. Indeed, this island is not like the others. Locals They welcome every tourist with an open soul, thereby allowing them to easily get used to the new climate and way of life. This is the place to go to relax. Pristine culture mixed with the comfort of modern hotels, developed nightlife and fiery dancing.

The main recreational region of the Philippines, considered one of the most beautiful among tourists natural places. You can go here for adventure and new experiences. Developed here extreme sport, mountaineering, horse riding, you can also go mountain biking, diving, windsurfing, water skiing and much more.

Australia, Pacific Ocean– a trip to this island can fill many gaps in knowledge of history. Bora Bora was once home to US soldiers during the Japanese War, and naval base. now this picturesque island with many natural beauties.

The second largest island in Hawaii. Incredible beaches and mild climate, warm ocean and rainbow horizon. What could be more beautiful?

A small island, part of the Caribbean. Another historical island corner where you can learn a lot about national history.

The combination of a mild climate and tropical landscapes makes this island popular. Here you can relax in a hotel and away from civilization, while at the same time getting acquainted with incredible local customs.

In fourth place in the list of the best islands for holidays is a group of islands in Indian Ocean, which seems untouched by man - Seychelles. People come here to relax on the white sands.

The island in the Adriatic Sea has a rich history. You should come here for new knowledge, delicious food and a unique atmosphere.

The islands are rich in vegetation and you can find many amazing animals here. No wonder these places are protected by law.

The last island off the coast of Venezuela. Here you can enjoy the beauty of the Cote d'Azur and an incredible sense of tranquility.

I love the sea and Europe! I’ve been to Cyprus 10 times, delighted with Mallorca and the islands.

The list of holiday islands in Greece, where excellent seascapes are combined with ancient ancient artifacts, includes more than 100 items.

Tourists planning a trip may find this checklist useful:

  1. Season. The optimal period for a beach holiday is from May to September. Comfortable air and sea temperatures will allow you to combine sea ​​bathing With excursion program. In autumn-winter, the mild climate and temperature within +10...+14°C give tourists the opportunity to take long walks.
  2. Place. Upon arrival in Greece, a map with islands in Russian will help the tourist plan a route in such a way as to stop at one, but also visit others interesting places around.
  3. Housing. When choosing it, you can focus not only on hotels and resort hotels that offer full board, but also for private apartments in small villages, thanks to which you can better feel the atmosphere of the ancient country. It is better to book this option in advance.
  4. Visa. To visit Greece you need a visa, but you can only choose those resorts where entry permission is issued on the spot.
  5. Religion. If the journey is not undertaken for the purpose of pilgrimage, it is better to avoid large religious holidays, during which access for tourists to many attractions is limited. Women are advised to take a scarf or head scarf when traveling so that they can visit churches.

How to get to the islands of Greece?

Direct flights from Moscow are available in summer to Crete or all year round to big cities(Athens or Thessaloniki). From them tourists go on vacation domestic flights. The most profitable price for tickets - in November.
List of airlines: Aegean Airlines, Ellinair, Aeroflot, UTair.

By adjusting the duration of connections between flights, you can have time to see the mainland attractions of the country. Flights with connections in European cities are possible.

The most picturesque islands

If, when choosing a destination to go on vacation, a tourist gives preference beautiful scenery, in Greece it is better to stay in Santorini or Skiathos. Although literally every corner of this country can compete for the title of the most picturesque.


Is one of the most beautiful islands Greece thanks to its interesting landscapes: the rocks are dotted with small cloudy white houses with azure roofs. Nearby are small temples with blue domes. You can appreciate the landscape by taking a boat trip on a ferry or yacht.

Despite the lack of fresh water, local residents grow fruits and vegetables, and vineyards and eucalyptus groves cover much of the land. Therefore, relaxation will take place among flowers and greenery.

The beaches of Santorini are impressive with black or red sand, the best of them being Perissa and Kamari.

Fans of archeology will be able to see on the island architectural monuments Cycladic civilization, visit the excavations ancient city Thera (9th century BC) in the east. Here you can see the ruins of old Roman baths, theaters, markets, visit an 18th-century monastery, an archaeological museum, the monastery of the Prophet Elijah and the convent of St. Nicholas.


Monuments of ancient culture are located here along the entire coast, and the combination of interesting cuisine with seascapes and excellent beaches, of which there are more than 60, will suit visitors with different interests.

Skiathos - the island for active tourists: lovers of yachting, jet skis, parachutists. There are also attractions on Skiathos: the ruins of Kastro, Venetian fortress Bourtzi, monasteries of Our Lady and Evangelistria. The latter are producers of local specialties. You can not only taste or purchase cheese, olive oil, wine, and liqueurs, but also try to make it yourself.

The best Greek islands for a beach holiday with children or couples

Resorts in Greece with sandy beaches and a mild climate are what you need for a holiday with children or a couple. And Crete is the eighth largest in Europe and the largest island of Greece, located in the Aegean Sea, and it will introduce tourists to the world of Greek mythology.


Evia, located in the Northern Sporades archipelago, is best for travelers with children or small, quiet groups.

According to legend, the campaign against Troy began from here, and mineral waters Hercules himself treated himself. This amazing climatic zone combines centuries-old pine forest, sea ​​beaches, bordered by powerful rocks, healing mud, hot springs among mountain gorges.

At the same time, the proximity to the mainland (only 80 km to Athens, there is even a 14-kilometer bridge across the Euripus Strait) makes the most intense excursion program possible.


The sandy beaches of Crete for holidays with children or couples are especially good in September, when it comes to the islands of Greece. the Velvet season. Although the mild climate and beautiful nature make sea swimming possible here already at the end of April.
Crete - amazing place, where all the ancient myths seem to come to life against the backdrop of the mesmerizingly beautiful local landscapes. This is the historical and cultural center of the ancient Cretan civilization, rich in ancient monuments.

Here King Minos kept the Minotaur in his palace called the Labyrinth. And in our time, visiting the Knossos Palace made of different types of stone in Heraklion will bring pleasure to tourists of any age. The first use of water supply, sewerage, ventilation, and heating is associated with its construction.

For children, Crete offers 4 water parks, a large CretAquarium and a beautiful family park"Labyrinth" with attractions.

The most frequently visited island among tourists among the Ionian Islands in the west of the country. The nature reserve attracts people from all over the world with its olive groves, citrus orchards, and lush greenery. Corfu is famous for its quality service and attracts many tourists during the season, which is worth considering when planning your trip.

When wondering which Greek resort to choose for a holiday with children, in Corfu, take a closer look at the cities of Moraitika and Messonghi - there are long sandy beaches with a smooth descent to the sea.

History buffs will be able to ride along the Lovers' Canal in Sidara, see the Byzantine churches in Kerkyra, and visit the Old Town Royal Palace, Empire style houses, ancient Venetian fort.

Belongs to the Greek Dodecanese archipelago and attracts many tourists. Hotels, bars, and restaurants are concentrated here. Teenage children and young people will appreciate the party atmosphere of the central areas. The island's beaches are shallow, safe, sandy places for the whole family.

The islanders respect medicine, because Hippocrates was born here. Therefore, tourists who are interested in medicine choose a holiday in this place among all the islands of Greece. Children will be interested to see the thousand-year-old plane tree, which, according to legend, was planted by Hippocrates in his youth, or take part in the traditional oath ceremony for future doctors.

Water parks Aquis Marine Resort, Lido Water Park, Go Kart karting centers, Baywatch water sports club - the choice of sports guys and young couples for their holidays on Kos. And very young travelers can interact with animals in nature reserve Physico Parco tis Zias.

Go to Zakynthos if you are thinking about which Greek island to choose for an intense children's vacation at sea or have a relaxing holiday together. There are fewer tourists here than in other Greek resorts, which guarantees a measured pace of vacation.

The southernmost of the seven Ionian islands will offer visitors not only 123 km of comfortable pebble and sandy beaches, beautiful azure bays with grottoes and green gardens, but also big list hotels. In the south and southeast of Zakynthos there is a marine reserve with rare animals such as the caretta turtle and the monachus seal.

The island's landscapes are exquisitely complemented by Venetian towers and fortresses; the capital has a similar Venetian St. Mark's Square with a Catholic Cathedral.

A place that preserves national flavor and ancient buildings. Perfect for a couple's walk after relaxing on Myrtos Beach, during which you can see such attractions as:

  • Drogarati cave - with a “front” hall decorated with “chandeliers” made of hundreds of stalactites;
  • the mystical underground Lake Melissani, discovered after the ceiling of his cave collapsed, allowing sunlight to penetrate here;
  • the Venetian town of Fiscardo, the only one that did not suffer from the terrible earthquake and therefore preserved its historical appearance.

Islands for young people and couples

Tourists call Rhodes among the most romantic holiday destinations, and young people will appreciate nightlife fashionable Mykonos.

An important tourism center off the coast of Turkey. European tourists consider Rhodes the best resort Greece. According to legend, Zeus raised it from the bottom of the sea as a gift to the sun god Helios.

Rhodes has a variety of hotels and beaches: there are small hotels for couples looking for privacy, as well as chain hotels with night discos and round-the-clock parties for dance lovers.

At the same time, the island is also attractive for visitors who are interested in archeology and the ancient world. The list of places to visit should include the ruins of ancient Kameiros, the Rhodes Fortress, the castles of Archangelos and Monolithos.
Lovers in spring or summer should visit the Valley of Butterflies.

Located in the Aegean Sea, it is the center of Greek nightlife. The resort for wealthy tourists, including world stars, is famous for its tolerance to the whims of its guests. This is a place of entertainment, in a relaxed atmosphere where you can choose daily pleasures according to your mood: a party on the best beaches, shopping in stores of world fashion brands, a quiet beach holiday, watching the sunrise on a yacht, surfing, a Greek dinner under the stars.

Many of Symi's sandy or pebble beaches are located in such a way that they can only be reached by sea. This attracts lovers to the island, who can spend a vacation here together, away from other tourists.
Interesting Greek architecture and seascapes will be a good backdrop for photographs.

Ideal places for a secluded holiday with an authentic atmosphere

Small sparsely populated greek islands give travelers the opportunity to experience all the traditions of the region in their original form. For many, such a vacation is preferable to five-star service.

It is famous for its coastline, along which sandy or sand-pebble beaches stretch. Here you can choose a place for swimming according to your taste: from an organized one with bars and restaurants on the shore to a sports one offering activities different types water sports. Lovers of “wild” holidays will also find beaches here for themselves.


The island offers a secluded getaway. There are fewer tourists here than in other Greek resorts. The beaches of Chios are the spacious black-pebble Mavra Volia Beach, the small Vroulidia Beach, consisting of a mixture of pebbles and sand. The sandy beaches of Komi and Karfas, ideal for children, are noteworthy.

Ancient Orthodox shrines (the monasteries of Nea Moni, Ayia Markela and Agios Konstantinos) will be an interesting addition to your holiday. You can feel the closeness to Turkey by visiting the capital and visiting the 10th-century fortifications with Turkish baths and the Byzantine museum located in an old mosque.


The island is located in the Ionian Sea. It connects to the mainland pontoon bridge, which gives tourists an additional advantage: not to depend on the vagaries of nature and enjoy the scenery almost all year round. Lefkada has a mountainous landscape and lush green surroundings.

The island is a center for water sports. Kitesurfers, divers, and windsurfers feel great here. In summer, lovers of an authentic atmosphere can take part in a large folklore festival.

Admit it, who dreamed of escaping to a picturesque island on the seashore at least once? So that there are beaches with shells, palm trees and coconuts all around? We are sure that luxury holiday on an island far from civilization, everyone should afford it.

The selection includes budget islands that can outshine the Maldives and Seychelles with their views. Decide where you would like to go - to a quiet island with untouched nature, a resort with quality service, rich history or to a fun and noisy place with youth discos.

Fifth place: Mallorca

The largest in the archipelago Balearic Islands. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea and belongs to Spain. Prestigious resort with developed infrastructure, European level of service in hotels and restaurants. There are no palm trees or coconuts here, but it is full of pine groves, oak forests and rocky cliffs. Secluded sandy beaches are hidden among the rocks, beautiful caves and clear sea.

Activities in Mallorca include windsurfing and diving. On the island there are ruins of medieval castles, monuments from the 10th century, Cathedral, historical Museum. To save money, look for a hotel closer to the center of the island. Getting to the beach is not much more difficult, but you save 20-30% on housing.

Visa: need schengen

Season: June-October

Weekly holiday cost: At the beginning of June*

Fourth place: Phu Quoc

The island in the Gulf of Thailand is considered the best resort in Vietnam. Quiet and tranquil Phu Quoc protected from the elements mountain range- typhoons, unlike Nha Trang, do not happen here. The island has palm trees, tropical plants, golden sand and clear sea. The resort is well equipped - cafes, restaurants, car and water equipment rentals at every turn. English will come in handy: the island is not yet as Russified as Mui Ne and Nha Trang.

Fukuoka has a great beach holiday, but there are few attractions. Waterfalls, nature reserves, temples and pagodas can be explored during a week's vacation. Rent a bike and explore the attractions on your own - this way you will save a lot on excursions.

Visa: need not

Season: December-March

Weekly holiday cost: in March*

Third place. Corfu

The greenery of cypress trees, the aromas of oranges and pine groves, the azure Ionian Sea and golden beaches - here it is, blooming Greece in all its glory! The most authentic island of Hellas is the ideal choice for a leisurely, relaxing holiday. Local residents do not tolerate fuss and remain leisurely and calm in any situation, like their ancient ancestors. When you arrive at this resort, you are inevitably charged with an atmosphere of tranquility and relax as much as possible.

The main attraction of the island is the magnificent nature in Paleokastritsa. The coast of the village is rugged picturesque bays, where clean sandy beaches and luxury hotels are hidden. If you are planning a romantic vacation, go to the West, they have the most beautiful secluded beaches. In the South and in the Center there is developed infrastructure and an equipped coastline.

Visa: need schengen

Season: May-October

Weekly holiday cost: in June*

Second place. Phuket

Everything on the island is like in the movie “ Blue Lagoon": soft White sand, clear water and palm trees hanging over the shore. There are dozens of small islands and picturesque rocks in the sea - ideal for photo shoots. People come here not only for natural beauties. Fun is concentrated in the Patong Beach area: go-go clubs, night discos, Thai massage parlors. Nearby is Bangla Road - the mecca of world sex tourism.

If you are not interested in such entertainment, plan a vacation in the Nai Harn beach area. This is a cozy bay between green hills with excellent diving conditions. Calm family beach- Kata Beach, quiet secluded - Kata Noi Beach. And the cleanest and most beautiful beach in Phuket is Karon Beach. A wide strip of sand, a shallow sea with a gentle entrance and waves - here you feel like you are in a real tropical paradise. The only minus of Karon Beach is paid sunbeds, umbrellas and expensive restaurants.

Visa: need not

Season: December-April

Weekly holiday cost: in April*

First place: Tenerife

Tenerife has it all: impeccably beautiful coastline with palm trees and soft sand, clean beaches, marked Blue flags, unique nature, architectural sights. On the island high mountains, National parks with forests, waterfalls, mysterious ancient pyramid and a picturesque volcano. Best beach The island is called Playa Arena - famous for its black volcanic sand. And besides the beautiful nature, Tenerife has an excellent promenade with restaurants, cafes and souvenir shops.

Tenerife is the largest Canary Islands. All beaches are free and state owned. In the North there is Teresita Beach with light sand, which is specially imported from the Sahara. The windy southeast of the resort is ideal for surfing, the north is calm and quiet, ideal for families with children. To save money, book your trips early in the season and in advance.

Visa: need schengen

Season: May-October

Weekly holiday cost: in June*

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