Famous places in the Altai region. What to visit in Altai? Big Kucherlinskoye Lake

Going on a trip to Altai is something every resident of our country should do at least once in their life! Gorny Altai is famous for its natural beauties: mountains and passes, waterfalls and lakes, valleys and steppes. But that is not all! Among the sights of Gorny Altai the most beautiful and one of oldest roads Russia, local history museums with unusual archaeological finds, ancient mounds and rock paintings. It seems impossible to combine these beautiful places scattered throughout Altai into one trip! However, we tried and developed an expedition that included all the most interesting places in the region. Well, below we will tell you about the main attractions in Altai that you need to see if you go on vacation to this beautiful region.

Mountains and plateaus

Mount Belukha

Mount Belukha- the main one among all the natural attractions of the Altai Mountains. This highest peak in Altai - 4509 meters above sea level. It is located on the Katunsky ridge. The border between Russia and Kazakhstan runs along this mountain range. The mountain itself belongs to the Altai Republic and is part of the Katunsky Nature Reserve. In addition, she is included in the list world heritage UNESCO as part of the Golden Mountains of Altai complex.

Belukha got its name because of the abundance of snow, which covers it almost to the very foot. Locals they call the mountain differently. In Kazakh, her name sounds like “Kadyn-Bazhy”, which means “Top of the Katun”. In the South Altai language (one of the main languages ​​in the Altai Mountains), Belukha is known as “Uch-Sumer”, or “three-headed”. You can’t argue with either one. One of the most famous rivers in Altai, the Katun, originates from the slopes of Belukha. Well, the mountain itself actually has several peaks.

Ukok Plateau

The Ukok plateau is located in Altai on the border of four countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia. Its average height above sea level is 2-2.5 thousand meters. The plateau is famous not only for its amazing landscapes and harsh climate, but also for its archaeological finds. It was here that they discovered "Altai Princess"- an ancient burial in Altai with the mummy of a girl. It is believed that the princess was from a noble family and died at the age of 25. They buried her according to ancient Altai traditions and gave her the responsibility of protecting the world from evil that could penetrate into it from the other world.

However, the princess was transported to the Gorno-Altaisk museum long ago. What to see on the Ukok plateau itself and where to stop on the way to it?

  • the second peak of the Altai Mountains - Mount Kuiten-Uul (4374 meters above sea level);
  • mounds in the valley of the Ak-Alakha River - it was here that the mummy of the “princess” was found;
  • sacred mountain range Tavyn-Bogdo-Ola - according to ancient legends, this is where “Belovodye” is located, that is, the ancient Slavic paradise;
  • hot springs “Teply Klyuch”, which are separated from the plateau itself by the pass of the same name;
  • Tarkhata “Stonehenge” is an ancient megalithic (i.e. assembled from huge boulders) complex located on the road to the Ukok plateau in the valley of the Tarkhata River.

Stone mushrooms Ak-Kurum

Ak-Kurum stone mushrooms are high cliffs, which stand alone on the slopes of mountain ranges in the valley of the Karasuk River. Ak-Kurum means “white scree”. In Altai, scree (kurum) is precisely the name given to huge boulders resulting from the weathering of rock. So stone mushrooms in Altai appeared in the process of soil erosion - wind and precipitation gradually carried away pieces of rocks.

Why do we call these rocks stone mushrooms in Russian? The fact is that on the tops of these weathered rocks there are massive boulders that, from a distance, resemble mushroom caps. True, if you want to see this miracle of nature, then you should hurry! The Ak-Kurum stone mushrooms continue to collapse. In addition, periodic earthquakes in Altai negatively affect this natural attraction.

Valleys and steppes

Valley of the Chulyshmani River Katu-Yaryk pass

The valley of the Chulyshman River is one of the pearls of the Altai Mountains! There are three main reasons why tourists are so attracted to this area:

  1. from the top of an almost 900-meter mountain there is a breathtaking view of the valley of the Chulyshman River;
  2. the descent into the valley, where all tourists rush, takes place along an amazing, although quite dangerous, mountain serpentine (3.9 km long) at the Katu-Yaryk pass;
  3. The tourist infrastructure is quite developed here, there are cafes, equipped toilets and a parking lot.

However, remember that the Katu-Yaryk pass is not only quite dangerous for inexperienced drivers, but also treacherous even with professionals! Almost any car can go down to the valley of the Chulyshman River along a steep mountain serpentine road, but many people cannot go back up. It is best to use SUVs that are not too overloaded on the pass.

Martian valley of the Kyzyl-Chin river

Do you want to go on vacation in Altai and suddenly find yourself on another planet? Let's say on Mars? Then you definitely need to go to the valley of the Kyzyl-Chin River, which is located 7.5 km from the Chuysky tract in the Altai Republic. Due to the fact that the local soil is full of polymetallic ores, the color of the mountains here acquires multi-colored shades. Mostly red. In addition, there is almost no vegetation on such soil. All this makes the valley of the Kyzyl-Chin River a real Mars.

The Martian Valley in Altai, although a famous place, is not as popular as the Katu-Yaryk pass. Therefore, there will not be huge crowds of tourists here, which means you can walk around the local Mars in relative solitude and feel like a real explorer of another planet. And, of course, the photographs from these places are simply exceptional. So if you've ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut, it's time to make that dream come true in Altai!

Lakes and rivers

Lake Teletskoye

Lake Teletskoye is the largest in Altai. Its area is 223 km², and its depth reaches 325 meters. The lake contains a large supply of clean fresh water, and its transparency reaches 14 meters in depth. That is why Lake Teletskoye is often called small Baikal. However, like Baikal, it is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of the Golden Mountains of Altai complex.

The Teletskoye Lake area is extremely popular among tourists. There is all the necessary infrastructure for recreation, and in the surrounding area you can walk around mountain paths and see a few more natural attractions:

  • Korbu Waterfall- one of the most famous in Gorny Altai. Its height is 12 meters, and at the mouth of Korbu there is the most deep place lakes. The only way to get to observation deck at the waterfall - come here by boat.
  • Stone Bay is located 4 km from the village of Artybash - the main tourist center on Lake Teletskoye. According to legend, a meteorite fell into this place, and that is why the coast of the bay is strewn with huge boulders, some of them taller than a man.
  • Kishte Waterfall translated from Altai means “calling”. It is significantly smaller in size than Korb. However, here a much larger volume of water falls at an incredible speed. That is why Kishte is considered the loudest waterfall in Altai.
  • Pine Yailyu grows almost at the very edge of the water on Lake Teletskoye. The tree is called “bowed”, or drunk. Even in the last century, a pine tree in the village of Yaylyu tilted strongly towards the ground. Tides and storms on the lake have washed away all the soil from its roots, but the tree continues to cling to the ground and grow even in this state.

Katun River

Katun - main river in Altai, even her name is translated from Altai as “mistress”. The source of the river is located on the slope of the high mountain region - Belukha. Then Katun spills throughout the region, passing through the territory of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. The most popular place to relax on the river is the special tourist zone “Turquoise Katun”. There are hotels, cafes and shops here, and excursions and expeditions around Altai depart from here.

In addition to the tourist and entertainment infrastructure, in the vicinity of “Biryuzovaya Katun” there are several interesting places Where you should go on an excursion:

  • Tavdinsky caves with a length of 5 km, located on the left bank of the river;
  • Tavdinskaya arch is a karst arch (width - 13 meters, height - 5 meters) in the mountains above Katun;
  • Maralniks are special farms in Altai where rare maral deer are bred. These deer are known for their antlers, or rather antlers, which are widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Geyser Lake

Small (only 30 meters in diameter), but colorful Geyser Lake is located in the Altai Republic, 165 km from the border of Russia and Mongolia. The lake in Altai surprisingly resembles the American lake in Yellowstone Park. In its middle, geysers also come out, and with them blue silt rises to the surface from the bottom. Thanks to this, the water in the Altai lake acquires an unusual blue hue. From the center of the lake, this silt spreads out into concentric rings and gradually changes its color.

Historical landmarks

Chuysky tract

The Chuysky tract is one of the most famous and ancient roads not only in Altai, but throughout Russia. It is considered one of the most beautiful tracks in the world. The first mentions of this road were found in Chinese chronicles dating back to the last millennium. At that time, the Mungal tract was still used by traders and warriors traveling from Russia to Mongolia and China. The modern Chuisky tract is a paved road that leads from Novosibirsk through Altai to Mongolia, and then through China to the Arabian Sea in the Pakistani port of Karachi.

In addition, the Chuysky tract is the main road that tourists use to travel around Altai. Not far from it are tourist centers Chemal and Turquoise Katun, the famous Katu-Yaryk pass and the valley of the Chulyshman River. The tract passes both through the Southern and near the North Chuysky ridge. Well, driving along the historical part of the tract from Biysk to the border with Mongolia, you can see Mongolian burial mounds and stone women (images) guarding them.

Rock paintings on the Kalbak-Tash rock

Petroglyphs, or ancient rock paintings in Altai are found in several places at once. But the largest collection (about 5,000 images) was collected in the Kalbak-Tash tract on the right bank of the Chuya River in the area of ​​723 km of the Chuisky tract. Among the Altai rock paintings there are standard subjects - people and animals, everyday life and hunting, as well as runic writing and solar (solar) signs. These images were created over a long period of time - from the 4th-6th centuries BC until the Middle Ages. The most ancient ones were made with stone tools, later they were replaced by metal ones.

Karakol Valley

The valley along the Karakol River is one of the most sacred places in Altai. In this small area (the length of the valley is only 3 km) there is the largest number of burial mounds, ancient sacrificial altars and stone slabs, as well as rock paintings. Moreover, it was here that for the first time in Altai, multi-colored petroglyphs were found, made using white, black and red mineral paints.

In order to preserve the historical and cultural monuments found in this area, in 2001 the territory of the Karakol Valley and its surroundings was united into natural Park"Uch-Enmek" with total area 60.5 thousand hectares. Are you looking for where to go in Altai to find a mysterious place imbued with ancient history? Karakol Valley is what you need!

Museums and cultural attractions

National Museum of the Altai Republic

Do you want to see the famous Altai princess? Then the main one is waiting for you local history museum region - National Museum Republic of Altai in Gorno-Altaisk. In addition to the princess’s mummy, artifacts obtained as a result of excavations of the Ak-Alakha burial ground on the Ukok plateau are collected here. Several halls of the museum are dedicated to the life and traditions of local peoples who have lived in the Altai Mountains since ancient times. In addition to this, the museum contains a large collection of stuffed Altai animals.

Monastery on the island of Patmos

The Temple of St. John the Theologian and the Znamensky Convent were built on the small rocky island of Patmos in the middle of the Katun River. This place is located in the vicinity of the Altai village of Chemal - very popular among tourists for holidays in Altai. The only way to see the church and monastery is to walk along the long suspension bridge over Katun. Its height is 15 meters. It sways violently due to the movement of people and the wind, which terrifies many travelers. But if you are not afraid of heights, then we highly recommend visiting this rocky island and attending a service in the temple.

The main attractions of the Altai Mountains are represented by natural rare objects. We will try to give a short overview of attractive places to visit.

Museums and man-made objects

Roerich House-Museum. Located in the village of Verkhniy Uimon. The main exhibition is dedicated to the work of the famous artist, scientist and thinker. In addition, you can watch thematic films, visit the exhibition pavilion and bookstore. Temporary exhibitions are held here periodically.

Monument to V. Shukshin. The 8-millimeter bronze monument stands on historical homeland famous actor. In the simple pose of a man sitting down to rest and think, he seems to be on the top of a mountain. The monument opens up gradually and very interestingly. A popular place for taking photos and videos.

Monument "Altai - the heart of Eurasia". One of the most characteristic objects of Gorno-Altaisk is located on the Chuysky tract. The world tree, the North Star, the symbolic image of a yurt - a dome and a hearth - all this carries universal world symbolism. The object is located in a place that has long been considered the center of the World. There are also messages to descendants in several languages ​​here.

Tourists are attracted not by the station itself, but by the water amusement park that is organized here in the summer. In addition, you can visit unusual springs with “living” and “dead” water. If you haven't had time to buy souvenirs, you can find them here a large number of from popular pine nuts and natural honey to exclusive minting, which will be done right in front of you.

Botanical Garden . The Kamlak attraction literally represents the pages of the “Red Book” - there are so many rare and unique plants here.

Republican Museum of Local Lore. Located in Gorno-Altaisk and is the oldest museum in area. Even its shape organically fits into the surrounding space, reminiscent of one of the ancient mounds. The museum contains several tens of thousands of exhibits, including one of the main historical values ​​of these places - the mummy of the “Altai Princess”. There is a souvenir shop at the museum. You can have lunch at a local cafe.

Reserve "Katunsky". The place near the village of Ust-Koksa is amazingly beautiful wildlife. It is located in the highest mountain region of Altai and includes the main attraction - Mount Belukha, the highest point in all of Siberia. Here you can find for yourself interesting programs in the ethno-museum, ecological camp. Interesting for both children and adults.

It is famous not only for its unique beauty and special atmosphere. People come to the miraculous icons with their requests. Non-religious tourists simply enjoy the opportunity to walk across the old suspension bridge and admire the scenery. It is worth visiting the Church of St. John the Evangelist.

Natural uniqueness

Lake Aya. It is the oldest reservoir in origin. You can swim here in the middle of summer, as the water temperature reaches 25 degrees. The natural park on the shore is interesting to visit. It is worth taking a tour of the Katun River valley and taking a photo at the Devil's Finger mountain.

Korbu Waterfall. Refers to largest waterfalls Lake Teletskoye. Very popular due to the special effect of water drops falling from a great height. They create, as it were, “wind from water”. No less attractive are the surrounding steep cliffs, covered with a mysterious forest. Nearby there are animals listed in the Red Book.

A special place on the Anuy River has become a place of pilgrimage not only for archaeologists from all over the world. Since the end of the 20th century, tens of thousands of historically valuable objects have been discovered here - evidence ancient civilization. The site is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Chike-Taman pass. Will please those who prefer interesting climbs and rare natural beauties. The height difference creates amazing landscapes. Sheer cliffs alternate with valleys. There is an excellent viewing area. And nearby grows an ancient shamanic tree - larch. On its branches, visitors tie pieces of white cloth for good luck.

Lake Teletskoye. One of the cleanest and deepest reservoirs in the Russian Federation. Research into its waters and surrounding areas is still ongoing. Lake Teletskoye is surrounded by beautiful mountain ranges. There is a large nature reserve on its shore. There are many tourist centers nearby. The most available different types excursions and routes. You can even go fishing.

Twelve-meter two-stage natural object will make you feel like the heroes of an action adventure. After all, you will have to go to it along a real suspension bridge in the thicket. You can even swim in the streams of the waterfall. And along the way, the guide will tell you an interesting legend about the name and origin of the Altai natural uniqueness.

Kur-Kechu. The ancient tract has become a striking landmark of the town of Kupchegeni. Here two rivers merge - Katun and Bolshoy Ilgumen. Mystical place drags on for hours. You can wander for a long time among the old ruins, mounds, remains places of worship and rock paintings.

Source Kara-Kebek. It is interesting not only for its healing water with a high content of iron and silicon. Here you can observe unusual animals and birds that live in the wild. The colorful butterflies and the Red Book plants of the surrounding area are also delightful. Access to the key in the vicinity of Ongudai is absolutely free.

Tugay and Komsomolskaya mountains. If you prefer an active holiday, this is the place for you. Popular climbing trails have varying degrees of difficulty. There are fantastic views along the way. Rare species of flora grow here. And the mountains themselves date back hundreds of millions of years in their origin.

What else to see in Altai

Stone of love. Check in at the legendary stone on the river bank. Biya is considered a must by everyone who visits these places. The history of the village of Turochak speaks of 2 lovers, bewitched for admiring each other, and not the beautiful river. The place is also popular with newlyweds and everyone who dreams of finding love.

The place is worth a visit for all history buffs. The ancient rock paintings found here are very well preserved and are available for inspection. Petroglyphs will change your understanding of history and make you think about the many secrets of the universe.

Mineral spring in the village of Manzherok. Known for his medicinal properties. Its waters contain large amounts of silver. Water can be drawn directly from the spring. It is especially recommended for those suffering from stomach and kidney diseases.

Build your own unique route through the numerous sights of Altai!

The main attraction of the Altai region is its magnificent nature. Picturesque transparent lakes, full-flowing mountain rivers, mysterious caves and rocks, mountains covered in legends, endless forests, mineral healing springs. Educational tourism in the Altai Territory is associated with visits to numerous archaeological monuments and museum exhibitions, as well as entire memorial museum complexes created in memory of famous natives of the region. Holidays in Altai can be associated with fishing, hunting, living in nature, active species sports, health-improving activities and even, more recently, gambling.

List, photos with names and descriptions of the main attractions!

1. Pine ribbon forests

Forests that stretch along rivers in the form of strips ranging from 5 to 40 km wide are called ribbon forests. There are 5 of them in Altai, the largest is the Barnaul pine forest, its length along the Ob River is more than 400 km. The Altai forest belts have no analogues in the world; it is believed that they were formed during the Ice Age. The unique flora and fauna of these places is fascinating, this is one of the most popular places holidays for tourists.

2. Belokurikha resort town

The large balneological resort at the foot of Tserkovki Mountain is known far beyond the borders of the region. At the end of the 19th century, radon thermal springs with healing properties were discovered here. mineral water. Not only the water heals here, but also the local air - the amount of air ions in it is twice as high as in the best Swiss resorts, also in large quantities phytoncides are present. Recently, Belokurikha has also acquired the status of one of the popular ski resorts.

3. Mount Tserkovka

One of the natural attractions of the Belokurikha resort. The mountain peak with a cross installed on it resembles a church dome, hence the name Tserkovka. Climb to the very top of the cliff, from which you can see wonderful view You can get to the picturesque surroundings covered with forests on foot along a paved path or on cable car. At the top there is a small cafe where you can have a snack. In winter, the mountain turns into a popular ski resort.

4. Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye

The famous lake with an area of ​​53 km 2 is located in the Kulundinskaya steppe, near Slavgorod. The reservoir is known for its miraculous properties, which are due to the presence of healing silt mud and highly mineralized salt water in it. These natural resources are successfully used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. For this purpose, sanatoriums and balneological clinics were built on the coast of the lake.

5. Denisova Cave

One of the natural monuments of the Altai Territory, on whose territory archaeologists have been working since the second half of the last century. Tens of thousands of unique exhibits have already been collected - hunting equipment, tools, remains of more than 100 species of ancient animals and plants. It is assumed that our ancestors lived in this area 280 thousand years ago. This is proven by the found remains of an as yet unknown species of people, called Altai, or Denisovan man.

6. V. M. Shukshin Museum-Reserve

The small village of Srostki in Altai became famous thanks to its famous fellow countryman - Vasily Shukshin. In memory of him, a whole memorial complex has been created here, consisting of several buildings and corners of nature associated with the life of the writer. Among them are the school where Shukshin studied, the house where he spent his childhood and the house he bought for his mother. The museum also includes a local cemetery, Popovsky Island, a small chapel and Mount Piket, famous for the annual Shukshin readings.

7. Lake Aya

The lake is located near the famous Chuysky tract, on the border between the steppe and mountain Altai, and is very popular among tourists. It is shaped like a crescent, which is why it has this unusual name, which is translated from Turkic as “moon”. The climate in this area is quite mild, mountains protect the lake from the wind on all sides, the water is warm in summer, and even children can swim. There are many hotels and tourist centers on the coast, offering water activities.

8. Turquoise Katun

This is a large-scale tourist area on the shore of the large river Altai Territory - Katun. The resort infrastructure includes numerous hotels, bases, restaurants and cafes, sports grounds, shopping arcades. There is also an artificial lake with warm water, offering mass water activities. You cannot swim in the Katun itself due to the strong current and low water temperature, but, nevertheless, rafting on the river is very popular.

9. Tavdinsky caves

There are about 500 caves in the Altai mountains, many are recognized as natural monuments, and among them are the Tavdinsky caves, 5 km long. This is a complex of three dozen caves of different shapes and depths, connected to each other. They are located in the valley of the Katun River. The most visited is the Bolshaya Tavdinskaya Cave, electricity is installed inside it, stairs and railings are installed. The ledge in the center of the cave looks like a gnome. According to legend, this is her guardian, and you need to leave him a coin.

10. Cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River

The small picturesque Shinok River and its surroundings are a natural monument, a nature reserve, one of the most popular tourist sites in Altai. All this thanks to a cascade of 7 large and small waterfalls of amazing beauty. Their total length is 120 meters, and the height of the largest is 70 meters. All waterfalls have names, such as Giraffe or Yog. The river is also interesting for its fauna. Here you can meet rare peregrine falcons, red deer, and two-colored leatherbacks.

11. Siberian coin

The only one in Siberia entertainment center with an area of ​​more than 2000 hectares, on the territory of which gambling business is permitted by law. It includes a network of exclusive casinos, five-star hotels and villas, shopping and sports centers, a water park, a cinema and concert complex, a snowboard park, helipad and much more. The gambling zone is located near the Turquoise Katun resort.

12. Mountain pharmacy-museum in Barnaul

The cozy, homely atmosphere of this establishment will not leave anyone indifferent. Here you will be served delicious tea, offered to taste the famous Altai balsams, given a tour of the pharmacy museum, and revealed the secrets of preparing ancient medicines and pills. By the way, the pharmacy is located in an ancient building - the first brick structure in Barnaul, where the first pharmacy in Altai was opened more than two hundred years ago.

13. Devil's Finger Mountain

The 250-meter-high mountain, steeped in ancient legends, is located near Lake Aya. If you look closely, the rocky ledge at its top really resembles a lonely finger sticking out of the ground. From this place the valley of the Katun River and the picturesque Lake Aya appear in all their glory. There is a belief that the mountain heals women's illnesses and gives men strength. Research has confirmed the presence of a geomagnetic node under the cliff, emitting a powerful flow of energy.

14. Tigireksky reserve

This is a relatively young protected area in the south of the Altai Territory; it received its status at the end of the last century. The relief of this area is of interest. There are mountains, forests, cave complexes, and magnificent valleys of the Ini and Belaya rivers. Also here is the Tigirek fortress - a monument architecture XVIII century. Vegetation and animal world The protected areas are diverse; some species are considered rare and endangered.

15. Rock Four Brothers

A unique geological monument with a height of about 10-12 meters and an area of ​​75 m2 is located in the south of the city of Belokurikha. If you look closely at it, you can actually see the outlines of four men standing shoulder to shoulder. You can climb up to the rocks along walking paths, and there is an opportunity to meet chipmunks, squirrels, and rare birds that live here. Since 2000, the rock and its surroundings have received the status of a nature conservation monument.

16. Museum "City" in Barnaul

One of the youngest museums, which opened its doors to visitors in 2007 in an ancient building from pre-revolutionary times. The main task of the museum is to show the main historical moments in the life of the city through the fates of people who played an important role in its development. More than 6 thousand museum exhibits— documents, photographs, letters, clothing, and household items allow us to gradually trace the history of the transformation of a small factory village into a modern industrial center of Siberia.

17. Kolyvan Lake

One of the most famous lakes in the Altai Territory is located near the city of Zmeinogorsk. Its distinctive feature is the rocks of the most bizarre, fabulous shape that frame the perimeter. The lake is also famous for the water chestnuts that grow here in large quantities. This is a rare plant with interestingly shaped fruits, listed in the Red Book. It is believed that it has been preserved since the pre-glacial period. The lake has all the conditions for comfortable relaxation and entertainment.

18. Royal Kurgan

The largest and most spectacular of these archaeological sites in Altai is located on the banks of the Sentelek River. The diameter of the mound is 46 meters, and its height is 2 meters. It is believed that a tribal leader was buried here. The uniqueness of the mound lies in the presence of an underground ring of slabs approximately 1.5 meters in size, as well as a number of stone steles of different heights, the distance between which is strictly 320 cm. The mound was probably also used as an ancient observatory.

19. Intercession Cathedral in Barnaul

The first service in the cathedral took place at the beginning of the last century. It was built with donations from parishioners, although it was located in the poorest area of ​​the city. The architecture of the building corresponds to the Byzantine style; frescoes based on paintings by Vasnetsov, Kramskoy, and Nesterov were used in its design. During the years of Soviet power, the cross was demolished from the domes, the bell tower was destroyed, but the temple itself survived. In 2011 it was finally restored.

20. Arboretum "Kholmogorye"

Most The best way take a break from everyday stress and everyday worries - plunge into the world of coniferous and deciduous greenery, medicinal herbs and shrubs, luxurious flower beds and picturesque alpine hills. The Kholmogorye complex covers an area of ​​800 hectares. In addition to plant plantations, on its territory there are two mirror ponds, a shop with products made from environmentally friendly raw materials, summer cafe, tea house, pottery workshops, children's attractions, zoo.

21. White Lake (Kurinsky district)

The lake and its surroundings are very popular among tourists. It is located at the foot of Mount Sinyukha, is small in size and almost perfectly round in shape. Like many natural attractions of Altai, the lake has its own legend. A small island rises in the middle of the pond. Rumor has it that in the old days there was a workshop here for the production of counterfeit silver coins, and there was even more silver in them than in real ones.

22. Assumption Cathedral in Biysk

In 2003, one of the most majestic Orthodox cathedrals in the Altai region celebrated its centenary. It was built in the Russian-Byzantine style with donations from townspeople and delights not only with its architecture, but also with its magnificent interior decoration. This is one of the few churches that survived the years of Soviet rule, and after the war it remained the only church in the southeast of the Altai Territory where church services were held.

23. Altai Memorial Museum of G. S. Titov

The unique cosmonautics museum is located in the small village of Polkovnikovo. It consists of two objects: the old school building where the astronaut once studied, and a new building that houses an exhibition on the development of astronautics, as well as materials dedicated to the life and work of German Titov. Here you can see a model of the Vostok-2 ship, which was piloted by Titov, a space suit, logbook, a piece of lunar soil.

24. Museum of the Chuisky Tract in Biysk

The museum is dedicated to the history of the main road of Altai and the stages of its development, starting with a small trail for horsemen and pack animals leading to Mongolia and China, and ending with a state-of-the-art highway. It is symbolic that the museum is located in the house of the merchant Varvinsky, at whose gate the Chuisky tract began. The museum's exposition also introduces the climate of the region, its flora and fauna, a paleontological collection and a magnificent collection of ornamental stones are presented. The museum was founded in the middle of the last century. Its funds include more than 13 thousand exhibits - the best examples of Russian art, Orthodox art, starting from the 16th century, folk art of the Altai Territory and Siberia of the 18th-20th centuries, ancient and Western European art. The museum regularly holds exhibitions, youth festivals, theatrical excursions, meetings with poets and musicians, master classes and play sessions.

26. Museum "World of Stone" in Barnaul

The private geological museum presents a collection of minerals, ornamental and precious stones not only from the Altai Territory, but also brought from other countries. The basis for the creation of the museum was the personal mineralogical collection of city resident Sergei Berger. Visitors are offered works of Altai folk craftsmen - stone carvers. One of the masterpieces is a cedar branch, which has jade needles, an obsidian stem and snow on a white marble branch.

27. Mount Sinyukha

The slopes of Sinyukha - the most high point Kolyvansky ridge, densely covered with fir forests, slightly shimmering blue. Hence the name of the mountain. To conquer it, you don’t need any special preparation; you can easily climb to the top along a gentle path. From the height there is a wonderful view of the Beloe and Moss lakes, granite placers, and pine forest. There are several natural granite bowls on the mountain containing pure and tasty water, which is considered holy.

28. Mount Babyrgan

The height of the northernmost point of the Seminsky ridge is more than 1000 meters; since the end of the last century it has been declared a natural monument. Translated from Altai, the name of the mountain means “flying squirrel”. The mountain is believed to be about 300 million years old. It is not difficult to climb it; at the top there is a plateau with rocky outcrops of the most fancy shapes. From here there is a magnificent panorama of plains on one side and mountains on the other.

29. Kolyvan stone-cutting plant

One of the main attractions of the Altai Territory is located in the village of Kolyvan. Since the end of the 18th century, Altai craftsmen have been processing jasper, quartzite, and marble, making magnificent vases, bowls, fireplaces, and columns for palaces. The plant’s products, unique in their beauty, can be seen in the largest museums in Russia and other countries. A stone-cutting museum has been opened at the plant, where a collection of samples of various stones and the work of master stone-cutters is presented.

30. Chapel at the site of the death of Mikhail Evdokimov

In a tragic accident on a highway near the city of Biysk in 2005, the popularly beloved artist and regional governor Mikhail Evdokimov, as well as his security guard and driver, died. A year later, a small chapel of the Archangel Michael was built at the site of a terrible accident. There is also a memorial stone with a memorial plaque, at the foot of which there are always a lot of fresh flowers, and 47 birch trees were planted, according to the number of years lived by the beloved artist.

The Altai region is rich in natural beauty. Every year crowds of tourists flock to these regions. Mountains, air, clean rivers and lakes are real wealth. Many come here to improve their health surrounded by picturesque nature. Herbal medicine, bathing in fresh and salty springs, routes through taiga forests and highlands - these are only part of the wellness activities that this region can offer its guests.

Mysterious Altai

The sights of the Altai Territory can be divided into several categories. The first and main ones are natural monuments, the second includes cultural institutions, the third will consist of architectural monuments. The main ones of all categories will be presented in this article.

Excursions around Altai region most often begin with trips to the lakes. You can visit Beloye or Moss Lake. Many tourists recommend visiting the Tigirinsky Nature Reserve and looking into the Denisova Cave. After exploring the lowlands, you can climb to the peaks majestic mountains: Charming, Church or Seven Caves. Watch the sunset at mountain peak- a special pleasure. Natural monuments of the Altai Territory are numerous. Within the scope of this article, only a few of them can be described.

Ikonnikov Island

The rivers of the Altai Territory are of particular interest to tourists. Some of them are located near historical and cultural monuments, which overall creates a single excursion complex. One of such complexes is Ikonnikov Island. It is located at the confluence of the Biya and Katun - the main waterways of the Altai Territory. This attraction is popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents.

Blue Lakes

The natural attractions of the Altai Territory are represented by various reservoirs that have an unusual origin. Blue Lakes, for example, were formed more than 25 thousand years ago. They are located on the left bank of the Katun River, 4 km from the village of Askat. The lakes got their name due to the shade of the water. In sunny weather it is an incredibly beautiful azure color. There is a belief among local residents that this water can treat eye diseases. But this landmark of the Altai region can not always be seen. When the Katun floods, the lakes disappear, then appear again when the water recedes.

In winter the lakes do not freeze. Even when it is very cold, the water temperature does not drop below 9 degrees. The fact is that there are springs at the bottom, but not hot, but icy. Lakes do not freeze because the number and power of beating underwater springs is incredibly large. Blue lakes can only be seen in winter or autumn. The rest of the time they are hidden by the muddy waters of the Katun. Among the attractions of the Altai Territory, holy monasteries are also distinguished.

Temple on the island of Patmos

Near the village of Chemal, on the island of Patmos, there is a small church. The temple is a copy of the ancient monastery of St. John the Theologian. This is the first Orthodox Church in Chemal with an unusual history. The island itself is also of interest. Patmos means " Holy place"There are legends and tales about him. According to the most famous legend, John saw two temples hovering above water surface: one - above Mediterranean Sea, and the other is at the opposite end of the earth. Interestingly, both islands are called Patmos.

In that amazing place miracles happen all the time. One of them is the self-renewal of the ancient icon of the Mother of God. She was brought to the temple in terrible condition, her face was practically invisible. The monks wanted to restore it, but for now they placed the icon in the monastery. And she began to recover on her own. The face acquired clear features, colors began to appear. It seemed that someone was re-painting the icon. There is another amazing shrine in the temple - the icon “Lord Almighty”. Temple servants regularly notice droplets of moisture on the image. The priests say that this icon is also capable of hearing. People turn to the image with their requests.

In the temple there is another miracle created by hands - beats. These are the ancestors of church bells. When they are hit, the entire village is enveloped in unearthly sound vibrations. Tourists love this place very much. It can be reached via a suspension bridge over the seething Katunya. The transition itself already causes a storm of emotions.

The natural attractions of the Altai Territory amaze with their beauty, but it is not always possible to see them. If you come on vacation with children, then a trip to the zoo should be preferred over excursions to lakes or a nature reserve.

To visit our smaller brothers

The Barnaul Zoo is a real attraction of the city. Here you can look not only at rare animals, but also take part in all sorts of events that the administration organizes for children and adults. The territory of the Barnaul Zoo itself is decorated in a very original way. Paths paved with tiles, comfortable benches, flower beds, figurines of fairy-tale characters - all this creates an atmosphere of comfort and safety.

The zoo administration pays a lot of attention to educational activities. Biology and zoology classes are held on site. You can also attend educational excursions and take part in a quiz with prizes.

Barnaul is a city not only with picturesque nature, but also with unusual architectural buildings.

This building is symbolic for the city. It was built during the time of Stalin. But at the same time, the building is a modern landmark. The house was finally completed in 1956, but construction work began much earlier. The building is designed in the style of classicism. Since its opening, there has been a grocery store on the ground floor, which immediately gained popularity. But not everyone could live in the building. Preference was given to military personnel, scientists, honorary citizens, war veterans and party members. Descendants of the first residents still live in some apartments.

The spire attracts attention to this building. Together with it, the height of the building is 46 m. ​​In Barnaul, this building was considered the tallest for a long time. On the tower with the spire there was a clock that showed the most exact time. Today the mechanism requires repair, which requires serious investments. Another distinctive feature of the building is the weather vane, which is also not operational today. Replacing it costs about a million rubles. The city administration is not abandoning attempts to raise funds, but so far this has not brought any results. The façade of the house is regularly restored, and the courtyard area is thoroughly cleaned. This landmark is depicted on all prospectuses and postcards of Barnaul.

Cultural program

Art connoisseurs will appreciate the theaters of the Altai Territory. Most of them are located in Barnaul. The Altai Theater of Children and Youth received flattering reviews. Many argue that in its repertoire it surpasses even the Barnaul Regional Drama Theater. Classic works are staged here. For many years now, the Drama Theater in the city of Biysk has been delighting with wonderful productions. Barnaul also has a puppet theater.

Altai region - beautiful place for a varied holiday. Here you can enjoy the picturesque nature, visit interesting establishments, admire cultural monuments, become spiritually enriched and even touch the beautiful.