Perm region. Cities of the Perm region

Volga Federal District. Perm region. Area 160.24 thousand sq. km. Formed on December 1, 2005.
Administrative center of the federal district - city ​​of Perm.

– subject Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, located in the east of the East European Plain and the western slopes of the Northern and Middle Urals.

It is part of the Ural economic region. The Perm region has a variety of natural resources and powerful industrial potential. Main industries: mechanical engineering, chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper, printing, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. The region produces potassium and table salts, coal, and oil. In the north of the region there are the largest deposits of potassium salts in Europe. There are precious (diamonds) and semi-precious (selenite) stones, gold and platinum, chrome ores, metallurgical and cement raw materials, and carbonate raw materials. 205 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the region, and eight alluvial diamond deposits have been discovered in the north. The forest resources of the region are also significant. Profitable geographical position determines the full structure of the transport system. On the territory of the region, transcontinental railway, road and air lines intersect, there are four easternmost ports of a single deep-water system of the European part of Russia, providing access to the Northern and Southern Europe. At the same time, the region has unfavorable natural and climatic conditions for farming and food self-sufficiency. Feed production for meat and dairy farming has been developed; grain crops, potatoes and vegetables are grown. The leading branch of agriculture is livestock farming: dairy and beef cattle breeding, pig farming, poultry farming, goats and sheep are raised. Poultry farming and beekeeping are developed, and suburban farming is located around industrial centers.

The Perm region was founded on October 3, 1938. Since December 1, 2005, as a result of the merger Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, the Perm Territory was formed.

Cities and regions of the Perm region.

Cities of the Perm region: Perm, Aleksandrovsk, Berezniki, Vereshchagino, Gornozavodsk, Gremyachinsk, Gubakha, Dobryanka, Kizel, Krasnovishersk, Krasnokamsk, Kudymkar, Kungur, Lysva, Nytva, Osa, Okhansk, Ocher, Solikamsk, Usolye, Tchaikovsky, Cherdyn, Chermoz, Chernushka, Chusovoy.

Urban districts of the Perm Territory:"City of Perm"; "Bereznikovsky"; "City of Kungur"; "Kudymkarsky"; “Village Zvezdny ZATO”; "Solikamsky".

Municipal areas: Aleksandrovsky district, Bardymsky district, Berezovsky district, Bolshesosnovsky district, Vereshchaginsky district, Gainsky district, Gornozavodsky district, Gremyachinsky district, Gubakhinsky district, Dobryansky district, Elovsky district, Ilyinsky district, Karagay district, Kizelovsky district, Kishertsky district, Kosinsky district, Kochevsky district , Krasnovishersky district, Krasnokamsky district, Kudymkarsky district, Kuedinsky district, Kungursky district, Lysvensky district, Nytvensky district, Oktyabrsky district, Ordinsky district, Osinsky district, Okhansky district, Ochersky district, Permsky district, Sivinsky district, Solikamsky district, Suksunsky district, Uinsky district, Usolsky district, Chaikovsky district, Chastinsky district, Cherdynsky district, Chernushinsky district, Chusovsky district, Yurlinsky district, Yusvinsky district.

On the site of modern Perm in the 17th century there was the village of Bryukhanovka. The founding of the city is associated with the activities of V.N. Tatishchev, who in 1723 supervised the construction of the Yegoshikha copper smelter. A city grew up near the plant, which was named “Perm” (from the Finno-Ugric “per ma” - “distant land”). By decree of Catherine II of November 20, 1780, Perm became a provincial city.

At the beginning of the 19th century Perm became important shopping center. The most popular Perm product was salt, which was mined in the Perm province, in Usolye and Solikamsk. Iron, copper, and metal products from Ural factories were transported along the Chusovaya River. For a long time, the Mining Department of the Ural factories was located in Perm. In 1846, regular navigation along the Kama was opened. In 1858, at the mouth of the Danilikha River, the English citizen Gullet built a mechanical plant where river tugs were built. In 1878, the Ural Railway, which passed through Perm, was built Railway. In 1863, the Motovilikha Cannon Factory began operating in Perm, becoming one of the largest metalworking enterprises in the Urals. In 1875, the Tsar Hammer weighing 50 tons was made in Perm. For his project, metallurgist and mechanic N.V. Vorontsov (1833-1893) received the highest award at the World Industrial Exhibition in Vienna in 1873. In pre-revolutionary Perm, gymnasiums, real estate and mining schools, a theological seminary, a theater, and a scientific and industrial museum were opened. During the Great Patriotic War Many large industrial enterprises were evacuated to Perm.


The historical part of Perm is located on the elevated left bank of the Kama. Here, in the 1750-1770s, the oldest surviving buildings in Perm were built. Among them, the five-domed Peter and Paul Cathedral (1757-1764) stands out. The Cathedral of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, located on Mount Sludka, was built in 1798-1832 (the bell tower - in 1818-1832), architects L. Ruska, P. T. Vasiliev, I. I. Sviyazev took part in its design . Noteworthy are the rotunda church at the “new” cemetery (1832-1837), the Kazan Church in the pseudo-Russian style with majolica panels on the facades (1905-1907), the mosque (1902-1903), the five-domed Church of the Ascension in the neo-Russian style (1903-1910) .

The oldest civil architectural monuments of Perm are preserved in the former administrative center of the city, which occupied a plateau above the piers. These are buildings of former Office places(late 18th century), guardhouse and governor's corps. In 1796-1804, many buildings located down the Kama were built: the stone Gostiny Dvor, the city government, the treasury chamber. An architectural monument of the Classical era is the Bishop's House in the ensemble of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery (1793-1798). On the former Sibirskaya street and in Razgulay ( historical center city) there are many houses typical of the Russian style; in the old days merchants lived here. Built at the beginning of the 19th century, the Zhmaev House, also designed in the classicist style, later became the building of the City Duma. Preserved in Perm a large number of buildings of the architect Sviyazev: the Yakovlev-Meshkov house (1820s), the school for children of clerical servants (1825-1829), the seminary (1829-1831), the wooden Krylov mansion, the wooden rotunda in the former Country Garden (1824), the Noble Assembly ( 1830). The beginning of the 20th century in Perm was marked by the construction of buildings in the spirit of eclecticism and Art Nouveau style: the houses of Lyubimova and Meshkov, buildings opera house, the house of the music school, the old station building, the building of the Cyril and Methodius School (1911).

The names of many writers, scientists, and artists are associated with Perm. P. P. Bazhov, the author of “Ural Tales” and “Malachite Box”, was a graduate of the Perm Spiritual Seminary. D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, a writer of everyday life in the Urals, and A. S. Popov, the inventor of radio, also studied here. The poet V.V. Kamensky lived and worked for a long time in Perm and in the village of Trinity. The promoter of Russian art and philanthropist S. P. Diaghilev was a graduate of the Perm classical gymnasium.

During the Great Patriotic War, the writer V. A. Kaverin lived in Perm (he worked here on the novel “Two Captains”), the artist B. V. Ioganson, the ballerina G. S. Ulanova, the composer A. I. Khachaturyan (wrote in Perm score of the ballet "Gayane"). The most impressive monuments of the city are the monument to the heroes of the front and rear and the memorial complex in honor of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps. On Mount Vyshke in the Motovilikha district there is a diorama “The December Armed Uprising of 1905 in Motovilikha” and a monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution. The Motovilikha Plants museum houses the Perm Tsar Cannon, cast in 1868; its barrel weighs 2,800 pounds.

Perm is a city of musical and theatrical traditions. The Perm Opera and Ballet Theater named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, founded in 1870, was the first musical theater in the Urals. The Perm Drama Theater is famous both for its troupe and for its magnificent marble building. Most interesting museum city ​​- an Art Gallery, the beginning of which was laid by V.V. Vereshchagin, who donated several of his paintings to the Perm Scientific and Industrial Museum (later the Museum of Local Lore) in 1907. The gallery, which opened in 1922, is famous for its collection of Perm wooden sculpture. Paintings by many artists of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch and French schools of the 15th-18th centuries are exhibited here, as well as paintings by I.E. Repin, I.N. Kramskoy, A.I. Kuindzhi. Exhibitions local history museum number over 360 thousand exhibits. The pride of the exhibition is a collection of handwritten books and columns (business papers) from the 16th to 18th centuries. A collection of metal sculpture from the ancient Kama region and a collection of Ural gems are also exhibited here.

Not far from Perm, on the high bank of the Kama River, the only architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve “Khokhlovka” is located in the Urals, occupying an area of ​​42 hectares. Unique wooden buildings from the 17th to 19th centuries were transported here from the north of the region. The outskirts of Perm are interesting for their archaeological sites. On the right bank of the Kama Reservoir on the slope of Shustovaya Mountain (now located within the city of Perm) there is the Turbinsky burial ground of the 16-14 centuries BC. e., dating back to the Bronze Age. Excavations have been carried out here since 1920, more than three thousand objects have been found.

Local authorities

Perm is a municipal entity and has the status of a city district (in accordance with Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation” with subsequent amendments and additions).

The charter of the city of Perm was adopted by the decision of the Perm City Duma on March 13, 1996. In November 2005, changes were made to the Charter as part of the reform of local self-government in Russia and the new system city ​​government.

The representative body of city self-government is the Perm City Duma, consisting of 36 deputies elected by the city population in single-mandate districts for a period of five years. The elections of the current composition of the Perm City Duma of the fourth convocation took place on March 12, 2006.

The highest official of the city district is the Head of the City of Perm, elected by the population of the city for a period of five years (since March 31, 2006 - Igor Nikolaevich Shubin). The head of the city also exercises the powers of the chairman of the Perm City Duma.

The executive and administrative body of city self-government is the administration of the city of Perm, headed by the head of the administration (since May 30, 2006 - Arkady Borisovich Kats). The media usually uses the informal title “city manager” for this position. The head of the Perm city administration is appointed to the position by the Perm City Duma from among the candidates presented by the competition commission based on the results of the competition.

Management of intra-city territories is carried out by territorial bodies of the city administration - district administrations and the administration of the village of Novye Lyady. The heads of administrations of districts and the village of Novye Lyady are appointed and dismissed by the head of the administration of the city of Perm with the consent of the Perm City Duma.

To carry out municipal financial control and control over the management of municipal property, the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the city of Perm was formed. The Chamber of Control and Accounts is formed by the Perm City Duma.


Perm is the economic center of the Perm region and one of the largest economic centers in Russia. The city's economy is characterized primarily by developed heavy industry. Leading industries: electric power industry, oil and gas refining, mechanical engineering, chemistry and petrochemistry, woodworking, printing and food industry.

The head office of OJSC Territorial Generating Company No. 9 (TGK-9) is located in Perm, which includes generating facilities in the Perm Territory, Sverdlovsk Region and the Komi Republic. Directly on the territory of the city there are the Kamskaya hydroelectric power station and four thermal power plants: No. 6, No. 9, No. 13, No. 14.

In addition, the head offices of subsidiaries of the oil company LUKOIL (LUKOIL-Perm LLC and LUKOIL-Permnefteproduct LLC), as well as the gas sales company Permregiongaz and the gas distribution company Uralgazservice are located in Perm.

In mechanical engineering, a significant share is made up of enterprises of the military-industrial complex. Main products: artillery systems, aircraft engines and gas pumping installations, oilfield and mining equipment, electric and gas-powered saws, communication equipment, road construction equipment, river vessels, power tools, etc.

Chemical and petrochemical industry enterprises produce varnishes and paints, explosives, mineral fertilizers, synthetic detergents, activated carbon and other products.

The city is home to several dozen food industry enterprises (the largest are the Perm Meat Processing Plant, Permmoloko OJSC, the Kamskaya, Permskaya confectionery factories and the Perm branch of SUN Interbrew OJSC).


Perm is a major transport hub. The city occupies a particularly advantageous geographical position, as it is located in the center of the country at the intersection of the railway route from Europe to Asia (Trans-Siberian Railway) with the submeridional waterway to the five seas.

Railway transport

Perm is a major railway junction. Iron the road goes in 4 directions: Kirov - Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow, Ugleuralskaya - Solikamsk, Chusovskaya - Nizhny Tagil, Kungur - Yekaterinburg. A highway is planned from Perm to Arkhangelsk.

Many passenger trains pass through Perm, connecting the Central, North-Western, Volga-Vyatka regions of the country with the Urals, Siberia and Far East, Moscow - with the capitals of Mongolia and China, St. Petersburg - with the capital of Kazakhstan. Once a week the Ekaterinburg - Novorossiysk train passes through Perm. Daily from st. Perm II are leaving fast branded train"Kama" service Perm - Moscow and passenger train Perm - Priobye (follows through Yekaterinburg and Serov), every other day a passenger train runs Perm - Kazan, the Perm - Adler train departs twice a week, going through the cities of the Volga region and North Caucasus. In the summer, the Perm - Simferopol train is introduced, the number of departures to Adler increases, and the Yekaterinburg - Novorossiysk train becomes daily.

Air Transport

The “air gate” of Perm is Bolshoye Savino Airport, which has international status and is capable of receiving most modern aircraft.

Perm is connected by direct flights to Moscow, Anapa, Adler, Volgograd, Baku, Dushanbe, Yerevan, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Mineralnye Vody, Naryan-Mar Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Norilsk, Orenburg, Samara, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Surgut, Syktyvkar, Frankfurt am Main, Khujand and other cities.

Passenger transportation is carried out by Perm Airlines, Aeroflot-Russian Airlines, Lufthansa, S7 Airlines, Gelix, Gazpromavia, Lukoil-Avia, Aeroflot-Nord, Sky Express, Orenburg Airlines, " KD avia, UTair-Express, Tatarstan and Ural Airlines.

Currently, plans are underway to reconstruct and expand the airport terminal; increasing the number of airlines operating flights from Perm; expansion of flight geography. Perm is also home to Bakharevka Airport, from which until the early 1990s there were local flights to remote settlements in the Perm region. The airport is currently closed and there are no plans to reopen it.

Automobile transport

The federal highway Kazan - Perm - Yekaterinburg passes through Perm. (Due to the unsatisfactory condition of some sections of the highway and the lack of a bypass road in the city, a significant part of transit vehicles follows bypass routes, for example, through Votkinsk - Osu - Kukushtan). Currently, the city has road connections to neighboring Udmurtia (three), Bashkortostan (one) and the Sverdlovsk region (two, one of which also connects the city with Tyumen, and the second will become part of federal highway Perm-Tomsk). A highway has been built to the border with the Kirov region, which will become part of the St. Petersburg - Yekaterinburg federal highway. A highway is being built to Syktyvkar through the Komi-Permyak district. Put into operation in 1996 road bridge across the Chusovaya River and the Perm-Berezniki highway, which made it possible to connect with the regional center of the city of Verkhnekamya by the shortest route. In October 2005, the first stage of the Krasavinsky Bridge, a new road bridge across the Kama, was put into operation, which made it possible to relieve the city center from transit transport.

Perm is connected by buses and minibuses to many settlements of the Perm agglomeration, all centers of the administrative territories of the region, as well as Izhevsk, Votkinsk, Sarapul, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Ufa, Neftekamsk, Orenburg, Togliatti, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoufimsk, Chelyabinsk, Samara. It is planned to build a new bus station building on Lokomotivnaya Street in the area railway station Perm II.

River transport

The Kama River flowing through the city is an important link in the unified deep-water system of the European part of Russia, which in turn is connected with waterways European countries. Thus, in Perm there are the two easternmost river ports of Europe: the port of Perm and the port of Levshino. From Perm you can transport goods to the ports of the Baltic, White, Black, Azov and Caspian seas, river ports of the Great European Ring. Perm is connected by tourist routes with St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, and Astrakhan.

Urban transport

Intracity transportation is carried out by buses, trams, trolleybuses, minibuses and electric trains. Public transport appeared in Perm in 1926, when a bus service was opened between Motovilikha and the city center.

On November 7, 1929, tram service was opened (see Perm tram). First tram line began in the area of ​​​​the current Vosstaniya Square, crossed the Yegoshikha River along the old bridge and passed along Lenin Street to the intersection with Kuibyshev Street. The first tram depot was located in Razgulay. In 1930, the line from Kuibysheva Street was extended to railway station Perm-II station.

In 1960, trolleybus service was opened. The first line ran from river station along Komsomolsky Prospekt to Komsomolskaya Square.

Currently, the city has 12 trams, 12 trolleybuses and 80 bus routes, as well as 26 - minibus taxis(as of December 1, 2007).

Architecture and landmarks

The early building plan of Perm, a drawing of 1782 by the provincial land surveyor A.E. Gruber, depicts the buildings of the Yegoshikha plant with a village and the planned quarters of the provincial city. Special merit in creating the city's layout belongs to Governor K. F. Moderakh. It was he who, at the beginning of the 19th century, determined the basic principles of forming the structure of the city. Like most cities whose layout was created during that period, Perm received straight perpendicular streets and wide avenues. For fire safety purposes, the distances between houses were large. All latitudinal streets were located parallel to the Kama, and meridian ones - perpendicular. In the pre-revolutionary period, the city developed mainly along the Kama, but by the middle of the 19th century, many public buildings and houses of eminent citizens of the city were built on Sibirskaya Street. Located perpendicular to the Kama, it connected convenient access points to the river port and the Siberian Highway.

Generally historical buildings is distinguished by significant typological diversity. In 1764, the Peter and Paul Cathedral was built in Perm (Sovetskaya St., 1) - the first stone (brick) structure of the city. At the beginning and middle of the 19th century, stone buildings in the center of Perm appeared, as a rule, on the site of burnt wooden buildings. We can say that thanks to this provincial town Perm had examples of almost all architectural styles and trends that were widespread in pre-revolutionary Russia.

An excellent example of late Russian classicism is the Meshkov House (Ordzhonikidze St., 11), built in the 1820s (restored in 1885-1886). One of the most beautiful buildings in the city - Gribushin House (Lenin St., 13a). Built in 1895-1897 by the Perm architect A. B. Turchevich in the style of picturesque Art Nouveau, it is believed that this particular house is depicted in the novel “Doctor Zhivago” by B. L. Pasternak as a “house with figures.”

The state list of immovable monuments of urban planning and architecture of federal significance includes the following buildings and complexes of buildings on the territory of Perm: Theological School (1885, architect R. O. Karvovsky, Gazety Zvezda St., 18), Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium (1884-1887 gg, architect Yu. O. Dutel, Kommunisticheskaya st., 23), Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral(1798-1832, architects M. F. Kazakov, F. M. Roslyakov, P. T. Vasilyev, I. I. Sviyazev, Komsomolsky Ave., 4), Bishop's House (1793-1800, architect G. Kh. . Paulsen, Komsomolsky Ave., 6), Estate of the merchant A. G. Gavrilov (2nd half of the 19th century, architect unknown, Kuibysheva St., 6), Uspensky convent(1870s-1880s): Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (1905-1908, architect Yu. Skavronsky, Plekhanov St., 39), Cyril and Methodius School (1910, architect V. A. Kendrzhinsky, st. . Pushkina, 76), Governor's House (late 18th century, architect G. H. Paulsen, Sibirskaya St., 27), Rotunda in the city garden (1824, architect I. I. Sviyazev, Sibirskaya St., 41), Cathedral Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (1757-1764, architect unknown, Sovetskaya St., 1), Church of All Saints (1826-1832, architect I. I. Sviyazev, Tikhaya St., 23).

The state list of monuments of monumental art of federal significance includes the monument to V. I. Lenin in Komsomolsky Square (1955, sculptor G. V. Neroda, architect I. G. Taraev).

September 11, 2006 on Lenin Street in front of organ hall The sculpture “The Legend of the Perm Bear” was unveiled. The author of the monument is Vladimir Pavlenko, a monumental sculptor from Nizhny Tagil. The monument is made of artificial stone and covers an area of ​​about 3.5 m². The weight of the bear is 2.5 tons, the base of the monument is 1 ton. The opening of the sculpture was the beginning of a number of cultural events within the framework of the Perm - cultural capital Volga region - 2006".

Education and science

Perm - large science Center, where a number of institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dozens of research and design institutes, seven higher educational institutions conducting various scientific research on applied and fundamental topics are concentrated. Some scientific organizations are united into the Perm Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Its core consists of the Institute of Continuum Mechanics and the Institute of Technical Chemistry.

In Perm there are 13 independent higher educational institutions and more than 40 branches of Moscow and St. Petersburg higher educational institutions:

Also in Perm there are the Perm branch of the International Institute of Economics and Law, the Perm branch of the State University - Higher School of Economics, and the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

The city has 20 secondary specialized educational institutions (10 technical schools and 10 colleges), and about 30 vocational schools. One of the most famous educational institutions in the Kama region in Russia is the Perm State Choreographic School.

There are 132 secondary schools in Perm, of which: 10 gymnasiums, 10 lyceums, 1 cadet school, 20 schools with in-depth study of subjects, 2 general education boarding schools. There are also 1 primary school, 3 basic secondary schools, 4 evening (shift) secondary schools, 4 open (shift) secondary schools, 1 education center. The total number of students is 94,112 people.

There are three state archives in Perm:

  • The State Archives of the Perm Region, which stores funds with documents on the history of the Perm province and the Perm region.
  • The State Socio-Political Archive of the Perm Region - the basis of its funds are documents on the activities of political parties and government bodies of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.
  • The State Archive for Political Repressions of the Perm Region contains funds with files of citizens repressed during the Soviet years.
  • There is also a city archive in Perm, founded in 1993.

Culture and entertainment

The cultural potential of the city consists of 4 state theatres, 2 municipal theatres, amateur theatres, a philharmonic society, museums, libraries, cinemas, a circus and other institutions.

Cinema and music

The first cinema in Perm, Illusion, was opened back in 1886. Now there are 9 cinemas in the city, and the first in the city and east of the Urals IMAX cinema - "Crystal".


Exhibitions contemporary art held in several galleries in the city. The most famous venue is the Central Exhibition Hall. In addition to it, there is the House of Artists, the Soyuz-Art, Maris-Art and Green-Art galleries. The works of the authors exhibited in the city can be viewed in the Perm open online gallery.


The city's most famous museum is the Perm Art Gallery, which houses a world-famous collection of Perm wooden sculpture. The gallery is also one of the richest repositories in Russia of masterpieces of Russian icon painting (a collection of “Stroganov” icons), works of painting (genuine Repin, Levitan, Savrasov, Serov). Also in Perm there is the Perm Regional Museum and a number of its branches: Memorial House-Museum “Underground Printing House”, Museum-Diorama on Vyshke-1, Memorial House-Museum of N. G. Slavyanov. Also interesting are the exhibitions of the Motovilikha Plants Museum, the Museum of the History of Perm state university, Museum of Paleontology and Historical Geology named after B.K. Polenov, Museum of Theater Puppets at the Perm Puppet Theater and others.


There are 4 state theaters in the city (Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Perm Academic Drama Theater, Perm Theater for Young Spectators, Perm Puppet Theater), there are also municipal and amateur theaters. The most famous of them are the theaters “At the Bridge”, “Ballet of Evgeniy Panfilov”, “Harlequin”, “New Drama”, “Youth Puppet Theater”, etc.

The largest Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was founded on November 24, 1870. The first performance was the opera “A Life for the Tsar” by M. I. Glinka. The First Theater of Perm is unique in that it is the only one in the world to stage all of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s operas. The Perm ballet is considered one of the best in Russia, and is appreciated by critics right after the Bolshoi and Mariinsky. The theater troupe (more than 600 people) actively tours in countries Western Europe And North America: ballet troupe under the brand name “Tchaikovsky Ballet”, opera company - “Tchaikovsky Theater”.

Book publishing

Book publishing in Perm is represented primarily by the Perm Book Publishing House. In addition to it, there are the state “Perm Book”, cooperative and private ones - “Kapik”, “Zakamskaya Storona”, “Book World”, “Pushka”, “Bilingua”, “Yuryatin”, “Kursiv”, “Mamontov”, “Zebra” , “Printing house of merchant Tarasov”, “Star”, etc.


On January 4, 1836, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first public library in Perm and the Urals was opened in the building of the school for children of clerical workers. By the beginning of the 20th century, according to contemporaries, the library had become one of the best provincial libraries in Russia. IN modern Russia Perm Regional Library named after. A.M. Gorky, remains one of the largest information centers, contains about 4 million documents, including books, periodicals, notes, maps, visual materials, video and audio cassettes, CDs, DVDs, electronic databases, etc. .

The city also has a city library named after A.S. Pushkin, children's library named after B.S. Zhitkova.


The Perm healthcare system includes 43 municipal healthcare institutions. The city’s municipal healthcare institutions employ 5,463 doctors and 8,360 paramedics. medical workers. In 2005, inpatient medical care was provided on 8,800 round-the-clock beds and 922 day-care beds. To provide emergency medical care, there is a city emergency medical service; 77 medical teams work around the clock, of which 37 are specialized.

One of the largest medical institutions in the city is the Heart Institute, a branch of the National Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS, specializing in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.


Like most major cities, Perm has a developed sports infrastructure, including:

  • stadiums and sport complexes: “Avangard”, “Dzerzhinets”, “Dynamo”, “Zvezda”, “Hippodrome”, “Cable Guy”, “Kama”, “Molniya”, “Hammer”, “Neftyanik”, “Eaglet”, “Prikamye”, “ Ural", "Energy", "Youth of Russia", "Youth";
  • swimming pools: “BM”, “Kama”, “Olympia”, “Chaika”;
  • ski resorts: “Dynamo”, “Molot”, “Prikamye”;
  • Hippodrome riding school.

In the Perm region and Perm, team sports are actively developing. Permsky is especially popular in the city. football club Amkar is one of the strongest clubs in the country. A graduate of the Perm Sports School "Zvezda" Konstantin Zyryanov was named the best player in the country in 2007. No less popular is the Ural Great basketball club, one of the strongest clubs in the Super League A of the Russian Championship. In 2001 and 2002, the Perm club became the champion of Russia and in 2004 the winner of the Russian Cup. This is the only Russian club that interrupted the winning streak of PBC CSKA. The city has a strong hockey team; Molot-Prikamye plays in the Russian Championship in the Major League. The handball team “Perm Bears” also performs successfully in the major league. Women's football is also actively developing in the Kama region. Perm "Zvezda-2005" in 2007 became the Russian Football Champion among women's teams. Traditionally, representatives of Perm achieve high results at the world and Russian level in badminton, basketball, running, biathlon, boxing, handball, judo, cross-country skiing, table tennis, open water swimming, sambo, luge, orienteering, figure skating, football, hockey, rhythmic gymnastics, chess, rock climbing, mountaineering, ice climbing, as well as in new sports for Russia - arm wrestling, karate-keokushinkai, skateboarding.

It is one of the leading regions of the Russian Federation. On its territory there are the largest enterprises for the production of potassium salts and chemical products. The city-forming areas are machine-building and metallurgical plants, pulp and paper factories. All of them are actively developing and providing jobs. The cities in this region are not alike. Some of them are large industrial centers, for example Berezniki and Solikamsk, while others are in an economically depressed state.

General characteristics of the Perm region

The Perm region is located in the European part of Russia and is part of the Volga Federal District. Its area is approximately 160 thousand square meters. m. After the referendum in 2003, the Perm region and Komi-Permyak autonomous region merged into the Perm region. About 3 million people of different nationalities and religions live here. The territory of the Perm Territory is divided into 35 districts. In addition to the administrative center of Perm, there are 25 more cities and 45 urban-type settlements in this region. All of them have important industrial and agricultural significance. Largest cities are Berezniki, Krasnokamsk, Solikamsk, Chusovoy, Lysva. Postal code of the Perm region and the city of Perm is 614000.


The administrative center of the Perm region is Perm. This is a million-plus city. Its population has already reached 1,026,477 people. The Perm region has become home to representatives of many nationalities, but the vast majority of residents are Russians. The city of Perm is located on the Kama River. This is a large and diversified scientific, logistics, industrial and Cultural Center Ural. The city itself was founded in 1723. During the years of the Soviet Union, in the post-war period, it was renamed Molotov.

Perm has always been important and large transport hub. In 1876, the first railway in the Urals and throughout Siberia passed through this city. This undoubtedly influenced the development of the entire region as a whole. By the way, the first university in the Urals was also opened in Perm. The map of the Perm region contains information about more than 130 archaeological sites. This territory has been inhabited by people since ancient times. In the 17th century, these lands belonged to the famous merchants Stroganov. The very first documented information about settlements in these territories is found in the census books of Prokopiy Elizarov and they date back to 1647. Currently, Perm is one of the largest economic and industrial centers in Russia. It is one of the ten cities with the best business climate. Every year the quality of life improves here, new housing is built, and jobs are created.


The Perm region is rich in deposits of potassium salts. They are actively mined at enterprises in the city of Berezniki. Its area is 431 sq. km. This is the second largest industrial center of the region. Berezniki has the status of an urban district. About 151 thousand people live here, but, unfortunately, due to the unfavorable housing situation, as well as the appearance of sinkholes almost near city houses, the population is falling. The city is located on the banks of the Kama. It is located 180 km from Perm along the highway, and 208 km by water. In the 80s of the last century, the ancient small town of Usolye was annexed to Berezniki. There is historical places and cultural monuments. Berezniki is distinguished by a large concentration of industrial potential. Heavy industry has received special development here. The economy of the urban district contains just over 13% of the main industrial and production assets of the entire region. The share of the chemical complex is allocated 87%. But there is practically no production of consumer goods here, and mechanical engineering is also not developed. The main problem of the city is dilapidated housing. Due to the formation of sinkholes, many houses have become uninhabitable. But in general, Berezniki has great development potential.


The city of Krasnokamsk is the administrative center of the municipal district. It received the status of an urban settlement. The population as of 2014 is 53,697 people. The city is located on the banks of the Kama. The distance to Perm is approximately 35 km along the highway. The city is connected to the regional center by railway and waterways. The Perm region is a center for the production of pulp and paper products. The Goznak factory is located in Krasnokamsk. This enterprise is a leading one in Russia; it specializes in the production of valuable, printed, drawing and documentary types of papers. - pulp and paper mill. It produces school notebooks, albums, printing and writing paper. Krasnokamsk produces the widest range of paper intended for offset printing. It meets all standards of both Russia and Europe. In addition, the city has established the production of metal mesh made from synthetic fibers.

Perm region, Solikamsk

The city of Solikamsk is the administrative center of the district. It is the third largest in size. It is located near the left tributaries of the Kama - the Borovaya and Usolka rivers. The distance to Perm is 202 km by road and 370 km by railway. The port of Solikamsk is located here, just 30 km from the city of Berezniki. It occupies an area of ​​166 square meters. km.

Solikamsk is of great industrial importance for the entire region. Active mining of potassium salts is carried out here. This is the second economic center in the Bereznikovo-Solikamsky industrial region. This territory is a single whole. Berezniki and Solikamsk closely interact with each other. According to some plans for the development of these cities, their unification is planned in the coming decades. Solikamsk is also famous among the criminal elements of our population; the notorious White Swan prison is located here for


Gubakha is the administrative center of the urban district. It is located in the center of the Kizelovsky coal basin. The distance to Perm is 219 km along the highway. The Chusovaya-Solikamsk railway line runs through Gubakha. Within the city limits, the land area is 4297 hectares. Of these, 1,648 hectares are built up; 195 hectares are allocated for parks, squares and other green spaces. The length of city streets is 102 km. According to 2014 data, the population is 21,658 people. The city is known for the fact that there are karst phenomena on its territory. These are primarily caves and caves. Like other cities in the Perm region, Gubakha is famous for its industrial production. The largest city-forming enterprise is OJSC Metafrax. It is engaged in the production of chemicals. These are formaldehyde, methanol, pentaerythritol, methenamine, urea-formaldehyde resins, process oxygen, etc. There is another large enterprise in the city - the Gubakhinsky Coke Plant. It produces products such as coal varnish, coke, tar, benzene and much more.


The administrative center of the Kungur region is the city of Kungur. The Perm region is rich in various monuments cultural heritage, as well as unique natural places. One of them, ice caves, is located right here. Kungur has the status of an urban district. He is historical city Russia. He received this title in 1970. Distance to Perm - 90 km. The population according to 2014 data is about 67 thousand people. The area of ​​the city is 69 square meters. km.


This administrative center Lysvensky urban district. It is located east of Perm. Distance to regional center- 86 km along the highway. The area of ​​the city is 26 square meters. km. According to 2014 data, the population is 64 thousand people. The city was built on the banks of the Lysva River. This area is an incised deep valley. The Chusovoy-Kuzino railway line runs through the city. Like many cities in the Perm region, Lysva is famous for its industrial enterprises. Metalworking and mechanical engineering are developed here. The city's enterprises also produce building materials. Agriculture is also developed here.

Perm region, Kizel

This is the administrative center of the Kizelovsky municipal district. Population - 21 thousand people. Several are subordinate to the city settlements. Kizel area - 75.82 sq. km. In total there are no more than 3 square meters of houses. km. The distance to Perm is 244 km along the highway. The city is a station railway line"Chusovaya-Solikamsk". It is located in the western part of the foothills of the Middle Urals. The city got its name thanks to the Kizel River, on which it is located. Once upon a time there were coal mining enterprises here. Now the area is in an industrially depressed state. The population is employed in the public sector.

Perm region - part of Russia

The vast expanses of Russia are vast. Almost in the center of it is our small homeland, the place where we live - the Perm Territory.

It is part of the Volga Federal District.

Previously, the region was called the Perm region, which was formed on October 3, 1938.

On May 26, 1967, the Perm region was awarded the highest government award of that time for its labor in the field of economy and cultural construction - Order of Lenin.

The Perm region was formed December 1, 2005 as a result of the unification of the region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug in accordance with the results of the referendum held on December 7, 2003.

The regional center is the city of Perm.

Where did the word "Perm" come from?

Many scientists have struggled with this riddle. But to this day there is no definitive answer to this question. The Perm land tightly guards its secrets.

Our region is often called the beautiful word “PARMA”, which translated from the Komi language means “HIGH TERRAIN COVERED WITH SPUR FOREST”. Indeed, the land on which we live is famous for its forests. So, maybe the name “Perm” is a modified “Parma”? But here too there are continuous contradictions. Indeed, in ancient Russian chronicles our area was called not Parma the Great, but Perm the Great.

Many scientists believe that the word “Perm” is a foreigner for our places, and it came to us from the language of the Vepsians, the people who lived between Lakes Onega and Lake Ladoga. For them, the territory of our region was “pera ma” - the distant back land. In the Baltic-Finnish languages ​​these lands were called "pera maa". The name was adopted by the Novgorodians, who conducted active trade with the peoples of the northeastern European part of Rus'. It was they who called the peoples of the “distant land” Permins, the area “Perem”, and later, since this was a very large territory, they gave it the name Perm the Great.”

The inhabitants of our region are called Permyaks (Permyak, Permyachka).

The Perm region is located on the eastern edge of the Russian Plain (80% of its territory) and on the western slopes of the Middle and Northern Urals, at the junction of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia (approximately 99.8% of the area is located in Europe, 0.2% in Asia ). Geographically, it belongs to the Western Urals.

The area of ​​our region is 160,600 km 2, which is approximately 1% of the country's area, and is shaped like a quadrangle, stretching from north to south for 645 km and from west to east for 417.5 km.

The area of ​​the Kama region is much larger than Russia's neighboring states, such as Latvia, Georgia, and Armenia. Several Western European countries, such as Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, could easily accommodate on the territory of our region.

The borders of the Perm region are very winding and have a length of more than 2.2 thousand. km.

The region borders on two regions and three republics: in the north - the Komi Republic, in the east - with Sverdlovsk region, in the south - with Bashkortostan, in the west - with Udmurtia and the Kirov region.

Our region is very conveniently located.

The high-water beauty Kama connects it with many regions of the country, through a system of canals providing access by water to the five European seas - the Caspian, White, Black, Azov and Baltic.

The Perm region is often called Prikamye, or more correctly - Perm Prikamye. This means "the land lying near the Kama River."

The main face of the region is governor. He is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The creation of laws of the Perm region is ensured Legislative Assembly. It consists of deputies who are elected for five years.

Responsible for the implementation of laws and development of the region Government of the Perm region, which reports to the governor.

Each country, region, region, city has its own official symbols. Such symbols include the coat of arms, flag and anthem. They are also found in the Perm region.

Coat of arms- a sign that is depicted on flags, coins, seals, and documents. The word “coat of arms” itself is very ancient. In some languages ​​of the Slavic peoples it is translated as “inheritance”. Our coat of arms is very ancient. This is the real heritage of our ancestors.

The long-time inhabitants of the Perm land, our ancestors, were very close to the nature that surrounded them. They worshiped animals, respecting their intelligence and strength. One of the most revered animals was the bear, the owner of the forest. Hunters wore its fangs and claws as an amulet, and its paws, nailed to the hut, according to the owners, protected it from all troubles and adversity. In honor of the owner of the taiga, fairy tales and songs, legends and traditions were composed, and special rituals were performed. Archaeological scientists still find many stone and bronze images of this animal during excavations.

In 1577, on the Great State Seal of Ivan the Terrible, among the coat of arms of other lands that were part of the Moscow State, the “Perm Seal” appears, and on it is a figure of a bear. The meaning of the bear figure on the coat of arms can be explained as follows: the silver bear is a symbol natural resources regions containing many metals, salts, shiny diamonds, marbles and other stones, as well as forests with wild animals.

About a hundred years passed, and the “Perm Seal” became the coat of arms of Perm the Great, only on the back of a walking bear they began to depict the Gospel - a book about Jesus Christ - with a cross on top. The historical description of the coat of arms reads: "The coat of arms of the Perm region is an image of a silver bear walking to the right, placed on a scarlet (red) heraldic shield; on its back is the Gospel in a gold frame with the image of an eight-pointed cross. The Gospel is crowned with a silver widened cross, concave at the ends. The shield is crowned with a princely crown."

Flag- a cloth of a certain color with the distinctive signs of the state or region. It depicts the distinctive sign of the region - the coat of arms.

The flag of the Perm Territory is a rectangular panel divided by a white cross into four equal-sized rectangles: red, azure (blue) in the upper part, azure (blue) and red in the lower part. B The white cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of Russia.

The same colors - white, blue, red - are on the flag of our country Russia. Only they are located differently, from top to bottom.

Since ancient times, the color blue has symbolized beauty, softness and human warmth. It reminds us of the full-flowing beauty Kama, which flows through the entire region, numerous rivers and lakes of the region. The blue color on our flag also reflected history: under the blue banners, the warriors of Ermak’s squad went to explore Siberia.

The color red is a symbol of the strength and courage of our fellow countrymen, who are capable of defending their Motherland with their breasts, who have proven their fearlessness in battles.

White is the color of purity of relationships, goodness and peace. In the flag it reflects the peaceful life and purity of thoughts of the inhabitants of the region.

Hymn- a solemn song. The anthem of the Perm region is considered to be the song “My Perm region” (unofficially).

The premiere of the song “My Perm Region” took place during the youth marathon of the same name, organized by the Youth Policy Committee of the Perm Region, the Youth Palace of the Perm Region and its regional production center in late November - early December 2003 in eight cities of the Perm Region. The song was everywhere accompanied by a positive reaction from the audience and did not cause a single negative review.

My Perm region

Hundreds of years of sunshine

Warms with hope and warmth

Our native Perm region,

Long history vol.

Cities evening lights,

Reflection of the moon in Kama

The centuries-old pine trees are silent,

Subsoil of the Kama region

They will reveal their secrets to us

My Perm region!

You and I have everything ahead

given by fate

We can walk together hand in hand.

Gray-haired Ural!

You are with us young

became today.

My Perm region -

Where does the dawn begin?

My Perm region,

My Perm region!

High in the sky

We have found a guiding star.

Two lands, two destinies

Combining into one again!

So that the wealth of the Perm land

Together we were able to increase

And enter into a bright tomorrow,

Bridges will grow for centuries,

And they will connect the shores.

My Perm region!

You and I have everything ahead

given by fate

We can walk together hand in hand.

Gray-haired Ural!

You are with us young

became today.

My Perm region -

Where does the dawn begin?

My Perm region,

May God keep you from troubles!

Today, tomorrow and always you prosper,

My Perm region!

Currently, the population of the Perm region is about 2.7 million people(2,708,419 people as of January 1, 2009). Almost 75% of the population lives in cities and towns. The largest cities in terms of population are Perm, Berezniki, and Solikamsk.

In Prikamye there live about 80 nationalities. The majority of residents are Russians (about 85%). In addition to the Russians, indigenous peoples live in the Perm region - the Komi-Permyaks, who settled here in ancient times (5.7%); Tatars (4.85%); Bashkirs; Udmurts; as well as the Mari; Chuvash; Ukrainians and people of other nationalities. But they all live in harmony and work together for the benefit of the greater Perm region.

The majority of the population are blue-collar workers, and agricultural workers make up less than 5%. The Perm region is developing as an industrial region.

Our region is rich and amazing. It pleases with the beauty of the Ural nature, the generosity of the earth's bowels, the scope of the river expanses, and the achievements of people. Residents of the Kama region are rightfully proud of their homeland - Perm region!

In my native land

How nice it is to be in your native land!

You are the happiest person in the world.

In the gardens the starlings sing to you,

The free wind is your friend,

Sunny little hare in spring

He bursts into your window.

How many wild berries are there?

You'll put it together in a basket this summer!

In the fragrant hive there is sweet honey

A bee has been saving for you all summer.

Celebrates the New Year with you

Your forest guest is the Christmas tree!

They are waiting for you in your beloved land

Hiking, games and science,

And they take care of your every step

His caring hands!

E. Trutneva

We continue the story about Russian cities, big and not so big. Russia is famous not only for its megacities and tourist routes often shift towards the “outback”, provincial towns and also to cities - new recruits, according to the number of residents who have exceeded a million.

So, what should we know about Perm?

Firstly, this is one of the most long cities Russia, only Volgograd is longer than Perm. Founded in 1723 as a settlement during the construction of a copper smelter in the Urals.

Secondly, Perm is the third largest city in Russia, located along the banks of the wide Kama River for 70 km. In terms of length, Perm is second only to St. Petersburg and Sochi. The tourist part of the city is located on the left bank of the river - this is how it happened historically. The residents themselves call it the “southern” coast. The Kama River itself is the left and largest tributary of the Volga River.

Perm confidently stands on the Kama - this is already clear. I would like to draw your attention to some interesting scientific thoughts. Half a thousand kilometers from Perm, the Kama flows into the Kuibyshev Reservoir, in fact into the Volga.

But there is a completely scientific version that it is not the Kama that flows into the Volga, but quite the opposite.

True, for the query “The Volga flows into the Kama,” Yandex offers the replacement “The Volga falls into a coma,” but this is not reflected in the scientific facts. Be that as it may, Perm is a large river port on the deep Kama.

You can ride along the Kama River water bus within the city or go to more remote places: cruise ships go from Perm to St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don and Astrakhan.

In general, everything is in order with water in Perm: in addition to the Kama itself, more than 300 rivers and streams flow through the urban area (Chusovaya, Sylva, Mulyanka, Gaiva, etc.). There are even city lakes. And its own sea, Kama. It begins immediately behind the Kama Hydroelectric Power Station dam on the northern border of the city. All this creates not only pleasant views and opportunities for relaxation, but also increased air humidity.

There is no central square in Perm. But there are two historically main streets: Komsomolsky Prospekt and Lenin Street, the local analogue of Tverskaya. They are the main streets of the city, on which all cultural, commercial and social life is concentrated.

Komsomolsky Prospekt
Lenin Street

Among the main attractions of the city: Spaso - Transfiguration Cathedral, known to most Perm residents as Art Gallery. The art presented here ends in the twentieth century. 21st century art begins outside the former cathedral, right in the streets. In Perm, in recent years, a “cultural revolution” has taken place under the leadership of the governor of the Perm region (former since the spring of 2012) and the regional minister of culture and Marat Gelman. No matter how the townspeople feel about the revolutionary activities, culture as the main brand has already firmly stuck to the image of Perm. There are a lot of festivals and exhibitions held here.

In terms of creativity in Perm in general, as it turned out, there are a lot of all kinds of installations. Here, on the boulevard leading to the station, there is a monument to the dung beetle.

And here is the famous “Perm Gate” - a huge letter P, turned to all sides of the world, assembled from logs.

A very unusual monument to the photographer. “Permyak salty ears” consists of two free-standing figures - a photographer with an old plate camera and an oval frame with the ears themselves. Any passerby can insert his face into the frame and take a photo, as it were, in the image of a “Permyak salty ears.” Well, or, if there is no one to photograph him, imagine that a bronze photographer is doing it.

photo by Vitaly Ragulin

I also liked this gray and unusual building; looking at this house, I involuntarily remember Hitchcock.

I also recommend everyone to visit the Perm Museum of Wooden Architecture Khokhlovka. It’s a very worthy museum, although in terms of exhibits it is inferior to the Irkutsk Taltsy and other museums, but it has a huge plus: a good location. The museum is located on a high, picturesque hill near the very shore of the Kama Reservoir. On the territory there is a field, a forest, and an embankment.

And also, for connoisseurs and history buffs, there is a direct route to the “helmet museum”. During the Great Patriotic War, the Lysvensky Metallurgical Plant was the only enterprise in the USSR producing steel soldier helmets. The soldier's helmet has become a symbol of the victorious warrior.

The following photographs, taken by different photographers, are dedicated to lovers of nature and stunning landscapes. The pictures show the nature of the Perm region:

70 kilometers from Perm is the Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery, located on the edge of Mount Belaya (Ural Mountains)

1 What to bring from Perm?

Going to the Perm region, many travelers wonder what unusual souvenir they can bring as a souvenir. Let us remember that the symbol of Perm is the bear. Therefore, in most stores you can find a huge number of souvenirs with images of forest animals. A sculpture monument was erected especially for foreigners: “The Legend of the Perm Bear”. It depicts a walking bear (a symbol depicted on the city's coat of arms). According to the authors of the project, the idea of ​​the monument is connected with the idea of ​​foreigners that “bears must walk along the streets of the Ural cities.” The sculpture is located in the central part of the city.

Stop, that’s not it) - this bear is real - there are many of them there - in the Perm region. And here is our sculpture:

Particularly popular among tourists is the so-called “Permyak Passport”, which is both a symbiosis of a guidebook and a comic ID. It can be found on the shelves of almost everyone local store or a souvenir shop.

At the Perm confectionery factory you can buy a set of gift sweets. Since it is also important to present a gift beautifully, you can purchase a branded bag with the inscription “Happiness in candy wrappers” for a box of chocolates.

Finishing the article, some more recent photographs of the city taken in March 2015:

Feodosevskaya Church

Opera and Ballet Theater named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky

Microdistrict Center II

Square of the Ural Volunteers. Behind it you can see the house where the infamous Lame Horse club was located. On December 5, 2009, it suffered the largest fire in post-Soviet Russia in terms of the number of victims, resulting in the death of 156 people. Uralskaya Street
Yegoshikha Cemetery

The article uses materials from the Gelio Vostok website

Gelio Vostok is a publishing house that deals with high-altitude photography of cities, and also specializes in the production of corporate photo albums and gift books about regions, large companies and industrial enterprises.

Over the years of work, the geography of projects has included objects in the territory from the USA to Kamchatka. Today, photographs of the company can be found almost everywhere: from souvenirs and printed publications to presentations in the Government of the Russian Federation. Gelio Vostok's publishing projects in Russian cities have become bestsellers, and among corporate clients appeared largest companies and holdings of the country.

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