Features of organizing a family weekend tour. Course work: Weekend tours and the possibility of conducting them in the Zarinsky district Drawing up programs for servicing weekend tours

The main directions of tourism development were educational and recreational in nature; significantly contributed to the education and spiritual enrichment of various segments of the population, contributed to the knowledge of the fatherland and the formation of national self-awareness.

Recreational hikes were originally developed for business people who do not have enough time for vacation. Thus, from 1890 to the October Revolution, a tourist infrastructure (transport network, restaurant and hotel industry) was formed, numerous travel agencies, clubs, bureaus, and companies appeared. Two main components of the tourist market are being formalized - elite tourism of the wealthy strata and excursion and recreational tourism intelligentsia.

In the modern pace of life, many people have no time to spare time for an excursion or tour. A great solution could be tours that can be done on a weekend. These tours provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the main attractions in just one day and have a wonderful weekend.

Weekend tours are a 2-3 day vacation, usually covering only one working day - Friday.

Weekend tours have different directions:

1. educational tourism - does not depend on the age of the participants, only on their range of interests.

Educational tours are divided into:

  • · stationary tours (stay of tourists in one city, tourist center);
  • · route tours (visits to several settlements, attractions, built in the form of a travel route);
  • · entertainment tours (entertainment during a tourist trip. The main programs are excursion and entertainment.

Entertainment tours can be:

  • · periodic or one-time - organized for holidays, during vacations or traditional festivals;
  • · regular - tours to specially created places of permanent entertainment.);
  • 2. Eco-tourism - includes both small educational tours for schoolchildren and regular tourist programs in national parks and nature reserves;
  • 3. Business tourism - tourist trips for business purposes. Despite the wide variety of types of tourism, recreational trips on weekends are in greatest demand among the population.

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Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ...... 2

1. Zarinsky district................................................... ........................................... 4

1.1 Geography and economy of the region.................................................... ................ 4

1.2 Historical attractions of the area.................................... 10

2. Weekend tours and their implementation in the Zarinsky district.................................. 15

2.1 Weekend tours................................................................. ................................ 15

2.2 Possibility of holding them in the Zarinsky district.................................. 20

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ 29

List of used literature................................................................... ............. 30


The Altai region is located in the center of the largest continent on Earth - Eurasia. Its border includes the southeastern edge of the West Siberian Plain and the highest and most significant part of the Altai mountain region. Travelers will find here the mirror-like surface of emerald lakes, and vast expanses of now plowed steppes, pleasing to the eye birch copses, forests of pine, larch, and cedar. A dense network of rivers cut through our lands.

Altai, as our region is usually called for brevity, is an important economic region of Russia with diversified agriculture and large diversified industry. With the commissioning of the Zarinsky coke plant in the region, ferrous metallurgy also received registration (of course, during the current crisis, all this is going through difficult times). In the Altai Territory the most large rivers Biya and Katun, merging, form one of the main Siberian rivers Ob. There are 13 thousand lakes in the region, and the largest of them is Kuldinskoye (728 sq. km). These rivers will satisfy the most demanding lover of extreme tourism rafting. In the Altai region there is the relict Lake Savushinskoe, unique pine forests (the only ones in the world), stretching for hundreds of kilometers, bottomless caves that have preserved traces of ancient people (according to many scientists, the first person appeared in Altai). The federal resort of Belokurikha with its famous radon baths, as well as the city of Yarovoy with its healing mud, are famous. So if you want to relax and improve your health, then Altai is simply created for you. In the Altai Territory, two types of landscapes predominate: in the east - mountainous, in the west - steppe, significant areas are occupied by taiga massifs. The taiga wilderness and lake surfaces, rich in game, will be appreciated by real fishermen and hunters. In Altai there are bears, wolves, hares, moose, lynxes, cranes, hazel grouse, wood grouse, cranes, bream, roach, crucian carp, sturgeon, grayling, sterlet, ruff.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

get acquainted with the natural and economic features of the study area;

study the history of the Zarinsky district;

conduct an analysis of the possibilities of conducting weekend tours in the area.

Tourism (from French - walk, trip) is a trip in free time, one of the types active recreation, which has now turned into a whole industry, a global industry. The main functions of tourism: reproductive, cognitive, and also the function of self-expression. All these functions are closely interrelated, complement and accompany each other, allowing for a modern approach to tourism as a software service.

1. Zarinsky district

1.1 Geography and economy of the area

The Zarinsky district of the Altai Territory is located in the north-eastern part of the region, bordering the Kemerovo region, Zalesovsky, Kosikhinsky, Kytmanovsky and Pervomaisky districts. Area – 5.2 thousand sq. km. Population – 22.0 thousand people: Russians, Germans, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Mordovians, Chuvash, Altaians. In 1979, Sorokinsky district was renamed Zarinsky, administrative center moved to Zarinsk (city of regional subordination). Located on the Chumysh River 100 km northeast of Barnaul. Founded in 1970 as a workers' village. The region consists of 50 settlements, the largest: Tyagun, Golukha - population more than 2 thousand people, Khmelevka, Smaznevo, Novomanoshkino - more than 1 thousand people.

On the territory of the region there are deposits for the extraction and production of cement, brick: brick loams, expanded clay, mineral paints, building stone (crushed stone), limestone (including cement). There is also a gold deposit in the area.

The climate is continental. Average temperature January - minus 17.7, July - plus 19.2. The annual amount of precipitation is 450 mm. The soils are chernozems, gray forest soils. Grow - fir, spruce, cedar, birch, aspen. Inhabited by elk, roe deer, and fox.

There are 53 active peasant farms and 14 collective farms in the district. The main direction of the economy is agriculture, industry is developing:

production of crop products: wheat, rye, millet, buckwheat, oats, barley, legumes, sugar beets, fiber flax, sunflower, potatoes;

production of livestock products: cattle meat, pigs, poultry; milk; egg, honey

The largest coke plant in the region is located on the territory of the district; enterprises for processing agricultural raw materials; forestry and wood processing enterprises; cement plant; social organizations: 31 schools, 10 kindergartens, 34 rural cultural centers and clubs, 34 libraries, 2 music schools, 3 hospitals, a local history museum.

The Barnaul - Kemerovo, Zarinsk - Biysk highways, as well as the railway connecting Altai with Kuzbass, pass through the territory of the region. Zarinsk is connected by highways with Barnaul and Biysk.

In the livestock industry of the region in January-June 2008 the following was produced: milk - 15502 tons (108.1% compared to January-June 2007), eggs - 3130 thousand pieces. (102.6% compared to January-June 2007). Livestock and poultry were sold for slaughter in live weight of 1303 tons, which amounted to (94.0% compared to January-June 2007). The sown areas of the main agricultural crops in farms of all categories for the 2008 harvest were: grain crops - 51,415 hectares (106.1% compared to 2007), sunflower for grain - 2,373 hectares (2.2 rubles compared to 2007), potatoes - 1,355 hectares (106.8% compared to 2007), vegetables - 163 hectares (116.4% compared to 2007).

The volume of industrial production for January-June 2008 is 882,021 thousand rubles, per capita - 41,802 rubles, the industrial production index is 131.9, the level of investment in fixed capital is 78,022 thousand rubles. (physical volume index - 109.5), residential buildings commissioned - 544 sq. m (in% of January-June 2007 - 94.3), the volume of work performed on its own in the type of activity "construction" - 14 thousand rubles. (physical volume index – 1.9 rubles).

The output of the main types of products in physical terms in January-June 2008 amounted to: heat energy - 31.7 thousand Gcal, wood removal - 13.3 thousand dense cubic meters. m, timber harvesting - 13.3 thousand dense cubic meters. m, lumber - 8.7 thousand cubic meters. m, non-metallic construction materials – 211.7 thousand cubic meters. m, garments in actual prices - 807 thousand rubles, confectionery - 4.5 tons, bread and bakery products - 421.2 tons, pasta - 0.5 tons, cheeses and cottage cheese - 35.5 tons, whole milk products (in terms of milk) - 1325.4 tons, animal butter - 15.0 tons, fatty cheeses (including feta cheese) - 30.9 tons, flour - 898 tons, cereals - 524 tons.

Retail trade turnover amounted to 118,580 thousand rubles. (physical volume index – 112.2). Volume paid services for the population - 25,126 thousand rubles. The volume of household services to the population is 669 thousand rubles.

The number of registered economic entities of all types of economic activity as of July 1, 2008 amounted to 214 units. (as a percentage of July 1, 2007 – 98.6%). The financial activities of the district's enterprises brought a profit of 144,896 thousand rubles, the share of profitable organizations was 88.9%, the share of unprofitable organizations was 11.1%.

Accounts receivable as of July 1, 2008 – 380,576 thousand rubles, accounts payable – 431,221 thousand rubles. The debt of enterprises on loans and borrowings as of July 1, 2008 is 740,197 thousand rubles. The average monthly salary of one employee in the region for January-June 2008 was 6,904 rubles (142.1% compared to January-June 2007). As of July 1, 2008, 632 people were registered as unemployed on the labor market. (by July 1, 2007 - 100.6%), citizens looking for work - 639 people. (by July 1, 2007 - 101.6%), unemployed who were assigned unemployment benefits - 457 people. (by July 1, 2007 – 101.6%).

In the northeast of the region, a strip of undulating relief of the pre-Altai foothill plains is separated Western Siberia from actually Altai mountains The Salair Ridge stretches out. Its relief, which survived a long tectonic history, was relatively recently (about 10 million years) updated by neotectonic movements, manifested in the arched uplift and block movement of gigantic masses of the earth's crust. These young movements were accompanied by intense erosional dissection, which almost completely destroyed the remains of the once hilly, so-called peneplain, surface. Altai is the western edge of the powerful mountain belt of Southern Siberia, raised in the form of a huge arch to a height of more than 4000 m. Erosion and glacial processes modeled tectonic structures and determined the modern appearance of the relief with a complex of tectonic glacial and water-erosive forms.

The Salair Ridge is a plateau-like hill in the Kemerovo, Novosibirsk regions and Altai Territory. It limits the Kuznetsk Basin with a length of about 300 km. This is a low-mountain ridge with gently sloping and hilly terrain. The highest height of the ridge is 621 m (Mount Kivda). There is much more rainfall here compared to the adjacent steppes. Significant spaces in the axial part of the ridge are occupied by black taiga (fir-aspen-birch forests), which are separated in the west from the Chumysh valley by a wide strip of forest-steppe with birch forests. The low-mountainous part of the region is sparsely populated and has no good roads. In winter, snow cover sets in early here, and by the end of winter it often reaches a height of 1.5-2 m. Hundreds of streams and rivers run along the slopes of the Salair Ridge, among stones and shady taiga thickets. River valleys are the most interesting and scenic spots Salaira. Main river The Salair ridge, flowing through its very heart, is Berd. The Berdi riverbed is winding and replete with long sandy reaches. The current is mostly calm. The second largest Salair river is Suenga. Suenga is also very picturesque. There are often stormy riffles on it. Grayling is found in Salair rivers. This fish is typical for mountain rivers. A number of plants rare for Siberia are found on Salair.

In spring, the slopes of the Salair Ridge are a luxurious carpet of primroses. The snow has not yet completely melted, but from under last year's foliage wonderful flowers are already making their way towards spring - kandyk, Altai anemone, gooseberry, corydalis, lumbago. European hooffoot is a relict plant that has been preserved on the Salair Ridge since the era when the climate in Siberia was much milder and deciduous forests predominated. The taiga is also very beautiful in autumn. The evergreen color of pines and firs is complemented at this time by the yellow, orange and red tones of deciduous trees. Here and there, bright lights of rowan, raspberry, rose hip, and currant fruits shine among the foliage. Large quantity snow in winter and humid Salair summer contribute to the gigantic growth of grasses. Even ordinary plants sometimes reach enormous sizes here and form impenetrable thickets - real grass jungles. There are forests of different types on Salair. Most often these are mixed forests. In some places they are dominated by light, cheerful birches, and sometimes there are pine forests. Salair is characterized by vast areas of pure aspen forests. IN hard to reach places The dense, impassable taiga, consisting of fir and aspen, still remains. In Siberia, these gloomy dark coniferous forests are called chenoya or chernovaya taiga. In such a forest, dampness is always felt and twilight prevails - here is the kingdom of mosses, ferns and lichens. The mob is gloomy, gloomy, littered with dead wood. These are typical bear areas. It seems that the owner of the forest himself is about to appear from the thicket. The most beautiful and valuable areas in Salair are areas of pure fir forest. In recent decades, fir forests have suffered greatly from the activities of logging companies. There are practically no large areas of fir left. One of the islands of fir forest has been preserved in the vicinity of the former village of Kotorovo. The natural monument “Black Forests of the Salair region” was organized here. An ecological trail has been laid across the territory of the natural monument, which is used by scientists studying the biocenoses of the Salair taiga. In this untouched corner black taiga are found interesting representatives fauna, such as this tawny owl. Animal world Salaira is very rich. First of all, insects attract attention - the ubiquitous ants, forest bugs, bright and fancy butterflies. A number of rare insects are found on Salair, for example, the Apollo butterfly, listed in the Red Book of Russia. In the taiga, on dead tree trunks, the work of longhorned beetles and bark beetles is clearly visible. They tirelessly recycle the trunks of dead trees. The moist Salair taiga, rich in herbaceous vegetation, creates ideal conditions for the existence of the taiga tick, a carrier of encephalitis. There are a lot of ticks on Salair. What can you do - taiga is taiga. But in a real taiga there should be bears. Sometimes you can even see them. You shouldn't linger here for long - the mother of the bear cub may be nearby. In caves and hollows you can find bats. All species of bats living in our region are listed in the Red Book. Scientists are studying these peculiar animals and developing measures to protect them. The Salair taiga is home to an abundance of birds. More than a hundred species of birds live and breed here. The blue nightingale is one of them. He made his nest at the edge of the forest. The female will incubate a clutch of 5 greenish eggs for about two weeks until the chicks hatch.

Mountain conditions and the ability to quickly get there from Barnaul (4 hours by train) attract many tourists here, especially in winter. It is possible to conduct skiing and hiking I-II categories of complexity. The river network of Salair is very dense, but the largest watercourses, with the exception of Chumysh, are suitable for rafting only during the snowmelt period: at the end of April - May. Among the natural monuments is the unique relict linden grove on the river. Uksunay.

1.2 Historical attractions of the area

The historical potential of Zarinsk, although not great, is very diverse. Firstly, of course, the city of Zarinsk itself. Zarinsk is the youngest city in the Altai Territory - formed by merging the station village of Zarinsky and the regional center of Sorokino on November 29, 1979 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

The first Russian peasants began to penetrate into the area only at the end of the 17th century. At first, individual peasants and fugitives came here for the purpose of fishing, and from the beginning of the 18th century, groups of “mound workers” began to penetrate - treasure hunters in ancient mounds. Gradually, settlers began to settle in new lands. Reliable news of Russian settlers in this territory date back only to 1716. The Russian ambassador of Dzungaria, Ivan Cheredov, wrote in a memorandum that in 1716, nomads, along with Teleut yurts, burned many villages in Chumysh that belonged to Russian peasants. Thus, in 1716 Russian peasants already lived in the region. The regional archive records that in 1722 the first village of Ozerno Titivo (now Ozernaya) was formed. In subsequent years, many other settlements arose, which are now centers of state farms and collective farms.

Before the emergence of the city, there were two villages in this place - Kamyshenka and Sorokino. The village of Sorokino traces its history back to 1748. By the time Zarinsk appeared, administrative and economic organizations were located in Sorokino, a number of objects were built: a brick factory, a brewery, a three-story school, a cinema "Mir", a library, kindergarten"Teremok", House of Culture and House of Life, sanitary-epidemiological station, veterinary hospital, road construction department No. 2, shops, as well as a recreation park with carousels and a dance floor. One after another, twelve apartment buildings were built in the center of Sorokino. And in 1962, a water supply system was laid.

On the site of present-day Zarinsk, the Dawn of Communism commune was created. Its organizer, Ivan Bolshanin, was able to unite like-minded people. They built a pig farm, created an apiary, opened a reading hut, and sent walkers to Moscow for a tractor. Despite the fact that the kulaks captured and killed the organizers, the commune lived on. In 1929, it switched to the collective farm charter. Later, the fields of the Sorokinsky state farm were located on her lands. So, the current city included two villages and a state farm.

Russia is a great railway power. The presence of a dense network of railways, especially in the European part of the country, makes it possible to organize a variety of geographical location, form and content of railway tour routes.

When organizing tourist routes by rail, it should be remembered that the railway network of our country is divided into several roads according to the territorial principle. The European part of Russia is more developed, the Eastern part (Siberia and Far East). The construction of the Altai-Kuzbass railway was completed in 1953, a station was built with railway station, which was named "Zarinskaya".

In the formed station village, a number of industrial and municipal warehouse organizations related to agriculture and forestry of the region arose, such as: a butter and cheese plant, a grain collection point, an elevator, a beet point, agricultural machinery, and the Chumysh rafting office. In 1958, the village received the status of a “working village”. And in 1961, construction of the second track was completed railway and electrification of the village. In the same year, a bridge was built across the Chumysh River.

In March 1968, the task for developing a project for the construction of a coking plant was approved. In the fall of 1971, a master plan was drawn up and agreed upon. In the summer of 1977, construction began on the first coke battery, and in 1981 the first Altai coke was produced.

Archeology in the area - petrographic analysis of stone material suggests that the Paleolithic inhabitants of the river valley. Chumysh used local stone. At all points, ancient man carried out the initial sorting of material. Dark-colored, fine-grained, siliceous varieties of rocks with approximately similar physical and mechanical properties were involved in production. Siliceous varieties of siltstones, tuffaceous siltstones and mudstones attracted particular attention. Sandstones and tuff sandstones of fine- and fine-grained structure from dark gray to green, as well as microquartzites from black to green of various origins, were used somewhat less frequently. At the Pobeda-1 and Kolonkovo-8 localities, side scrapers were found formed on semi-primary flakes cleaved from microquartzite pebbles.

In the Zarinsky district, in the valley of the river. Chumysh is a man-made cave Orthodox church. It was created at the beginning of the 20th century by the monk Daniel, who devoted 12 years of his life to this ascetic work. The underground cells, galleries, and labyrinths have a total length of about 250 m and are very similar in layout to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. The largest room is the altar room measuring 4 x 5 m with a domed ceiling. It was deeply studied by V.V. Kokshenev (former methodologist of the Youth and Youth Center of the Zheleznodorozhny district). He and his boys spent more than one day exploring this area. During the research, the burial of a little girl was discovered. Buried with her was her doll, whose headdress resembled the traditional headdress of the North American Indians. This burial once again confirms that North America was inhabited by immigrants from Russia, or more precisely from Western and Eastern Siberia. Anthropologist Turner, an adherent of the three-stage settlement of America, includes not only the northern regions of China, but also Siberia as the ancestral homeland of the Indians. The Siberian territory is also considered the homeland of the Proto-Americans by our compatriots - Yu.G. Rychkov and E.V. Yashchuk. In their opinion, in the Upper Paleolithic era (about 26 thousand years ago) on the territory of Siberia there was an original community, which gave rise to two lines of ethnogenesis - Siberian and American. A more extensive area of ​​the ancestral home of the American aborigines is indicated by Neel and his colleagues. By analyzing the geographic distribution of the four groups of mitochondrial DNA (A, B, C, D) and T-lymphotrophic virus type II (HTLV-II), they found the latter in 11 of the 38 Amerindian groups studied, as well as in the Mongols, but did not find it in none of the 10 studied ethnic populations of Eastern Siberia. Therefore, the authors believe that the immediate ancestors of the Amerindians had common roots with ethnic groups living in Mongolia, Manchuria and Siberia.

However, many researchers do not mention Siberia at all among the places from which the Proto-Americans could have come. Thus, M. Ney and A. Roychoudhuri, based on the variability of blood proteins in 26 different populations of the world, believe that the first colonizers of the New World were people from the eastern regions Central Asia, which also gave rise to the ethnic groups of Japan, the islands of Polynesia and Micronesia.

In the same subsection we will include one geographical item, namely the so-called “rifts” on the river. Chumysh. Even though this is geographical feature, but it seems to be part of the general “complex” of the historical attractions of the Zarinsky district described above.

Natural monuments in the east of the region are of great interest. For example, islands of linden groves preserved in the deep black forests of the Zarinsky district. They indicate that Siberia once had a warm climate and these trees were common here.

Back in the 50s. of our century in the deep villages of Altai one could see many peasant houses with interior paintings on wood. It was then that employees of the Moscow Research Institute of the Art Industry, who organized a search expedition, discovered an unusual thing in the village of Khmelevka (Zarinsky district) - a fragment of a painting with the name of its author. A painted opechka (the upper part of the board above the Russian stove) was found, on which was written: “Akent Bushuev. 1897.” This is a huge rarity. Most of these paintings, like other works of old folk masters, do not have signatures. These authors have one common name - people. Through his collective efforts, an artistic tradition was created and developed from generation to generation.

New times have significantly changed peasant life. The walls of village houses began to be covered with plaster, and interior Altai painting can only be seen in museums, including the Altai Regional Museum of Fine and Applied Arts. This type of folk art is now expressed in small forms. Decorating household items has by no means lost its importance. Since ancient times, these things carried within themselves two principles - utilitarian and artistic, which existed in natural unity.

There are descendants of immigrants from Central Russia in the area. Who in the 16th-19th centuries moved here for a number of reasons. Someone came to Altai for free land, someone was looking for "Belovodye", someone moved as an employee of the factories.

2. Weekend tours and their implementation in the Zarinsky district

2.1 Weekend tours

Initially, weekend tours were invented for business people who simply do not have enough time for vacation, and who find it difficult to get away even for a week, let alone a full month’s vacation.

How often do we wait for a day off in the hope of getting some rest, but we spend it busy with household chores and chores. Isn’t it better to really relax on the weekend, afford weekend tours, with its diversity of nature, wonderful ancient cities and museums, provides many opportunities for tourists. The most attractive thing about these mini-trips is the variety of possibilities. Such tours offer universal programs: family trips, corporate trips or tours in the company of friends. Couples in love can organize a weekend tour simply as a “romantic” trip. Mini-trips such as weekend tours will allow you to escape from everyday life and have a great rest. Travel companies, organizing such trips, think through and organize everything down to the smallest detail. And a comfortable bus, and food, and accommodation. Such tours are a great opportunity to get to know your work colleagues better, meet new people or strengthen family relationships.

Weekend tours are an exciting 2-3 day vacation, usually only one working day - Friday, of various directions:

educational tourism does not depend on the age of tourists, but only on the range of their interests. A person can be interested in many things, especially something unusual and unusual, previously unseen and unknown. Therefore, when developing a market and advertising, special attention should be paid to highlighting precisely these aspects of the tourist route.

There are two types of educational tours:

1) stationary tours - with tourists staying in one city, tourist center;

2) route tours - visits to several settlements and centers of attractions, built in the form of a travel route.

entertainment tours (the basis of weekend tours). Their main goal, naturally, is entertainment during a tourist trip. All entertainment tours, as a rule, have a short duration. Their duration is usually 2-4 days. The most common entertainment tours are “week-end tours”. The main programs are excursion and entertainment. As a rule, there is only one excursion - a sightseeing tour of the city. The main direction is entertainment according to the chosen type. One of the types of services on such tours is participation in festival programs and festive events taking place at the holiday destination. When visiting theme parks - the actual visit (providing tourists entrance tickets, often at reduced prices). Evening entertainment events are usually required (restaurant, special concert, etc.). Meals are most often half board (breakfast, dinner). Dinner often occurs during evening events and may or may not be included in the price of the tour, depending on the commitment and attractiveness of the event. That is, when planning meals, it is taken into account whether dinner is included or not included in the leisure or even evening excursion program.

Entertainment tours can be of two types:

1. Periodic, or one-time, tours - are organized for holidays (Christmas tours), during the holidays, for traditional festivals (Venetian, in Rio de Janeiro) or can be dedicated to some one-time events or activities (for example, 1000 -anniversary of Christianity or celebration of some major national dates, etc.).

2. Regular, or permanent, tours - to specially created places of permanent entertainment (Disneyland or other theme parks, casinos in Las Vegas (USA) and Sun City ( South Africa)); others smaller or less famous places entertainment that attracts tourists.

ecological tours - the concept of "ecotourism" covers quite wide range travel - from small educational tours for schoolchildren to regular tourist programs in national parks and reserves. Profits from this type of tourism can be partially used to finance environmental activities.

business tourism - tourist trips for business purposes (business travel) have existed in one form or another for decades.

To successfully conduct weekend tours, two groups of important tasks and techniques can be distinguished:

tourist service program:


leisure and entertainment services;

sports programs;

excursion services;

transport services, household services, etc.

A complex of these services forms a tourist service program. From the point of view of programmatic services, tourism programs are always thematically focused. Depending on the topic of the tour, a certain set of services is compiled, which depends on the purpose of the trip and the level of comfort ordered. In this case, the program consists of basic services corresponding to the purpose of travel, as well as services that complement and accompany.

The introduction of software services in tourism requires the following:

special training, retraining and advanced training of tourism personnel;

development of standard scenarios and cycles of recreational activities;

active development of tourism infrastructure;

state support for private entrepreneurs;

guarantee of consumer rights protection;

organizing a request implementation system in such a way that the consumer can participate in designing his own vacation program;

a differentiated approach to serving different groups of the population connected by common socio-psychological characteristics and interests;

specialization of tourism enterprises for certain types of service programs.

Among the parameters for differentiating programs tourist recreation and travel can be distinguished:

main types of recreational activities (recreational activities, cycles and systems of activities);

the main population groups for which the programs are designed;

degree of orientation and dependence on the material and technical base, recreational resources and tourism infrastructure;

spatiotemporal localization, social and functional orientation (health improvement, communication, cognition).

Software maintenance takes advantage of the customers' motives and aspirations first. Naturally, not all of them can be clearly formulated and defined. Therefore, when describing them, it is necessary to adhere to a somewhat conditional classification based on the motivation of tourists when choosing a particular type of vacation or travel.

The motives of tourists when choosing a trip can be very diverse and depend on many factors. Among them, of course, are the age, income level of tourists, and national characteristics, and even fashion. However, among the variety of motives, experts identify the most typical ones, present among the majority of consumers in most tourist markets. They are usually the basis of standard maintenance programs distributed throughout the world. When choosing a program, economic considerations, territorial-climatic and many others are also important.

Each type of tour, depending on the program, has special specifics for organizing services for tourists, allocating time and providing services, and technology for serving tourists. In this case, the service program is based on the main purpose of the trip. With all the variety of program options, the principle “Purpose of travel - type of tour” is observed.

If this fundamental principle of organizing a tour and drawing up a program is not followed, then the work is doomed to failure, even if it consists of high-quality services of the highest category, since the tourist considers quality service only when the purpose of his trip is fulfilled. If he did not achieve it (say, he was going to improve his health, but ended up on a mountain hike), then his impressions are negative. Consequently, the demand for such tourist services is falling. The same applies to faceless programs made up of services of various orientations and topics and not meeting the needs of one or another segment of consumers. Any service program must be focused on a specific consumer and correspond to his target motives.

Potential clients of hotel enterprises in the Altai Territory are, first of all, individual tourists coming to the region. They can be divided into two subgroups: guests who came to relax or improve their health (mainly family vacations), as well as clients who came as a group to celebrate a holiday. As a rule, the category of individual guests consists of people aged 10 to 50 years. Analyzing the cost of accommodation in hotels and other accommodation facilities in Altai, we can talk about a significant variation and inflated prices (the main complaint of clients). TO weaknesses hotel industry should also include the fact that more than half of the accommodation facilities do not have their own website on the Internet, hotel enterprises do not work with travel agencies, more than 50% do not accept credit cards. As a rule, prices for services are inflated and do not correspond to the real level of service. Many hotels have not been restored since their construction.

2.2 Possibility of holding them in the Zarinsky district

On the territory of the Zarinsky district you can conduct weekend tours in the following directions:

ski tourism (Salair Ridge is designated as a separate tourist region of Altai).

this is a favorite time for representatives of active types of tourism to spend time in winter time year. Tyagun station can be reached by train from Barnaul, and from Kemerovo region, however, with a transfer to the station. Artyshta II. This location is ideal for 2 and 3 day tours. IN locality You can rent a house for the weekend; many tenants also offer ski rentals. In the last century there was a ski base in Tyagun, but at the moment there was nothing left of her. The cultural and entertainment program may include climbing a hill from which one can see the neighboring village, Anatoly (named after the commander of a partisan detachment who liberated villages from punitive forces and kulak squads of the “holy cross”, sometimes they retreated and went into the taiga, made raids and raids) and the entire Tyagun. This is an unusually beautiful place at any time of the year. Standing on, even if not a large, hill, you can observe all the beauties of the Siberian taiga. In winter, the taiga is like a fairy tale. Slender fir trees are covered with sparkling fluffy snow. At such a time, it seems that everything in the taiga has fallen asleep. But even in this harsh time, many animals are active. Squirrels and crossbills deftly remove seeds from the cones of coniferous trees. Pine also provides food for the largest taiga birds - wood grouse. All winter they feed on pine needles. Owls catch unwary mice. True, from spring to autumn you need to be wary of ticks, which are increasing in number every year. Once upon a time, millions of years ago, Salair raised its peaks high, was a real mountainous country, but everything in this world is aging, even the mountains, and now the ridges can only be called mountains with a stretch. At the moment at st. Tyagun is receiving its systematic development" Ski resorts Salair Ridge".

It is also possible to make a short forced march on skis from the village in 3 days off. Togulenok to st. Tyagun or Anatoly. True, we will have to leave on Thursday evening in order to get to Togulenok at night, set up camp and move towards our intended goal in the morning. Having arrived at your final destination, take the train (you will have to wait for it) and return to the city.

Art. Togulenok have long been among Altai (and not only Altai) tourists favorite place rest on weekends. Tourists and climbers still conduct training camps here today. Tourist rallies, ski tourism and orienteering competitions are also held. Hiking, skiing and cycling trips are organized.

In addition to living in tents and “village” houses, the Zarinsky district has a rest house “Lesnaya Dal”. Located 40 km. from the city of Zarinsk to the village. Yanovo on the banks of the Alambay River, where the taiga begins, in an amazing beautiful place, among majestic pine trees, surrounded by clean and fresh air. Has a large territory. The holiday is perfect for youth groups, family groups with children, and corporate events. For vacationers there are cozy heated cottages for 4 – 12 people. In the cottage: rooms for 2-3-4 persons, a hall with upholstered furniture, tables, cabinets, a wardrobe, a bathroom (toilet, washbasin, shower). At the service of vacationers: dining room: (3 meals a day are organized); entertainment complex: billiards, gym, computers, rental of sports equipment (skis, skates, sleighs), banquet hall-disco, cafe-bar; health complex: sauna, swimming pool, banquet hall.

Weekend hiking - in the summer, in my opinion, getting around is still easier than in the winter, and the situation with overnight stays is much better. If, with the onset of the warm season (namely, when all the snow has melted), Art. Tyagun no longer attracts tourists as much as in winter, then Art. Togulenok is opposite. As mentioned above, there is an outcrop of rock to the surface, or, more simply, a “climbing rock”, which is used not only by professional climbers, but also by ordinary outdoor enthusiasts. For walking tour You can use historical themes. And over the weekend, do (of course, a small part of it) “the path of the partisan.”

Bike tour - like all those presented above, can be presented in this area. It is especially interesting to drive through the taiga, realizing that these places have not yet been chosen by “sapient man” and have not contributed to his destruction. And over the weekend you can calmly and without much effort cover a distance of 40 - 50 km, in general, get from one station to another.

You can also raft along the river in the area. Chumysh or Alambay. But these tours, at a minimum, to get the most pleasure, will take 5 - 7 days. Although for those who want to walk on calm water, there is the option of rafting along the river. Chumysh, or rather along its lower reaches. Such rest will do for those who like to often climb out of the rafting facility, since in some places, on turns, Chumysh becomes quite shallow. It is also not uncommon to see driftwood and hanging “combs” sticking out from under the water.

Jeep tours – the area’s territory is perfect for such tours. The endless and sometimes impenetrable taiga will give you a lot of memorable impressions for the coming year. Take, for example, the road that goes from the city of Zarinsk to the station. Tyagun (not the most pleasant place, especially in the off-season). Here you can experience all the delights of off-road driving and enjoy the beauty of the area. This year, the city of Zarinsk was among the cities participating in the game "DozoR. Lite". The essence of the game: Tasks and tips are sent via ICQ to the team coordinator. The coordinator passes the task to the field players, who follow to the right place. Having found the correct code (key), the team reports it to the organizers’ headquarters. Competitions are held in the dark.

The package of services on such tours, of course, is focused on a specific sport. However, there are general requirements for organizing all weekend sports tours. The presence of natural and recreational conditions when organizing tours is especially important. Ski tourism requires the presence of mountains; for rafting - the presence of rivers with interesting sections, with the presence of simple obstacles, the possibility of convenient getting on and off the route, etc.

The material base (hotels, transport, sports equipment) should also be focused on recreation and a specific type of tour. Tours require rental or sale of special equipment.

The excursion program is small, covering the main attractions. A combination of excursion, educational and sports programs is possible. Let's say a bike tour with stops for sightseeing.

In the Zarinsky district you can take a weekend tour of a religious nature or pilgrimage. The cave Orthodox church built by the monk Daniel has already been mentioned above. The most interesting thing is that Orthodox believers come here to venerate the shrine and do not lose hope that someday prayers and divine services will be performed in this unique temple.

Not far from the cave complex there is ancient spring, source "Holy Key". Tradition says that an innocent girl, scooping water from a spring in her palm to quench her thirst, saw the reflection of the icon of the Mother of God in this water. Residents of the surrounding villages have long considered the spring sacred and, when they fell ill, came to it to ask God for healing. If faith was firm and prayer was sincere, then a miracle was performed, and even hopeless patients were freed from their ailments. Many people still make pilgrimages to the holy spring today.

There is a holy spring not far from the village. Sorochy Log; mass pilgrimages to him did not stop even during the times of militant atheism. Today the St. John the Baptist monastery of the Barnaul Women's Znamensky Monastery is located here; a temple is being built.

In addition to the holy key and the temple, not far from the village. Sorochy Log is a picturesque lake bordered by forest. Which is suitable for a short holiday, the main thing is to correctly decide on the shore. Since one shore is sandy, and the opposite is muddy. Zarinskaya Church as an excursion site to visit during a weekend tour. Historical background for her visit - Until now, on the face of the Mother of God and the image of the baby Jesus on the icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrows” in the temple complex of the Church of the Ascension in the city of Zarinsk in the Altai Territory, traces of myrrh-streaming are clearly visible. Moreover, on the right cheek of the Most Pure Lady the trails of tears are clearly visible. For the first time, the fact of the icon’s myrrh streaming was noticed on February 16, 1999 by the dean of the Zarinsky district, Dmitry Kapranov. The flow of peace from the icon lasted for more than 1.5 months. Then, on April 1, a commission from the Altai and Barnaul diocese arrived in the city, which subsequently confirmed the divine origin of this phenomenon. The icon measuring 1 by 1.5 meters was donated to the church by the Zolkin family from Zarinsk. The image, made on chipboard, is inserted into a frame under glass. As the examination showed, the inside of the icon was clean and dry. However, like its frame and the wall behind the shrine. It is noteworthy that “Quench My Sorrows” was mounted at a height of three meters, access to it was not possible. “The places seem to be dried up, at the end of the dried streams there are white spots. On the surface of the icon there are traces of dried streaks as if from water, especially on the surface of the face of the most pure lady, the right cheek - as if from tears. And on the entire image of her and the Child God - multiple traces of drips. The white specks turned out to be an accumulation of a thin, powdery substance without odor and taste,” says one of the copies of two reports hanging next to the icon. “Local interpreters connected this phenomenon directly with the bombings in Yugoslavia. But something else is noteworthy - exactly two years later, on February 16, 2001, Archpriest Dmitry Kapranov, the first rector of the Zarinsky Church, died. The miracle of divine manifestation is given to us to strengthen our faith and spirit. It can be an omen of both joyful and sad events,” noted Father Andrei. And at the beginning of 2005, the icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrows” again became myrrh-streamed. This happened when the holy icon was transferred from the Church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir to the Church of the Ascension, which together make up temple complex. Despite the fact that now the icon does not stream myrrh, pilgrims from all over the Altai region constantly come to the church to venerate the shrine. And every week they perform prayer services here.

On the weekend you can visit Zarinsk, there are good hotels, cafes (although many of them, for some unknown reason, are not open after 11) and a restaurant.

A historical tour is organized, with excursion program is intended to highlight the historical development of the area using examples of landmarks. Cultural events - visiting the local history museum, historical and cultural attractions. Food points are ordered in convenient proximity to the planned excursion sites. On stationary tours, half board or (less often) only breakfast is often offered

Here you can visit: a temple (one of the most beautiful in the region), a local history museum, and walk along its streets. The names of the streets are directly related to the history of Zarinsk.

The Street of Warriors-Internationalists will remind you that three young guys from Zarinsk gave their lives while fulfilling their international duty in Afghanistan.

40 Pobeda Street was named in memory of dead people during the war years.

Taratynov Street is named after the SU-53 foreman Ivan Yakovlevich, who in 1977 led a team of installers on housing construction and tragically died on the job in October 1981.

Zarinsky Intersettlement Museum of Local Lore - The museum was founded in July 1971. The design of the museum's exposition took several years; the opening took place in November 1978. The museum contains materials about the partisan movement of 1919-1920, memories, photographs of the leaders of the partisan movement. Museum of Local Lore(back in the late 60s and early 70s, historical material was collected by enthusiasts - local historians of the Sorokin school). And in 1971, a preparation and collection committee was organized. The museum was opened in 1978. It was opened in a large wooden house built in 1910. In 1984 the museum was awarded honorary title Folk Museum). Halls:

1. Hall of pre-revolutionary life of the local peasantry.

2. Exhibits from the archaeological expedition carried out in the area.

3. Exhibition of representatives of the fauna of the Zarinsky region.

4. Permanent exhibition of paintings by Nikolai Aleksandrovich Ruzin.

5. Hall of Military Glory: exhibitions on civil and military warfare.

6. Works of Altai artists.

7. Exhibition about famous people of Zarinsk, writer M.S. Bubennov, Honored Glass Artist R.F. Muratov V.S., Honored Doctor R.F. Nemchinov E.P.

8. Corner of ancient clothes.

10,000 items registered. More than 4 thousand fellow countrymen did not return from the battlefields. The museum is located on 2 floors of the building. Our fellow countrymen look at visitors from photographs.

Memorial of Glory of Zarinsk. The memorial was opened by decision of the Zarinsk City Council of People's Deputies in 1985. An exhibition was built that reveals the theme of the feat of the Zarinsk people on the fields of the Great Patriotic War. In 1995, a new exhibition section “Afghanistan: Our Memory and Pain” was opened.

There is a building in the city in which a congress of partisans of the Chumysh volost was held in December 1919; Memorial "Field of the Communards" Also, every year, pop stars come to Zarinsk for city day, thanks to Kokhim. This significant event takes place on the first Saturday of September every year. This fits the theme of an entertaining weekend tour, but it’s better to take care of the hotel in advance, since a huge number of residents of Zarinsky and nearby areas gather for the celebrations.


Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, we can judge that weekend tours in the Zarinsky district have unlimited potential. Both family and friends can spend their holidays here. The Zarinsky district is suitable for almost all types of tourism, of course not large categories, but still. Skiing, water, hiking, cycling and car all can be organized in the area we are studying. The area has a favorable location and a relatively mild climate. The Zarinsky district remains a favorite place for visiting so-called amateur tourists, since this area is not yet so popular with travel agencies and travel agencies. Which strive to fill everything with fashionable hotels and the base (although this also has positive potential, in the form of jobs for local population). Those who like to relax “savage” will find in this area quite a few interesting, educational and memorable places for recreation and entertainment. But recently, in this area, there has been a development of the tourism industry - an example is the Lesnye Dali base and the developing Salair Ridge Complex.

The only thing you need to remember when organizing and conducting weekend tours is, of course, responsibility to nature and the environment. And of course about your safety. When going on vacation, even on a weekend, you must have a first aid kit and, best of all, a vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. And it’s still better to register with the Ministry of Emergency Situations when you go on vacation, especially if you’re going to the northeast - there’s taiga and a lot of surprises.

List of used literature

1. Babkin A.V. Special types tourism: Rostov-n/D.: publishing house "Phoenix" 2008 - 252 p.

2. Berg L.S. Geographical zones Soviet Union. Volume II. - M.: State Publishing House geographical literature, 1952 - 512 p.

3. Great Russian Encyclopedia in 30 volumes/chairman of scientific. ed. Council Yu.S. Osipov, rep. edited by S.L. Kravets, T.1. A - Questioning - M.: publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia" 2005 - 766 p.: ill.: map.

4. Bulygin Yu.S. "Ascribed villages of Altai in the 18th century" - Part 1 - Barnaul: AltGu Publishing House, 1997. - 144 p.

5. Gorkin A.P. Geography of Russia: Encyclopedic Dictionary - M.: publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia" 1998 - 800 pp.: ill., maps

6. Darinsky A.V. Tourist areas Russian Federation and Near Abroad - 2nd edition - St. Petersburg - "SPbGU", 2009 - 384 p.

7. Zorin I.V., Kaverina T.P., Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism as a type of activity: textbook - M.: publishing house "Finance and Statistics" 2005 - 288 p.

8. Kambalov N. Nature and natural resources Altai region. – 2nd edition - Barnaul "Altai Book Publishing House" 2001. - 176 p.

9. Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism - M.: publishing house "Finance and Statistics" 2002 - 320 p.

10. Kosolapov A.B. Geography of Russian domestic tourism. Tutorial. M: publishing house "Knorus" 2008. – 272 p.

11. Kuminova A.V. Vegetation cover of Altai. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1960. - 450 p.

12. Lappo G.M. Cities of Russia. Encyclopedia - M.: publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia" 2003 - 560 p.

13. Lipinskaya V.A. "Old-timers and settlers. Russians in Altai XVIII - early, XX centuries" - M.: "RAN" 1996. - 269 p.

14. Marinin M.M. Tourist formalities and safety in tourism - M.: Publishing House "Finance and Statistics" 2004 - 144 p.

15. Mironov I.A. Historical heritage Altai, Barnaul: Virazh publishing house, 2005. – 386 p.

16. Popular encyclopedic dictionary - M.: Onyx publishing house, 2001 - 1583 p.

17. Provatorov A.Yu. Altai: Tourism. Rest. Health - Barnaul publishing house "IVTSS" 2002. - 204 p.

18. Altai region. Guide – M.: Avangard Publishing House, 2005. - 160 p.

19. Guide to Altai region, Barnaul: Virazh publishing house, 2005 – 110 p.

20. Sokolova M.V. History of tourism - M.: Masterstvo publishing house, 2002 - 352 p.

21. Skubnevsky V.A. History of the Altai region. Barnaul: AltGU, 2004 – 204 p.

22. Shmatko L.P. Tourism and hotel management - M.: publishing house "MarT" 2005 - 352 p.

23. Encyclopedia of the Altai Territory - Volume 1 - Barnaul: Publishing House "Piket" 1997. - 488 p.

24. In search of the ancestral home of the American aborigines // Nature magazine - No. 1, 2001 - M.V. Derenko, B.A. Malyarchuk

25. Paleolithic of the Salair Ridge // magazine "Antiquities of Altai" - No. 9, 2002. - Kungurov A.L., Markin M.M.

26. Tourism in the Altai Territory // magazine "Rest in Russia" - No. 4, 2004

Kosolapov A.B. Geography of Russian domestic tourism. Study guide. M: publishing house "Knorus" 2008. - p. 72

Gorkin A.P. Geography of Russia: Encyclopedic Dictionary - M.: Publishing House "Big Russian Encyclopedia" 1998 - p. 58

Kambalov N. Nature and natural resources of the Altai Territory. – 2nd edition - Barnaul “Altai Book Publishing House” 2001. – p. 100

Kuminova A.V. Vegetation cover of Altai. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1960. – p. 211

Berg L. S. Geographical zones of the Soviet Union. Volume II. - M.: State Publishing House of Geographical Literature, 1952 - p. 463

Bulygin Yu.S. “Ascribed villages of Altai in the 18th century” - Part 1 – Barnaul: AltGu Publishing House, 1997. – p. 12

Guide to the Altai Territory, Barnaul: Virazh Publishing House, 2005 - p. 10

Great Russian Encyclopedia in 30 volumes/chairman of scientific. ed. Council Yu.S. Osipov, resp. edited by S.L. Kravets, T. 1. A - Questioning - M.: publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia" 2005 - p. 12

Popular encyclopedic dictionary - M.: Onyx publishing house, 2001 - p. 918

Tourism in the Altai Territory // magazine “Holidays in Russia” - No. 4, 2004

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The emergence and development of weekend tourism was associated with the population's need for relaxation at the end of the work week.
Weekend tours were developed for business people who simply do not have enough time for a vacation, and for whom it is difficult to get away even for a week, let alone a full month’s vacation.
Weekend tours are becoming increasingly popular among the population. With the help of such tours, it is possible to diversify your usual weekend, make it more original and memorable, have a great rest after working days and create an excellent mood for the following days.

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. …..3
CHAPTER I. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of technologies for developing and organizing a weekend tour……………………………………………………….6
1.1 The concept of free time, leisure, recreation and their place in human life……………………………………………………………………………………………….6
1.2 The concept of weekend tourism and its content……………… 16
Chapter 2. Weekend hike………………………………………………... 21
2.1 Types and classification…………………………………………….. 21
2.2 Family tourism…………………………………………………………….. 24

List of used and cited literature……………….………. ….36
Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………………...42